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WIP: eio_posix: use directory FDs instead of realpath
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realpath was an old hack from the libuv days.
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talex5 committed Feb 12, 2024
1 parent 8b3f831 commit 3674323
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45 changes: 30 additions & 15 deletions lib_eio_posix/
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(* This module provides (optional) sandboxing, allowing operations to be restricted to a subtree.
For now, sandboxed directories use realpath and [O_NOFOLLOW], which is probably quite slow,
and requires duplicating a load of path lookup logic from the kernel.
It might be better to hold a directory FD rather than a path.
On FreeBSD we could use O_RESOLVE_BENEATH and let the OS handle everything for us.
On other systems we would have to resolve one path component at a time. *)
On FreeBSD we use O_RESOLVE_BENEATH and let the OS handle everything for us.
On other systems we resolve one path component at a time. *)

open Eio.Std

module Fd = Eio_unix.Fd

type dir_fd =
| FD of Fd.t
| Cwd (* Confined to "." *)
| Fs (* Unconfined "."; also allows absolute paths *)

let openat ~sw ~mode fd path flags =
match fd with
| Fs -> Low_level.openat ~sw ~mode path flags
| Cwd -> Low_level.open_beneath ~sw ~mode ?dirfd:None path flags
| FD dirfd -> Low_level.open_beneath ~sw ~mode ~dirfd path flags
with Unix.Unix_error (code, name, arg) ->
raise (Err.wrap code name arg)

module rec Dir : sig
include Eio.Fs.Pi.DIR

val v : label:string -> sandbox:bool -> string -> t
val v : label:string -> path:string -> dir_fd -> t

val resolve : t -> string -> string
(** [resolve t path] returns the real path that should be used to access [path].
Expand All @@ -44,8 +55,9 @@ module rec Dir : sig
For sandboxes, it opens the parent of [path] as [dir_fd] and runs [fn (Some dir_fd) (basename path)]. *)
end = struct
type t = {
fd : dir_fd;
dir_path : string;
sandbox : bool;
sandbox : bool; (* XXX *)
label : string;
mutable closed : bool;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -76,13 +88,12 @@ end = struct
if leaf = ".." then path, "."
else dir, leaf
let dir = resolve t dir in ~name:"with_parent_dir" @@ fun sw ->
let dirfd = Low_level.openat ~sw ~mode:0 dir Low_level.Open_flags.(directory + rdonly + nofollow) in
let dirfd = openat ~sw ~mode:0 t.fd dir Low_level.Open_flags.(directory + rdonly + nofollow) in
fn (Some dirfd) leaf
) else fn None path

let v ~label ~sandbox dir_path = { dir_path; sandbox; label; closed = false }
let v ~label ~path:dir_path fd = { fd; dir_path; sandbox = fd <> Fs; label; closed = false }

(* Sandboxes use [O_NOFOLLOW] when opening files ([resolve] already removed any symlinks).
This avoids a race where symlink might be added after [realpath] returns. *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -165,10 +176,14 @@ end = struct
let close t = t.closed <- true

let open_dir t ~sw path =
Switch.check sw;
let o_path = Option.value Low_level.Open_flags.path ~default:Low_level.Open_flags.empty in
let fd = openat ~sw t.fd (if path = "" then "." else path) ~mode:0 Low_level.Open_flags.(o_path + directory) in
let label = Filename.basename path in
let d = v ~label (resolve t path) ~sandbox:true in
Switch.on_release sw (fun () -> close d);
let full_path =
if Filename.is_relative path then Filename.concat t.dir_path path else path
let d = v ~label ~path:full_path (FD fd) in
Switch.on_release sw (fun () -> close d); (* XXX *)
Eio.Resource.T (d, Handler.v)

let pp f t = Fmt.string f (String.escaped t.label)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -209,5 +224,5 @@ end = struct

