This python3 script utilizes boto3 to read all the image objects in a given bucket, then it will generate a markdown based template for the use of phugo. Example: My Template
- A s3 read-only permitted access key and secret access key
- AWS CLI access configured through credential/config files
usage: [-h] [--log-level {DEBUG,INFO,ERROR,CRITICAL}]
[--output-path OUTPUT_PATH] [--region REGION]
Generates templates for phugo from an s3 bucket
positional arguments:
bucket s3 bucket to read from e.g.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Chose the loglevel from the available choices; default
--output-path OUTPUT_PATH
Choose the output directory, this would be the
"content" directory.
--region REGION Specify region so S3 full url is valid for object(s)
TODO: No meaningful logging or verbose options are available at this point