Quiz Backend
- [PUT] Users -> Sends an email with a one-time token.
- [POST] Users/VerifyAccount {"token":"one time token","deviceId":"unique device Id"}
Currently only built-in login functionality is supported.
- [POST] Token {"email":"your email", "password":"your password","deviceId":"unique device Id"}
- [POST] Password/SendPasswordResetEmail {"email":"your email"} -> Sends an email with a one-time token.
- [POST] PasswordWithToken {"password":"new password","token":"one time token","deviceId":"unique device Id"}
- [POST] Password {"password":"new password","deviceId":"unique device Id"} (incl. auth token)
Password helper functions:
- [GET] Password -> returns password criteria
- [POST] Password/ValidatePassword -> validates password against password criteria.
- [GET] Questions/Quiz -> returns a list of quizzes that the user is assigned to. -> Id is the effective quiz id. The field QuizId is the quiz identity id, please ignore this.
- [GET] Questions/Quiz/{Quiz Id} -> returns a list of questions of the given quiz. This includes the option id's for each question. Questions are ordered.
- [GET] Options/Quiz/{Quiz Id} -> returns a list of options of the given quiz. Options are ordered.
- [PUT] QuizAttempts/{Quiz Id} returns the quiz attempt instance with the auto generated quiz attempt Id. Use this to start a quiz.
- [POST] QuizAttempts/{Quiz Id} {"timeSpent":"time spent in seconds", "endQuiz": "boolean"} updates the time spent, and also used for completing the quiz.
- [POST] Answers/{Attempt Id} {"timeSpent":"time spent in seconds", "questionId": "question Id", "options": "list of option Ids"} answers the question.