(* Full access to the filesystem. *)
let fs = Eio.Resource.T (Dir.v ~label:"fs" ~sandbox:false ".", Handler.v)
let cwd = Eio.Resource.T (Dir.v ~label:"cwd" ~sandbox:true ".", Handler.v)
let fs = Eio.Resource.T (Dir.v ~label:"fs" ~path:"." Fs, Handler.v)
let cwd = Eio.Resource.T (Dir.v ~label:"cwd" ~path:"." Cwd, Handler.v)
114 changes: 103 additions & 11 deletions lib_eio_posix/
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Expand Up @@ -201,12 +201,104 @@ let rec with_dirfd op dirfd fn =

external eio_openat : Unix.file_descr -> string -> Open_flags.t -> int -> Unix.file_descr = "caml_eio_posix_openat"

let openat ?dirfd ~sw ~mode path flags =
let openat_raw ~sw ~mode dirfd path flags =
with_dirfd "openat" dirfd @@ fun dirfd ->
Switch.check sw;
in_worker_thread "openat" (fun () -> eio_openat dirfd path Open_flags.(flags + cloexec + nonblock) mode)
eio_openat dirfd path Open_flags.(flags + cloexec + nonblock) mode
|> Fd.of_unix ~sw ~blocking:false ~close_unix:true

let openat ?dirfd ~sw ~mode path flags =
Switch.check sw;
in_worker_thread "openat" (fun () -> openat_raw ~sw dirfd path flags ~mode)

module Resolve = struct
type dir_stack =
| Base of Fd.t option (* None if cwd *)
| Tmp of Fd.t * dir_stack

type resolve_state = {
sw : Switch.t; (* Temporary switch for [dir_stack] *)
mutable path : Path.Rel.t; (* Components still to process *)
mutable dir_stack : dir_stack; (* Directories already opened, for ".." *)
mutable max_follows : int;

let current_base state =
match state.dir_stack with
| Base b -> b
| Tmp (x, _) -> Some x

let parse_rel s =
match Path.parse s with
| Relative r -> r
| Absolute _ -> raise @@ Eio.Fs.err (Eio.Fs.Permission_denied (Err.Absolute_path))

(* Fallback for systems without O_RESOLVE_BENEATH: *)
let rec resolve state =
let path = state.path in
(* traceln "Consider %a" Path.Rel.dump path; *)
match path with
| Leaf { basename; trailing_slash } -> if trailing_slash then basename ^ "/" else basename
| Self -> "."
| Parent xs ->
begin match state.dir_stack with
| Base _ -> raise @@ Eio.Fs.err (Permission_denied (Err.Outside_sandbox ("XXX", "XXX")))
| Tmp (p, ps) ->
Fd.close p;
state.dir_stack <- ps;
state.path <- xs;
resolve state
| Child (x, xs) ->
state.path <- xs;
let base = current_base state in
match openat_raw ~sw:state.sw base x ~mode:0 Open_flags.(nofollow + directory) with
| new_base ->
state.dir_stack <- Tmp (new_base, state.dir_stack);
resolve state
| exception (Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ENOTDIR, _, _) as e) when state.max_follows > 0 ->
state.max_follows <- state.max_follows - 1;
match Eio_unix.Private.read_link base x with
| target ->
state.path <- Path.Rel.concat (parse_rel target) state.path;
resolve state
| exception Unix.Unix_error _ -> raise e

let close_tmp state =
let rec aux = function
| Base _ -> ()
| Tmp (x, xs) -> Fd.close x; aux xs
aux state.dir_stack

let open_beneath_fallback ?dirfd:base ~sw:final_sw ~mode path flags =
(* Match the kernel's behaviour of rejecting empty paths *)
if path = "" then raise (Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ENOENT, "open_beneath", path)); @@ fun sw ->
let path = parse_rel path in
let state = { sw; path; dir_stack = Base base; max_follows = 8 } in
Switch.on_release sw (fun () -> close_tmp state);
let rec aux leaf =
let base = current_base state in
match openat_raw ~sw:final_sw base leaf ~mode Open_flags.(flags + nofollow) with
| fd -> fd
| exception (Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ELOOP, _, _) as e) when state.max_follows > 0 ->
state.max_follows <- state.max_follows - 1;
match Eio_unix.Private.read_link base leaf with
| target ->
state.path <- parse_rel target;
aux (resolve state)
| exception Unix.Unix_error _ -> raise e
aux (resolve state)

let open_beneath =
match Open_flags.resolve_beneath with
| None -> Resolve.open_beneath_fallback
| Some o_resolve_beneath ->
fun ?dirfd ~sw ~mode path flags ->
openat ?dirfd ~sw ~mode path Open_flags.(flags + o_resolve_beneath)

