User authentication and access control tools for Active Directory
The recommended way to install Connection.php is through Composer.
"require": {
"tangervu/activedirectory": "dev-master"
require('vendor/autoload.php'); //Use composer autoload
$ad = new ActiveDirectory\ActiveDirectory();
//Load AD server settings from ini file
//Identify user. Uses Apache authentication (mod_auth_kerb) as primary authentication method but has http auth as fallback method.
$login = $ad->identify();
//Get dname for user $login
$dname = $ad->getDname($login);
//Get user information
$userInfo = $ad->getInfo($dname);
//Check if user is member of an AD group (recursive search)
if($ad->isMemberOf($dname, "Test Group", true)) {
$isMember = true;
else {
$isMember = false;