m2eclipse-scala is a work in progress to ease integration between m2eclipse and scala-ide for eclipse.
- issue tracker : m2eclipse-scala at assembla
- mailing-list : scala-ide-user
- update-site : not available (use dropins directory see below for install)
- install m2eclipse
- install m2eclipse-scala, by dowloading the lastest version of the plugin into your eclipse/dropins directory
- Eclipse :
File > import > maven > Existing Maven Project ...
The plugin is "valitaded" by importing into eclipse the samples projects :
- Scala Only (no java)
- Scala depends of some java code
- Scala and Java cyclic dependency (configuration longer than mono direction scala -> java or java -> scala to compile under maven)
- Java main code and Scala for test
- Custom Layout java + scala cyclic dependencies, java+scala under the same source folder
(for test source folder). - Lift based project created from a shell created + imported project (used lift-archetype-basic 2.0-scala280-SNAPSHOT)
- fix critical bug about detection/activation of scala (plugin, nature) => 0.2.0 useless
- should work with lift-archetype-basic 2.0-scala280-SNAPSHOT (new sample project added)
- support current and futur ids of scala-ide, select from the installed plugin (ch.epfl... and org.scala-ide....)
- reintegration to sonatype repository
- use assembla as "project host" to be under Scala-IDE umbrella
- re-do tycho configuration (to build on any box)
- rename directory
- generate update-site via tycho
- align groupId/artifactId to m2eclipse-extras
- include a workaround to run JUnit test, but right-click on JUnit test doesn't propose 'Run as unit test'. Tu run as junit :
- select source file and use keybord shortcut (Alt+Shit+X T)
- source file have to be named with test class name and being in the 'right' directory (like in java)
- I only test with annotation (see source of samples projects listed on wiki)
- create JUnit Launch configuration
- select source file and use keybord shortcut (Alt+Shit+X T)
- try to fix a issue (NPE) if default folders doesn't exist
- auto add "src/main/scala" and "src/test/scala" if you don't use goal "add-sources" (nor )
- add samples project http://github.com/sonatype/m2eclipse-scala/tree/master/samples/
- put documentation at https://www.assembla.com/wiki/show/scala-ide/With_M2Eclipse
- I fork the m2eclipse-scala project from sonatype and add the following feature
- remove of scala-library, scala-compiler, scala-dbc, scala-swing from "Maven Dependencies" Container (under eclipse only)
- re-order JRE Container and Scala Container (to avoid scala.ScalaObject NotFound and C° when use "Run As Scala Application")
- add Scala-tools.org catalog