- Odo.js (author) FrontEnd modules like react using virtual-dom inspired by deku. Best understood through the Odo.js Handbook Example or Odo.js Lite.
- Odo Relay (author) The relay pattern for Odo.js and OdoQL.
- Odo.js Autocomplete (author) Autocomplete helper.
- OdoQL (author) An extendible, composable and modular query language in JSON. Examples available.
- OdoQL Exe (author) Execution strategies for OdoQL.
- OdoQL FS (author) Read files in OdoQL.
- OdoQL JSON (author) Interpret strings as JSON in OdoQL.
- OdoQL YAML (author) Interpret strings as YAML in OdoQL. Using the great js-yaml library.
- OdoQL HTTP (author) HTTP requests from OdoQL using the excellent superagent library for Node.js and browser http support
- OdoQL CSV (author) Interpret strings as CSV / TSV in OdoQL. Uses the fun BabyParse library - a Node.js and browser compatible version of PapaParse.
- OdoQL localStorage (author) Access localstorage from OdoQL.
- OdoQL RethinkDB (author) Query RethinkDB from OdoQL.
- Misc
- odo-hub (author) Simple pub sub.
- odo-sequencer (author) Maintain constant sequence of callbacks.
- odo-template (author) Simple templating.
- odo-async (author) Simple async.
- odo-layers (author) Layered store with commit and rollback.
- odo-route (author) Route url patterns to functions.
- odo-math (author) Supplementary Mathematical Helpers.
- Resolute (author) Reliable messaging in Node.js.
- Resolute Saga (author) Saga pattern for resolute.
- Shulz (author) Resilient, persistent in process hashmaps for Node.js.
- Seuss (author) Resilient, persistent in process queue for Node.js.
- Seuss Queue (author) Efficient memory based queue.
- Seuss Backoff (author) Exponential backoff queue.
- Timespanner (author) Control time with strings like '(Pacific/Auckland)now/d+5d6h'.
- Chronological (author) Cron-like time schedule format and calculator using proper timezone information from momentjs timezone
- D3 Chronological (author) D3 time scale using proper timezone information from momentjs timezone.
- Leaflet GeoTileLayer (author) Display GeoJSON tiles in Leaflet.
- lnglattotile (author) Convert Longitude and Latitude to Tile coordinates.
- lnglattotilefloat (author) Convert Longitude and Latitude to partial Tile coordinates
- tiletolnglat (author) Convert tile coordinates to Longitude and Latitude
- iquad (author) GeoJSON tile server
- quaddy (author) Store, process and query a pre-allocated quadtree.
- Tugboat-py (author) Docker Compose for multiple groups.
- Aroha (author) Runit, Syslog-ng and Consul with an init script
- Aroha Webstack (author) Node.js and ZeroMQ on Aroha
- Redis Consul (author) Redis with Consul.
- RethinkDB Consul (author) RethinkDB with Consul and auto join functionality.
- PhantomJS Consul (author) PhantomJS with Consul and Node.js.
- Nginx Consul (author) Nginx with Consul.
- Nginx PHP Consul (author) Nginx with PHP and Consul.
- flexy-grid (author) Flexbox grid css.
- pokemon-emails (author) Catchall email proxy.
- dve (core contributor) Visualisations built from a simple json structure.
- NetCDFjs (author) Read NetCDF files in the browser and with Node.js.
- Consul Utils (author) Partial Node.js API for Consul.
- Consul Backup (author)
for moving files and folders into and out of Consul. - Consul Sync (author) Keep a file's contents updated based on the value of a Consul key.
- Doppelgänger (author) Register Consul services dynamically.
- Redwire (author) A dynamic, high performance, load balancing reverse proxy written in Node.js.
- Oakie (author) Simple tree methods.
- Doshit (core contributor) Get stuff done with Node.js and Python.
- Mutunga (author) An http server that closes idle connections when closing.
- Whakaruru (author) Zero downtime reloading http server.
- Whakaruru Watch (author) Zero downtime automatically reloading http server.
- Maximum Effort (author) Dispatch tasks to Web Workers.
- Check Check (author) Build a validator.
- Perm (author) Super simple permissions.
- injectinto (author) Poor Man's Dependency Injection.