In the Wax
library, in the lib/wax/attestation_statement_format/tpm.ex
file, uncomment
the following line:
#++ ["id:FFFFF1D0"] # fake ID for conformance tool testing, uncomment only for testing
The test suite uses a fake manufacturer ID in some TPM tests.
One way to do it is:
- to remove the
directory in_build
- to edit Wax's source code in the
directory - recompile
Don't forget to configure the origin. By default, in development environment, it is set to:
config :wax, :origin, "http://localhost:4000"
but host or port could change depending on your configuration.
It is not publicly available. See https://fidoalliance.org/certification/functional-certification/conformance/ to be granted access.
Launch the executable (beware, it is NOT signed - you better run it inside a VM).
On the main screen, click on "FIDO2 Tests".
Click on "DOWNLOAD SERVER METADATA" to load metadata. This is metadata used for testing and must be loaded in Wax instead of the production metadata loaded from the FIDO2 Web Service. To do so:
- create the
directory in this project - unzip the metadata archive
- copy the JSON files into
- configure metadata loading from directory, for instance in
config :wax, :metadata_dir, :wax_fido_test_suite_server
iex -S mix phx.server
will launch the server in development mode (environment is not important for our purpose).
Then, select "Server tests" (except metadata) on the right menu and set the "Server URL" to
. Then click on "RUN".
The test suite does not support Linux (support was silently dropped at some point). One solution consists in installing a Windows VM and use the test suite from it:
Windows 10 VM (licence lasts 90 days).
You might have to disable UAC to run the test suite. Once it's done, a binary
is installed in C:\Program Files(x86)\FIDO Conformance Tools Installer
name is F
Double click to open it
The VM should be configured to share IP addresses between VM and hosts OSes. With VirtualBox, this is the "Bridged networking" option.
This is no sufficient to successfully run the test suite. Indeed, the origin is set by the
test suite in client data according to the value set in the "Server URL" field. This must
be, according to the FIDO2 specification, either an HTTPS URL or localhost
. Configuring
SSL is possibly impossible, and the VM's localhost is always
whereas your test
server has another address, for example
(and Windows 10 cannot be tweaked
change what localhost resolves to).
It is however possible to redirect traffic with the following commands:
netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenaddress= listenport=4000 connectaddress= connectport=4000
netsh interface portproxy add v6tov4 listenaddress=::1 listenport=4000 connectaddress= connectport=4000
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST --cookie "fido_test_suite=abcdef" --data '{"username":"johndoe@example.com","displayName":"John Doe","authenticatorSelection":{"residentKey":false,"authenticatorAttachment":"cross-platform","userVerification":"preferred"},"attestation":"direct"}' http://localhost:4000/attestation/options | jq