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|_| ------------------------- v0.1
psu hierarchy and current modeler.
(c) 2023 a10k, Inc. <root@a10k.co>
Usage: psucalc [config.py]
* component
Components are used to model a power supply's load.
component([name], [A=A(n)], [W=W(n)], [duty=duty(n)], qty=n], ...)
A <-> A(*): Amperage consumed by this component
W <-> W(*): Wattage consumed by this component
duty <-> duty(1.0): Duty Cycle decimal
label <-> label(''): Part classifier
qty <-> qty(1): Component Quantity
Inherits: component
Used to represent one or more Integrated Circuits.
Inherits: component
Used to represent one or more Operational Amplifiers.
duty <-> duty(0.5): Duty Cycle decimal
Inherits: OPAmp
Used to represent one or more Audio Amplifiers.
duty <-> duty(0.3): Duty Cycle decimal
* psu
Power Supply Units are used to form the model's hierarchy.
psu(name, [Vout=V(n)], [effc=effc(0.n)], ..., subs=[component, ...])
A <-> A(*): Input amperage
Vdrop <-> V(*): Voltage drop from input to output
Vin <-> V(*): Input voltage
Vout <-> V(*): Output voltage
W <-> W(*): Disspipation
Win <-> W(*): Input wattage
Wout <-> W(*): Output wattage
effc <-> effc(*): Efficiency of the conversion
ratio <-> ratio(*): Conversion ratio
subs <-> branch([]): Components drawing from this PSU
Inherits: psu
Unregulated AC input
Vin <-> V(120.0): Volt
Inherits: psu
Step-down transformer
effc <-> effc(0.98): Efficiency decimal
Inherits: psu
Full-wave bridge rectifier
drop <-> V(0.7): Volt
Inherits: psu
Buck converter
effc <-> effc(0.9): Efficiency decimal
freq <-> Hz(0.2): Switching frequency
trans <-> s(5e-05): Switching transition time
Inherits: Buck
Buck-boost converter
effc <-> effc(0.85): Efficiency decimal
Inherits: Buck
Flyback converter
effc <-> effc(0.85): Efficiency decimal
freq <-> Hz(0.1): Hertz
trans <-> s(0.0001): Second
Inherits: psu
Linear regulator
dropout <-> V(2.0): Dropout voltage
Inherits: Linear
Inherits: Linear_Inverting
Low-dropout linear regulator (inverting)
dropout <-> V(0.5): Volt
Inherits: Linear
Low-dropout linear regulator
dropout <-> V(0.5): Volt
* units
label -> label`: Descriptive Label
qty -> qty`: Component Quantity
V -> V`: Volt
mV -> V`: Millivolt
A -> A`: Ampere
mA -> A`: Milliampere
W -> W`: Watt
s -> s`: Second
us -> s`: Microsecond
ms -> s`: Millisecond
Hz -> Hz`: Hertz
kHz -> Hz`: Kilohertz
MHz -> Hz`: Megahertz
C -> C`: Farad
uF -> C`: Microfarad
nF -> C`: Nanofarad
pF -> C`: Picofarad
L -> L`: Henry
uH -> L`: Microhenry
nH -> L`: Nanohenry
pH -> L`: Picohenry
percent -> percent`: Percent decimal
P -> percent`: Percent number
duty -> duty`: Duty Cycle decimal
effc -> effc`: Efficiency decimal
ratio -> ratio`: Conversion Ratio decimal
R -> ratio`: Conversion Ratio n:m
AC_Mains(Vout=V(120), subs=[
#Transformer(ratio=R('1:6'), subs=[
Transformer(Vout=V(24), subs=[
Buck(Vout=V(17.5), subs=[
Buck(Vout=V(3.3), subs=[
IC('STM32', A=mA(660)),
IC('PCM3168', A=mA(130)),
Buck(Vout=V(3.3), subs=[
IC('LAN8720A', W=mW(200)),
Buck(Vout=V(5.6), subs=[
LDO_Linear(Vout=V(5), subs=[
IC('PCM3168', A=mA(210)),
Linear(Vout=V(15), subs=[
Audio_OPAmp('THAT_1606Q', qty=8, A=mA(620)),
Audio_OPAmp('THAT_1646W', qty=6, A=mA(620)),
Buck_Inverting(Vout=V(-16.5), subs=[
LDO_Linear_Inverting(Vout=V(-15), subs=[
Audio_OPAmp('THAT_1606Q', qty=8, A=mA(620)),
Audio_OPAmp('THAT_1646W', qty=6, A=mA(620)),
- Component library is incomplete
- Calculations need tests