The Graphical Language Server Protocol Framework provides extensible components to enable the development of diagram editors including edit functionality in (distributed) web-applications via a client-server protocol. This Graphical Language Server Protocol (GLSP) is work in progress and developed in collaboration among TypeFox, Obeo, and EclipseSource. It follows the same architectural pattern as the Language Server Protocol for textual languages, but applies it to graphical modeling for browser/cloud-based deployments. The protocol as well as the client implementation is heavily based on Sprotty but extends it with editing functionality and GLSP-specific communication with the server.
Below is a screenshot of a small example diagram being edited in the GLSP client, as well as the server log printing the GLSP actions processed on the server during the current editing session. Click on the image below to see it in action.
For more information, you can also watch the EclipseCon Europe 2018 talk or look at the slides of this talk.
You’ll need node in version 8:
curl -o- | bash
nvm install 8
and yarn
npm install -g yarn
and lerna
npm install -g lerna
It's recommended to clone the repository recursively. Otherwise submodules have to be cloned and initialized separatly
git clone --recursive
cd graphical-lsp
cd client
cd server
mvn clean install
Once the server is built, you should have the jar file server/example/workflow-example/target/workflow-example-X.X.X-SNAPSHOT-glsp.jar
whereas X.X.X
is the current version. You can now start the server by executing the following commands:
cd server/example/workflow-example/target
java -jar workflow-example-X.X.X-SNAPSHOT-glsp.jar com.eclipsesource.glsp.example.workflow.ExampleServerLauncher
To start the example server from within your IDE, run the main method of the class in the module server/example/workflow-example
Once the server is running, you can go ahead and start the theia client:
cd client/examples/workflow/browser-app
yarn start
and then open http://localhost:3000 in the browser.
The example workspace should be opend automatically on Theia launch. This workspace constains the file "". You can display this file in the Workflow Digram editor via context menu (Open with -> Workflow Diagram)
We'd be thrilled to receive your contribution! Please feel free to open issues, fork this repo, and/or open pull requests. Note that we will ask you to sign a CLA to ensure all contributions can be distributed under the terms of the following open-source licenses: Apache License 2.0, BSD 2/3 License, MIT License, and Eclipse Public License v2.0.
This repository is a lerna mono repository which means that VS Code might have some troubles to correctly auto-generate import statements. It's recommended to install the "Typescript MonoRepo Import Fixer" extension.
Launch VS Code
Open the "Quick Open" Window (ctrl + p)
Paste the following commmand and press enter
ext install q.typescript-mono-repo-import-helper