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IPRewriter Element Documentation


IPRewriter — Click element; rewrites TCP/UDP packets' addresses and ports


IPRewriter(INPUTSPEC1, ..., INPUTSPECn [, keywords])


Rewrites the source address, source port, destination address, and/or destination port on TCP and UDP packets, along with their checksums. IPRewriter implements the functionality of a network address/port translator (NAPT). See also IPAddrRewriter and IPAddrPairRewriter, which implement Basic NAT, and TCPRewriter, which implements NAPT plus sequence number changes for TCP packets.

IPRewriter maintains a mapping table that records how packets are rewritten. The mapping table is indexed by flow identifier, the quintuple of source address, source port, destination address, destination port, and IP protocol (TCP or UDP). Each mapping contains a new flow identifier and an output port. Input packets with the indexed flow identifier are rewritten to use the new flow identifier, then emitted on the output port. A mapping is written as follows:

    (SA, SP, DA, DP, PROTO) => (SA', SP', DA', DP') [*OUTPUT]

When IPRewriter receives a packet, it first looks up that packet in the mapping table by flow identifier. If the table contains a mapping for the input packet, then the packet is rewritten according to the mapping and emitted on the specified output port. If there was no mapping, the packet is handled by the INPUTSPEC corresponding to the input port on which the packet arrived. (There are as many input ports as INPUTSPECs.) Most INPUTSPECs install new mappings, so that future packets from the same TCP or UDP flow are handled by the mapping table rather than some INPUTSPEC. The six forms of INPUTSPEC handle input packets as follows:

  • 'drop' or 'discard' — Discards input packets.

  • 'pass OUTPUT' — Sends input packets to output port OUTPUT. No mappings are installed.

  • 'keep FOUTPUT ROUTPUT' — Installs mappings that preserve the input packet's flow ID. Specifically, given an input packet with flow ID (SA, SP, DA, DP, PROTO), two mappings are installed:

          (SA, SP, DA, DP, PROTO) => (SA, SP, DA, DP) [*FOUTPUT]
          (DA, DP, SA, SP, PROTO) => (DA, DP, SA, SP) [*ROUTPUT]

    Thus, the input packet is emitted on output port FOUTPUT unchanged, and packets from the reply flow are emitted on output port ROUTPUT unchanged.

  • 'pattern SADDR SPORT DADDR DPORT FOUTPUT ROUTPUT' — Creates a mapping according to the given pattern, 'SADDR SPORT DADDR DPORT'. Any pattern field may be a dash '-', in which case the packet's corresponding field is left unchanged. For instance, the pattern ' 20 - -' will rewrite input packets' source address and port, but leave its destination address and port unchanged. SPORT may be a port range 'L-H'; IPRewriter will choose a source port in that range so that the resulting mappings don't conflict with any existing mappings. The input packet's source port is preferred, if it is available; otherwise a random port is chosen. If no source port is available, the packet is dropped. To allocate source ports sequentially (which can make testing easier), append a pound sign to the range, as in '1024-65535#'. To choose a random port rather than preferring the source, append a '?'.

    Say a packet with flow ID (SA, SP, DA, DP, PROTO) is received, and the corresponding new flow ID is (SA', SP', DA', DP'). Then two mappings are installed:

          (SA, SP, DA, DP, PROTO) => (SA', SP', DA', DP') [*FOUTPUT]
          (DA', DP', SA', SP', PROTO) => (DA, DP, SA, SP) [*ROUTPUT]

    Thus, the input packet is rewritten and sent to FOUTPUT, and packets from the reply flow are rewritten to look like part of the original flow and sent to ROUTPUT.

  • 'pattern PATNAME FOUTPUT ROUTPUT' — Like 'pattern' above, but refers to named patterns defined by an IPRewriterPatterns element.

  • 'ELEMENTNAME' — Creates mappings according to instructions from the element ELEMENTNAME. This element must implement the IPMapper interface. One example mapper is RoundRobinIPMapper.

IPRewriter has no mappings when first initialized.

Input packets must have their IP header annotations set. Non-TCP and UDP packets, and second and subsequent fragments, are dropped unless they arrive on a 'pass' input port. IPRewriter changes IP packet data and, optionally, destination IP address annotations; see the DST_ANNO keyword argument below.

Keyword arguments determine how often stale mappings should be removed.

  • TCP_TIMEOUT time — Time out TCP connections every time seconds. Defaults to 24 hours. This timeout applies to TCP connections for which payload data has been seen flowing in both directions.
  • TCP_DONE_TIMEOUT time — Time out completed TCP connections every time seconds. Defaults to 4 minutes. FIN and RST flags mark TCP connections as complete.
  • TCP_NODATA_TIMEOUT time — Time out non-bidirectional TCP connections every time seconds. Defaults to 5 minutes. A non-bidirectional TCP connection is one in which payload data hasn't been seen in at least one direction. This should generally be larger than TCP_DONE_TIMEOUT.
  • TCP_GUARANTEE time — Preserve each TCP connection mapping for at least time seconds after each successfully processed packet. Defaults to 5 seconds. Incoming flows are dropped if an IPRewriter's mapping table is full of guaranteed flows.
  • UDP_TIMEOUT time — Time out UDP connections every time seconds. Default is 5 minutes.
  • UDP_STREAMING_TIMEOUT time — Timeout UDP streaming connections every time seconds. A "streaming" connection, in contrast to an "RPC-like" connection, comprises at least 3 packets and at least one packet in each direction. Default is the UDP_TIMEOUT setting.
  • UDP_GUARANTEE time — UDP connection mappings are guaranteed to exist for time seconds after each successfully processed packet. Defaults to 5 seconds.
  • REAP_INTERVAL time — Reap timed-out connections every time seconds. Default is 15 minutes.
  • MAPPING_CAPACITY capacity — Set the maximum number of mappings this rewriter can hold to capacity. Capacity can either be an integer or the name of another rewriter-like element, in which case this element will share the other element's capacity.
  • DST_ANNO — Boolean. If true, then set the destination IP address annotation on passing packets to the rewritten destination address. Default is true.


  • table_size (read-only) — Returns the number of mappings in this IPRewriter's tables.

  • mapping_failures (read-only) — Returns the number of mapping failures, which can occur, for example, when the IPRewriter runs out of source ports, or when a new flow is dropped because the IPRewriter is full.

  • size (read-only) — Returns the number of flows in the flow set. This is generally the same as 'table_size', but can be more when several rewriters share a flow set.

  • capacity (read/write) — Return or set the capacity of the flow set. The returned value is two space-separated numbers, where the first is the capacity and the second is the short-term flow reservation. When writing, the short-term reservation can be omitted; it is then set to the minimum of 50 and one-eighth the capacity.

  • tcp_table (read-only) — Returns a human-readable description of the IPRewriter's current TCP mapping table. An unparsed mapping includes both directions' output ports; the relevant output port is starred.

  • udp_table (read-only) — Returns a human-readable description of the IPRewriter's current UDP mapping table.

  • tcp_lookup (read) — Takes a TCP flow as a space-separated

          saddr sport daddr dport

    and attempts to find a forward mapping for that flow. If found, rewrites the flow and returns in the same format. Otherwise, returns nothing.


TCPRewriter, IPAddrRewriter, IPAddrPairRewriter, IPRewriterPatterns, RoundRobinIPMapper, FTPPortMapper, ICMPRewriter, ICMPPingRewriter

Generated by click-elem2man from ../elements/tcpudp/iprewriter.hh:8 on 2018/10/03.

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