- All unconstrained = plane normal to camera
- One constrained = plane on both unconstrained axies
- Two constrained = line on unconstrained axis
- Three constrained = nothing happening
- Planes need to be
side = three.DoubleSide
- Default
- Menu FX
- Plane and line math for tools
- General FX
- Refactor selection to use Group to make edits easier
- Refactor spotlight to use layers
- Why is moving object out of sync with selection outline?
- Work out two constrained line math
- Design move tool plane generation
- Move tool
- Scale tool - is origin based on crosshair?
- Rotate tool - is origin based on crosshair?
- Physics grab tool
- Group / ungroup?
- Character type asset template
- Enter / exit 3rd person control against character
- Test constraint system
- Drag JSON file to execute commands (e.g. config / levels)
- Numeric entry?
- Detect angle of drag for click threshold
- Ragdoll armature
- Global marionette / wires for balance
- Impulse based motion, IK + target pose
- Low level blending of impulses
- Enviroment detection / hinting
- User controls hinting
- High level blending of impulses
- Onion skinning of future frames while adjusting parameters
- Timeline view - how does this work in 3D?
- Pose slots as number keys, hold pushes, tap to cycle through
- Save pose to timeline
- Pose heatup and cooloff
- Set input against timeline to understand how things change
- Environment weighting
- 3D geometry for effects
- Simple flat materials & lighting
- Outline
- Example UI
- Animation Key Frame
- Lambert
- Toon
- B&W Spotted
- Glitch
- Crossfade
- Bokeh
- Pixel
- Retro Vectors
- Sea creature / statistics engine