Pencil2D is an animation/drawing software for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux. It lets you create traditional hand-drawn animation (cartoon) using both bitmap and vector graphics. Pencil is free and open source.
Wanna try the bleeding edge version of Pencil2D? Download the nightly builds!
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- User Forum
- You can help translate Pencil2D on OneSky!
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- ScribbleArea code refactoring.
- Custom keyboard shortcuts (Preferences->Shoftcuts)
- Interactive brush resizing. SHIFT + Mouse Drag to change brush size, CTRL + Mouse Drag for FEATHER, CTRL+SHIFT applies brush size to the eraser and temporarily selects it.
- Smoother brush stroke on Mac OS X.
- Saving/loading project is more stable now.
- Misc bug fixes.
- Upgrade to Qt 4.8.4
- ToolSet code refactoring.
- Menubar code refactoring.
- Color Palette code refactoring.
- Bug fixed: brush cannot change color in 0.5.2
Changes by Konstantin Dmitriev:
- Support for some command-line options. Now it's possible to specify file to open: $ Pencil file.pcl Export to image sequence using command-line: $ Pencil file.pcl --export-sequence file.png
- Load dialog: Allow to choose "Any file" filter - that allows to load files without extension (old Pencil files).
- Fix transparency issue when exporting to png sequence
- Desktop integration (linux)
- Other minor fixes
Changes by davidefa:
- Export movie exports audio and video. Audio layers are mixed. To select video format use an 'appropriate' filename extension ( ex: .avi, .mov, .mpg, .mp4 ... ), movie framerate is selectable ( but output codecs don't support all framerates, a safe and usual choice should be 24, 25 or 30 fps )
- Minor fixes in audio layers ( corrupted audio passed end of 'audio frame' ).
- Improved undo/redo functionality
- Fixed saving animation ( removed 'optimization', now saving is slower but safer )
- Added fps parameter in saved animations
- 3 'layers' of onion skinning ( configurable trough edit->preferences->tools, to remove a layer set its opacity to 0 )
- Added import movie ( frames are imported at the current fps, there is no check to limit the imported frames )
- Compiles fine with min 0.4.x on linux
- Other minor fixes ( moving selection on bitmap layers, moving layers... )