This crawler collects Japanese word and 仮名 (kana) and
stores to Redis.
Each executor of this scheduler runs on Apache Mesos,
so we can scale up them.
This scheduler consists of two executor, the one is
a crawler that identifies all the hyperlinks in the page and
transimits them to the Redis,
the other one is a extractor that checks the given URL
for the presence of prepared matching functions (for now,
mathing functions are hard-coded in Python file).
Redis manages collected words and visited URL.
- Apache Mesos 0.22.0
- Scala 2.11
- sbt 0.13.7
- Python 2.7
- bs4
- redis
We need to prepare neologd-crawler/src/main/resources/application.conf
is like as follows.
taku_k {
home = "/home/vagrant/hostfiles/neologd-crawler"
mesos {
master = ""
redis {
host = "localhost"
port = "6379"
Now we can run a crawler the following command:
$ sbt "run http://<seed-URL>"
If you don't need to obtain words which already have been recorded
in the mecab-ipadic-NEologd
, you must add words list to redis.
We prepare utility script.
$ ./bin/
$ ./python/