Match a set of integers with the large lists of integers stored in ElasticSearch (as serialized RoaringBitmap)
This filter plugin uses RoaringBitmap to allow efficient matching of a set of integers with a large interger list stored in ES as serialized RoaringBitmap.
A sample example using python -
from pyroaring import BitMap
import base64
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
if __name__ == "__main__":
es = Elasticsearch(hosts=["http://localhost:9200"])
# in the real world, the bitmap serialization would be for a big list
# and you could even compute them before and store them for later user
bm = BitMap([110001, 110002])
# this will match "tags" field with the given keyword
# but only for documents that have a any of the [110001, 110002] in its locations.
result =
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"match": {
"tags": "<tag-keyword>"
"filter": {
"script": {
"script": {
"source": "fast_matcher",
"lang": "fast_matcher",
"params": {
"field": "locations",
"operation": "include",
"terms": base64.b64encode(BitMap.serialize(bm)).decode("utf-8")