The application has 3 apis
- DoctorAPI
- PatientAPI
- AppointmentAPI
POST /v1/doctor - creates a new account for Doctors
GET /v1/doctor/{id} - retrieve a Doctor by id
GET /v1/doctor - retrieves all Doctors
DELETE /v1/doctor/{id} - delete a Doctor by id
PUT /v1/doctor/{id} - update a Doctor by id
- createDoctor
- getAllDoctors
- getDoctorById
- deleteDoctor
- updateDoctor
Junit5 -> 100% methods, 100% lines covered.
- id (String)
- name (String)
- namePrefix (Enum type)
- department (Enum type)
- dateOfGraduate (Integer)
- dateOfStart (Integer)
POST /v1/patient - creates a new account for patients
GET /v1/patient/{id} - retrieve a patient by id
GET /v1/patient - retrieves all patients
DELETE /v1/patient/{id} - delete a patient by id
PUT /v1/patient/{id} - update a patient by id
- createPatient
- getAllDPatient
- getPatientById
- deletePatient
- updatePatient
Junit5 -> 100% methods, 100% lines covered.
- id (String)
- name (String)
- gender (Enum type)
- dateOfBirth (Integer)
- city (Enum type)
- address (String)
- healthInsurance (boolean)
POST /v1/appointment - creates a appointment for patients
GET /v1/appointment/{id} - retrieve a appointment by id
GET /v1/appointment/doctor/{id} - retrieve a appointment by Doctor id
GET /v1/appointment/patient/{id} - retrieve a appointment by Patient id
GET /v1/appointment - retrieves all appointments
DELETE /v1/appointment/{id} - delete a appointment by id
PUT /v1/appointment/{id} - update a appointment by id
- createAppointment
- getAllAppointments
- getAppointmentById
- getAppointmentByDoctorId
- getAppointmentByPatientId
- deleteAppointment
- updateAppointment
Junit5 -> 77% methods, 88% lines covered.
- id (String)
- docktorId (String)
- patientId (String)
- date (String)
- hour (Integer)
- minute (Integer)
- notes (String)
- Java 11
- Spring Boot
- Spring Data JPA and Hibernate
- Lombok
- H2 In memory database
- Docker
- Docker compose
- JUnit 5
- Spring security (will be added)
- Maven
- Docker
There are 2 ways of run & build the application.
For docker compose usage, docker images already push to
You just need to run docker-compose up
$PORT: 8080
$ cd Hospital
$ docker-compose up
$PORT: 8080
$ cd Hospital
$ mvn clean install
$ mvn spring-boot:run