This aim of this project to to measure availability and latency of custom list (a json file placed in s3 bucket) using AWS CDK. It will update latency and availability after each 1 minu and will write metrics for latency and availability on cloudwatch using cloudwatch's API. Also set alarm to notify the subscriber when threshold for latency and avaialabilty is preached. Push SNS notification to subscriber using email address and also triger lambda and store alarm data into dynamodb when alarm generated.
Project is created with
- Lambda
- CloudWatch
- DynamoDB
- Cloud9
- S3
To run this project, follow these steps
First of all login in and create a virtual machine.
check version of python and if it is old version check new version is available then make new version as default version using these commands.
$ python --version
$ python3 --version
$ source ~/.bashrc
then add this line in bashrc file
$alis python='/usr/bin/python3' (press ESC on keybaord)
$:w! (press Enter on keybaord)
$:q! (press Enter on keybaord)
check version of aws and then update it to new version using these commands.
$ aws --version
$ curl "" -o ""
$ unzip
$ sudo ./aws/install
create directory of your choice and change directory to new created and then create cdk project using these commands.
$ mkdir IrfanskipQ_Project1
$ cd IrfanskipQ_Project1
$ cdk init app --language python
copy the files and update file in CDK project file.
$ python -m pip install aws-cdk.core==1.135.0
$ python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
$ nvm install v16.3.0 && nvm use 16.3.0 && nvm alias default v16.3.0
$ npm install -g aws-cdk
$ export PATH=$PATH:$(npm get prefix)/bin
$ python -m pip install
now all required requirements are done on machine.
To test code run these commands
$ cdk synth $ cdk deploy
if there is no error you can see the graphs of latency and availability on cludwatch and also you will get notification email when there is alarm trigger.