Summary of a Convening on Open-Source Software Toolkits for the Arts
ARCHIVED! This plugin is officially a part of OBS as of version 26.1. See note below for info on upgrading. 🎉🎉🎉Creates a virtual webcam device from the output of OBS. Especially useful for streamin…
A Cryptographic Investigation of Secure Scuttlebutt. Summer Internship in Symbolic Software.
A decentralized messaging and sharing app built on top of Secure Scuttlebutt (SSB).
Repository for the organizing of Decentralized Web Camp 2019 🚧
An easy-to-host server that runs an SSB "Pub"
a buffet of tiny demos for easing in everyone with developing decentralized apps
Coordination for State of Our Networks 2018 on July 13–18, 2018
Peer-to-peer markdown syllabus platform for Beaker Browser.
New Media Art at School For Poetic Computation, NYC, Spring 2018
Hyperdrive is a secure, real time distributed file system
Generation of diagrams like flowcharts or sequence diagrams from text in a similar manner as markdown
Cloud Designs for Processing Community Day
📖 Documentation for sites in the @sarahendren Github organization.
Server for use with p5.serialport
A tiny javascript library for multilingual typesetting. 다국어 스크린 타이포그라피용 섞어쓰기 라이브러리.
Library for interacting with Serial Pen Plotter Devices
Dockerfile for multiple machine learning tools.
A BASIC interpreter & environment for the Arduino