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Real-Time Rendering - 4th Edition

Online chapter: Real-Time Ray Tracing [pdf]

version 1.4; November 5, 2018

  • Tomas Akenine-Möller
  • Eric Haines
  • Naty Hoffman
  • Angelo Pesce
  • Michal Iwanicki
  • Sébastien Hillaire


26. Real-Time Ray Tracing

I wanted change and excitement and to shoot off in all directions myself,
like the colored arrows from a Fourth of July rocket.

---Sylvia Plath

Compared to rasterization-based techniques, which is the topic of large parts of this book, ray tracing is a method that is more directly inspired by the physics of light. As such, it can generate substantially more realistic images. In the first edition of Real-Time Rendering, from 1999, we dreamed about reaching 12 frames per second for rendering an average frame of A Bug’s Life (ABL) between 2007 and 2024. In some sense we were right. ABL used ray tracing for only a few shots where it was truly needed, e.g., reflection and refraction in a water droplet. However, recent advances in GPUs have made it possible to render game-like scenes with ray tracing in real time. For example, the cover of this book shows a scene rendered at about 20 frames per second using global illumination with something that starts to resemble feature-film image quality. Ray tracing will revolutionize real-time rendering.

In its simplest form, visibility determination for both rasterization and ray tracing can be described with double for-loops. Rasterization is:

for(T in triangles)
  for(P in pixels)
    determine if P is inside T

Ray tracing can, on the other hand, be described by:

for(P in pixels)
  for(T in triangles)
    determine if ray through P hits T

So in a sense, these are both simple algorithms. However, to make either of these fast, you need much more code and hardware than can fit on a business card¹. One important feature of a ray tracer using a spatial data structure, such as a bounding volume hierarchy (BVH), is that the running time for tracing a ray is $\mathcal{O}(\log{n})$, where $n$ is the number of triangles in the scene. While this is an attractive feature of ray tracing, it is clear that rasterization is also better than $\mathcal{O}(n)$, since GPUs have occlusion culling hardware and rendering engines use frustum culling, deferred shading, and many other techniques that avoid fully processing every primitive. So, it is a complex matter to estimate the running time for rasterization in $\mathcal{O}()$ notation. In addition, the texture units and the triangle traversal units of a GPU are incredibly fast and have been optimized for rasterization over a span of decades.

The important difference is that ray tracing can shoot rays in any direction, not just from a single point, such as from the eye or a light source. As we will see in Section 26.1, this flexibility makes it possible to recursively render reflections and refractions [89], and to fully evaluate the rendering equation (Equation 11.2). Doing so makes the images just look better. This property of ray tracing simplifies content creation as well, since less artist intervention is needed [20]. When using rasterization, artists often need to adjust their creations to work well with the rendering techniques being used. However, with ray tracing, noise may become apparent in the images. This can happen when area lights are sampled, when surfaces are glossy, when an environment map is integrated over, and when path tracing is used, for example.

That said, to make real-time ray tracing be the only rendering algorithm used for real-time applications, it is likely that several techniques, e.g., denoising, will be needed to make the images look good enough. Denoising attempts to remove the noise based on intelligent image averaging (Section 26.5). In the short-term, clever combinations of rasterization and ray tracing are expected—rasterization is not going away any time soon. In the longer-term, ray tracing scales well as processors become more powerful, i.e., the more compute and bandwidth that are provided, the better images we can generate with ray tracing by increasing the number of samples per pixel and the recursive ray depth. For example, due to the difficult indirect lighting involved, the image in Figure 26.1 was generated using 256 samples per pixel. Another image with high-quality path tracing is shown in Figure 26.6, where the number of samples per pixel range from 1 to 65,536.

Before diving into algorithms used in ray tracing, we refer you to several relevant chapters and sections. Chapter 11 on global illumination provides the theory surrounding the rendering equation (Equation 11.2), as well as a basic explanation of ray and path tracing in Section 11.2.2. Chapter 22 describes intersection methods, where ray against object tests are essential for ray tracing. Spatial data structures, which are used to speed up the visibility queries in ray tracing, are described in Section 19.1.1 and in Chapter 25, about collision detection.

1. The back of Paul Heckbert’s business card from the 1990s had code for a simple, recursive ray tracer [34].

26.1 Ray Tracing Fundamentals

Recall from Equation 22.1 that a ray is defined as

$$ \mathbf{q}(t) = \mathbf{o} + t\mathbf{d} $$

where $\mathbf{o}$ is the ray origin and $\mathbf{d}$ is the normalized ray direction, with $t$ then being the distance along the ray. Note that we use $\mathbf{q}$ here instead of $\mathbf{r}$ to distinguish it from the right vector $r$, used below. Ray tracing can be described by two functions called $trace()$ and $shade()$. The core geometrical algorithm lies in $trace()$, which is responsible for finding the closest intersection between the ray and the primitives in the scene and returning the color of the ray by calling $shade()$. For most cases, we want to find an intersection with $t > 0$. For constructive solid geometry, we often want negative distance intersections (those behind the ray) as well.

Figure 26.1. A difficult scene with a large amount of indirect lighting rendered with 256 samples per pixel, with 15 as ray depth, and a million triangles. Still, when zooming it, it is possible to see noise in this image. There are objects consisting of transparent plastic materials, glass, and several glossy metallic surfaces as well, all of which are hard to render using rasterization. (Model by Boyd Meeji, rendered using Keyshot.)

