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A JFrog CLI plugin to benchmark Artifactory upload or download speeds

About this plugin

This plugin is for measuring upload and download speeds to and from an Artifactory instance.

It should be used to benchmarks your instance uploads and downloads speeds.
The plugin provides metrics on upload or download speeds, as well as the number of successful and failed operations. The results are written to a csv formatted file.

This plugin can be used to compare your Artifactory instance behaviour before and after a change like a version upgrade or a configuration change.

CLI Configuration

Configuring Artifactory credentials using jf c command

  1. Add a new server using,

    jf c add
  2. Add the Artifactory URL and authentication details.

Configure Artifactory credentials without using jf c

  1. Documentation will soon explain how to utilize the url, password, and username flags to send credentials to the benchmark plugin.

Installation with JFrog CLI

Installing the latest version:

$ jf plugin install benchmark

Installing a specific version:

$ jf plugin install benchmark@version

Uninstalling a plugin

$ jf plugin uninstall benchmark

Building from source

To build the benchmark binary

go build -o benchmark

To build the benchmark binary for multiple operating systems and architectures (Mac, Linux and Windows)




  • up
    • Flags:
      • size [Optional] - Determine the size of the files (in MB) that will be generated for testing the upload process. [Default: 50]
      • iterations [Optional] - How many files will be created for testing the upload process. [Default: 30]
      • repo_name [Optional] - Repository the tests will be executed on. [Default: benchmark-up-tests]

      • url [Optional] - If using custom server (not already configured one) [No default value]
      • username [Optional] - [No default value]
      • password [Optional] - [No default value]
      • append [Optional] - Append the csv results to existing file [No default value]
      • same_file [Optional] - benchmark will upload the same file instead of generating and uploading multiple files
    • Example:
    $ jf benchmark up
    $ jf benchmark up --size 50 --iterations 5
    $ jf benchmark up --size 50 --iterations 5 --repo_name mytestrepo
    $ jf benchmark up --size 50 --iterations 5 --repo_name mytestrepo --append benchmark-upload-2023-02-21T11:30:29.csv
    $ jf benchmark up --url <myserverurl> --username <username> --password <password>
    $ jf benchmark up --url <myserverurl> --username <username> --password <password> --iterations 2 --size 150
  • dl
    • Flags:
      • size [Optional] - Determine the size of the files (in MB) that will be generated for testing the download process. [Default: 50]
      • iterations [Optional] - How many files will be created for testing the download process. [Default: 30]
      • repo_name [Optional] - Repository the tests will be executed on. [Default: benchmark-up-tests]

      • url [Optional] - If using custom server (not already configured one) [No default value]
      • username [Optional] - [No default value]
      • password [Optional] - [No default value]
      • append [Optional] - Append the csv results to existing file [No default value]
      • same_file [Optional] - benchmark will download the same file instead of generating and uploading multiple files
    • Example:
    $ jf benchmark dl  
    $ jf benchmark dl --size 50 --iterations 5
    $ jf benchmark dl --size 50 --iterations 5 --repo_name mytestrepo
    $ jf benchmark dl --size 50 --iterations 5 --append benchmark-download-2023-02-21T11:30:29.csv
    $ jf benchmark dl --url <myserverurl> --username <username> --password <password>
    $ jf benchmark dl --url <myserverurl> --username <username> --password <password> --iterations 15 --size 73

Output file Example

  • Both the 'dl' and 'up' commands produce CSV files that contain the filename, size, and the elapsed time for uploading/downloading:
file,size (MB),time taken (sec),speed (MB/sec)

Release Notes

The release notes are available here.