external eio_mkdirat : Unix.file_descr -> string -> Unix.file_perm -> unit = "caml_eio_posix_mkdirat"

let mkdir ?dirfd ~mode path =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -330,14 +422,14 @@ module Process = struct
(* Wait for [pid] to exit and then resolve [exit_status] to its status. *)
let reap t exit_status =
Eio.Condition.loop_no_mutex Eio_unix.Process.sigchld (fun () ->
Mutex.lock t.lock;
match Unix.waitpid [WNOHANG] with
| 0, _ -> Mutex.unlock t.lock; None (* Not ready; wait for next SIGCHLD *)
| p, status ->
assert (p =;
Promise.resolve exit_status status;
Mutex.unlock t.lock;
Some ()
Mutex.lock t.lock;
match Unix.waitpid [WNOHANG] with
| 0, _ -> Mutex.unlock t.lock; None (* Not ready; wait for next SIGCHLD *)
| p, status ->
assert (p =;
Promise.resolve exit_status status;
Mutex.unlock t.lock;
Some ()

let spawn ~sw actions =
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val openat : ?dirfd:fd -> sw:Switch.t -> mode:int -> string -> Open_flags.t -> fd
(** Note: the returned FD is always non-blocking and close-on-exec. *)

val open_beneath : ?dirfd:fd -> sw:Switch.t -> mode:int -> string -> Open_flags.t -> fd
(** Like [openat], but with {!Open_flags.resolve_beneath}.
If the platform doesn't support this, the behaviour is emulated. *)

module Process : sig
type t
(** A child process. *)
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type token =
| Empty
| DotDot
| String of string

let rec tokenise = function
| [] -> []
| ["."] -> [Empty] (* "path/." is the same as "path/" *)
| "." :: xs -> tokenise xs (* Skip dot if not at end *)
| "" :: xs -> Empty :: tokenise xs
| ".." :: xs -> DotDot :: tokenise xs
| x :: xs -> String x :: tokenise xs

module Rel = struct
type t =
| Leaf of { basename : string; trailing_slash : bool }
| Self (* A final "." *)
| Child of string * t
| Parent of t

let rec parse = function
| [] -> Self
| [String basename; Empty] -> Leaf { basename; trailing_slash = true }
| [String basename] -> Leaf { basename; trailing_slash = false }
| [DotDot] -> Parent Self
| DotDot :: xs -> Parent (parse xs)
| String s :: xs -> Child (s, parse xs)
| Empty :: [] -> Self
| Empty :: xs -> parse xs

let parse s = parse (tokenise s)

let rec concat a b =
match a with
| Leaf { basename; trailing_slash = _ } -> Child (basename, b)
| Child (name, xs) -> Child (name, concat xs b)
| Parent xs -> Parent (concat xs b)
| Self -> b

let rec dump f = function
| Child (x, xs) -> f "%S / %a" x dump xs
| Parent xs -> f ".. / %a" dump xs
| Self -> f "."
| Leaf { basename; trailing_slash } -> f "%S" basename;
if trailing_slash then f " /"

type t =
| Relative of Rel.t
| Absolute of Rel.t

let rec parse_abs = function
| "" :: [] -> Absolute Self
| "" :: xs -> parse_abs xs
| xs -> Absolute (Rel.parse xs)

let parse = function
| "" -> Relative Self
| s ->
match String.split_on_char '/' s with
| "" :: path -> parse_abs path
| path -> Relative (Rel.parse path)

let dump f = function
| Relative r -> Rel.dump f r
| Absolute r -> f "/ %a" Rel.dump r
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module Rel : sig
type t =
| Leaf of { basename : string; trailing_slash : bool }
| Self (* A final "." *)
| Child of string * t
| Parent of t

val concat : t -> t -> t

val dump : t Fmt.t

type t =
| Relative of Rel.t
| Absolute of Rel.t

val parse : string -> t
(** Note:
[parse "" = Relative Self]
[parse ".." = Relative (Parent Self)] *)

val dump : t Fmt.t
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(package eio_posix)
(enabled_if (= %{os_type} "Unix"))
(deps (package eio_posix)))

(name open_beneath)
(package eio_posix)
(libraries eio_posix))

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