Computer Engineering Department, Bilkent University.
The information and code in this repository are submitted in partial fulfillment of the CS102 Semester Design Project. Except where explicitly stated, the work is that of the group members listed below (who are expected to follow ethical academic & professional practice).
Not having a strong visual grasp for the concepts of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a problem amongst programmers while designing a program. Additionally, designing and coding object structures takes a significant amount of time. We wish to eliminate the workload between said design and code implementation parts while also making programmers’ lives by making the design process easier to comprehend via visual programming elements. Users can create and modify the templates for classes’ properties, constructors and methods just by interacting with customizable GUI elements. The program will also allow the users to arrange and show the interactions between class trees and hierarchies. Hopefully, the program will prove itself useful for a range of programmers from beginner to intermediate. The tool will also be of interest to lecturers, instructors and students; it is going to be easier to teach with the visualization of concepts.
- Group/project Selection: completed (13th February 2020)
- Requirements Report: completed (9th March 2020)
- UI Design Report: completed (30th March 2020)
- Detailed Design Report: in progress
- Implementation: not started!
- Reflections: completed (reflections.txt)
Instructor: David Davenport TA: Irmak Türköz