Phoenix demo application that uses the Plugoid
to authenticate users.
OTP 22+
In a shell, launch the following commands:
git clone
cd plugoid_demo/
mix deps.get
cd assets && npm install && node node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js --mode development && cd ..
iex -S mix phx.server
and open localhost:4000.
The demo uses as an OpenID Provider. It runs the Asteroid OAuth2 / OpenID Connect server.
The first factor is always the 123456
password. The second factor is an OTP code sent by
email. In such a case, you have to use an email address as a login (it is stored but not used
whatsoever). The OTP email will possibily be marked as a spam, check in your spam folder if
you can't see it.
If the server is down (e.g. visiting results in an error, open an issue on the Asteroid tracker.
To modify the OpenID Connect server, change the issuer in lib/plugoid_demo_web/router.ex
The first 2 links (/private
) use the authorization code flow, and therefore some tokens are
Using the issuer and subject shown on the demo page, one can use
library included in the
demo application to retrieve OAuth2 tokens, ID tokens and claims.
For instance:
iex> cc = PlugoidDemo.OpenIDConnect.Client.get("client1")
%{"client_id" => "client1", "client_secret" => "clientpassword1"}
iex> OAuth2TokenManager.AccessToken.get("", "cThpjg2-HzfS_7fvNkCYeEUBkCUpmKFSjzb6iebl5TU", cc, nil)
{:ok, {"mcR_hHPaCTRdb09Mtm4FsIlPyYE", "bearer"}}
iex> OAuth2TokenManager.AccessToken.get("", "cThpjg2-HzfS_7fvNkCYeEUBkCUpmKFSjzb6iebl5TU", cc, ["read_account_information", "read_balance"])
{:ok, {"HjRo0pkxY4LFmCiKNfDT-OLvEwY", "bearer"}}
iex> OAuth2TokenManager.AccessToken.get("", "cThpjg2-HzfS_7fvNkCYeEUBkCUpmKFSjzb6iebl5TU", cc, ["read_account_information"])
{:ok, {"X6o9UDEJEpkp2kr8EA-68toX1Es", "bearer"}}
iex> OAuth2TokenManager.Claims.get_id_token("", "cThpjg2-HzfS_7fvNkCYeEUBkCUpmKFSjzb6iebl5TU")
iex> OAuth2TokenManager.Claims.get_claims("", "cThpjg2-HzfS_7fvNkCYeEUBkCUpmKFSjzb6iebl5TU", cc)
{:ok, %{"sub" => "cThpjg2-HzfS_7fvNkCYeEUBkCUpmKFSjzb6iebl5TU"}}
The JTIRegister.ETS
JTI register is
installed by default.
One can observe the registered JTI by opening the observer (:observer.start
in the iex shell)
and opening the Elixir.JTIRegister.ETS
table in the "Table Viewer" tab: