Peak calling tool for CLIP-seq data
PEAKachu is available via bioconda and can be installed using
conda create -n peakachu peakachu python=3
Alternativaly, PEAKachu can be installed from source
$ make readme_rst
$ make package
$ pip3 install --user dist/PEAKachu-0.2.0.tar.gz
ICSL (Internet Systems Consortium license ~ simplified BSD license) - see LICENSE
The git braching model is very close to the one proposed here. There two main branches:
- master
- dev(elopment)
And there are further supporting branches:
- feature branches - branched off and back to the dev branch
- release branches - branched off from dev and merged back into dev and master
- hotfix branches - branched off from master and merged back into dev and master