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Link Opener for

GitHub release (latest by date) GitHub

Running Locally

1. Create a new Slack App

  • Go to
  • Click Create New App
  • Choose From scratch
  • Enter App name and select a workspace
  • Click Create App

Once the app is created scroll down in Basic Info and copy Signing Secret.

Next, move to "Features > OAuth & Permissions", and add "chat:write" permission in Bot Token Scope. Then display "OAuth Tokens for Your Workspace", and copy Bot User OAuth Token.

2. Create a new Notion integration

Once the integration is created, copy to "Internal Integration Token"

3. Setup environment variables

# Replace with your bot and app token
export SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET=<your-slack-app-signing-secret> # from the Slack App Basic Info App Token section
export SLACK_BOT_TOKEN=<your-slack-app-bot-token> # from the Slack App OAuth section
export NOTION_TOKEN=<your-notion-token> # from Notion Integration token section

4. Setup your local project

# Clone this project onto your machine
git clone
# Change into the project
cd notion-opener/
# Install the dependencies
yarn install

5. Start servers

yarn build && yarn start

6. Publish app port by ngrok

exec ngrok the other window, then copy to displayed hostname

ngrok http 3000

7. Setup Event Subscriptions

  • Go to Slack App setting page
  • Move to "Event Subscriptions"
  • Toggle "Enable Events" off to on
  • Enter <ngrok-https-host>/slack/events to "Request URL"
  • Click Save Changes

8. Test

Go to the installed workspace and enter notion url in a DM to your new bot. You can also type Hello in a channel where the bot is present

How to Deploy

Deploy to

Click below "Deploy to Heroku" button, then show a form to create Heroku App. In advance, do "1. Create a new Slack App" & "2. Create a new Notion Intergration".


After that, enter <heroku-app-host>/slack/events to`"Event Subscriptions > Request URL", and submit.


Found a bug or have a question about this project? We'd love to hear from you!

  1. Browse to
  2. If there are no duplicates, create a new issue

Special Thanks