payable is a web payment platform that has the following features. This version provides a minimum viable product of a functioning web payment platform
- Home
- Available Services
- Payment
- Login/Register
- Profile
It was built using the Angular 2 Framework plus Covalent UI which has its components design following the material UI.
- Download and Unzip the 'dist' folder to any folder on your PC.
- Install http-server to serve the dist folder using this command
npm install http-server -g
- Navigate to the dist folder and serve the app using this command
http-server dist
- Copy the available URL to your browser (Recommended: Chrome)
- Hit CTRL-C to on the Terminal to stop the server
The following features will be implemented on payable to create a more robust user experience:
- Reset User Password
- Create human readable error messages based on payment response code*
- Cleanup Login/Register Page
- Editable Profile Pages
- Transaction history with more information in the accordion content
- Convert payment modals to full page for best practice
- Tayo Madein - Gitlab