This Action for MEGA enables arbitrary actions with the MEGAcmd
command-line client, including uploading and downloading from a remote folder.
- Optional. Email to a MEGA account. Required to upload.PASSWORD
- Optional. Password to a MEGA account. Required to upload.
To download a file using MEGAcmd. In this case we are downloading a file specified by a public link, which does not require being logged in:
- name: Download
uses: Difegue/action-megacmd@master
args: get!ABcD1E2F!gHiJ23k-LMno45PqrSTUvw /path/to/local/folder
To upload a file using MEGAcmd:
- name: Upload
uses: Difegue/action-megacmd@master
args: put /path/to/local/folder /exportedstuff/
USERNAME: ${{ secrets.USERNAME }}
PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.PASSWORD }}
The Dockerfile and associated scripts and documentation in this project are released under the MIT License.