Live Website: NitroScrum
- User can signin anonymously and give feedbacks to the the public dashboards anonymously without saving any of their credentials anywhere.
Cloning dashboards allow us to create a clone of pre-existing dashboards.
This feature comes in handy to the manager of the dashboard where they can actually keep a copy of the existing dashboard before making any changes to them.
The dashboard has 3 columns to actually give feedbacks on what went well, what went wrong and improvements.
You can also name this columns according to your need so that manager of dashboard can take the required reviews.
The managers can set a time limit on the dashboard beyond which the dashboard won't be accessible for the users.
The manager of dashboard would still have access to make changes beyond the time limit.
Anonymous user have privileges to update, add or remove his own feedbacks and comments
Manager have access to add, modify and delete any comments on his created dashboard.
Apart from anonymous login user can user Google account or manual login to creat account
Only Registered users are allowed to create their own dashboard.
User can change their passwords in cas they forget their passwords.
They user gets an password changing link on their emails through which they can change their forgetted paswords.