GUI for computing contingency tables from .its files.
Note: This program deals solely with the onset of events. Although .its files contain information concerning the offset of events, offsets are not considered in the analyses performed by this program.
Identify a directory in which to place all of the .its files intended for batch analysis. You do not have to change files' names or contents--the program will extract subject ID information from the files directly.
In the temporary absence of an executable form of the program for Mac and Windows, Python (v2.7) must be installed. The entry point of the program is in the file To run the program, enter the following command line instruction:
>>> python /.../path/to/directory/
Once the program launces, you can begin specifying the details of the anlaysis to be conducted. The video below gives a walkthrough on using the interface:
Identify a directory in which to place all of the .its files intended for batch analysis. You do not have to change files' names or contents--the program will extract subject ID information from the files directly.
Navigate to the directory .../path/to/download/Version2/dist/control and double click on the application file called "control.exe". You may also create a Desktop shortcut to this application for easy launching.
In the temporary absence of an executable form of the program for Mac, Python (v2.7) must be installed. The entry point of the program is in the file To run the program, enter the following command line instruction:
>>> python /.../path/to/directory/
Once the program launces, you can begin specifying the details of the anlaysis to be conducted.
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