To find the color of a pixel, we shoot rays through a pixel and compute the pixel color as some weighted average of their results. These rays are called eye rays or camera rays. The camera setup is illustrated in Figure 26.2. Given an integer pixel coordinate, $(x, y)$ with $x$ going right in the image and $y$ going down, a camera position $\mathbf{c}$, and a coordinate frame, ${\mathbf{r}, \mathbf{u}, \mathbf{v}}$ (right, up, and view), for the camera, and screen resolution of $w × h$, the eye ray $\mathbf{q}(t) = \mathbf{o} + t\mathbf{d}$ is computed as


$$ \mathbf{o} = \mathbf{c}, $$

$$ \mathbf{s}(x,y) = af(\frac{2(x+0.5)}{w} - 1)\mathbf{r} - f(\frac{2(y+0.5)}{h} - 1)\mathbf{u} + \mathbf{v}, $$

$$ \mathbf{d}(x,y) = \frac{\mathbf{s}(s,y)}{||\mathbf{s}(s,y)||} $$

where the normalized ray direction $\mathbf{d}$ is affected by $f = tan(\phi/2)$, with $\phi$ being the camera’s vertical field of view, and $a = w/h$ is the aspect ratio. Note that the camera coordinate frame is left-handed, i.e., $\mathbf{r}$ points to the right, $\mathbf{u}$ is the up-vector, and $\mathbf{v}$ points away from the camera toward the image plane, i.e., a similar setup to the one shown in Figure 4.5. Note that $\mathbf{s}$ is a temporary vector used in order to normalize $\mathbf{d}$. The $0.5$ added to the integer $(x, y)$ position selects the center of each pixel, since $(0.5, 0.5)$ is the floating-point center [33]. If we want to shoot rays anywhere in a pixel, we would instead represent the pixel location using floating point values and the $0.5$ offsets are then not added in.

Figure 26.2. A ray is defined by an origin $\mathbf{o}$ and a direction $\mathbf{d}$. The ray tracing setup consists of constructing and shooting one (or more) rays from the viewpoint through each pixel. The ray shown in this figure hits two triangles, but if the triangles are opaque, only the first hit is of interest. Note that the vectors $\mathbf{r}$ (right), $\mathbf{u}$ (up), and $\mathbf{v}$ (view) are used to construct a direction vector $\mathbf{d}(x, y)$ of a sample position $(x, y)$.

In the naivest implementation, $trace()$ would loop over all the $n$ primitives in the scene and intersect the ray with each of them, keeping the closest intersection with $t>0$. Doing so yields $\mathcal{O}(n)$ performance, which is unacceptably slow except with a few primitives. To get to $\mathcal{O}(n\log{}n)$ per ray, we use a spatial acceleration data structure, e.g., a BVH or a $k$-d tree. See Chapter 19.1 for descriptions on how to intersection test a ray using a BVH.

Using $trace()$ and $shade()$ to describe a ray tracer is simple. Equation 26.2 is used to create an eye ray from the camera position through a location inside a pixel.

This ray is fed to $trace()$, whose task is to find the color or radiance Chapter 8 that is returned along that ray. This is done by first finding the closest intersection along the ray and then computing the shading at that point using $shade()$. We illustrate this process in Figure 26.3. The power of this concept is that $shade()$, which should evaluate radiance, can do that by making new calls to $trace()$. These new rays that are shot from $shade()$ using $trace()$ can, for example, be used to evaluate shadows, recursive reflections and refractions, and diffuse ray evaluation. The term ray depth is used to indicate the number of rays that have been shot recursively along a ray path. The eye ray has a ray depth of 1, while the second $trace()$ where the ray hits the circle in Figure 26.3 has ray depth 2.

Figure 26.3. A camera ray is created through a pixel and a first call to $trace()$ starts the ray tracing process in that pixel. This ray hits the ground plane with a normal $n$. Then $shade()$ is called at this first hit point, since the goal of $trace()$ is to find the ray’s color. The power of ray tracing comes from the fact that $shade()$ can call $trace()$ as a help when evaluating the BRDF at that point. Here, this is done by shooting a shadow ray to the light source, which in this case is blocked by a triangle. In addition, assuming the surface is specular, a reflection ray is also shot and this ray hits a circle. At this second hit point, $shade()$ is called again to evaluate the shading. Again, a shadow and a reflection ray are shot from this new hit point.

One use of these new rays is to determine if the current point being shaded is in shadow with respect to a light source. Doing so generates shadows. We can also take the eye ray and the normal, $n$, at the intersection to compute the reflection vector. Shooting a ray in this direction generates a reflection on the surface, and can be done recursively. The same process can be used to generate refractive rays. Perfectly specular reflections and refractions along with sharp shadows is often referred to as Whitted ray tracing [89]. See Sections 11.5 and 14.5.2 for information on how to compute the reflection and refraction rays. Note that when an object has a different index of refraction than the medium in which the ray travels, the ray may be both reflected and refracted. See Figure 26.4. This type of recursion is something that rasterization-based methods struggle to solve by using various approximations to achieve only a subset of the effects that can be obtained with ray tracing. Ray casting, the idea of testing visibility between two points or in a direction, can be used for other graphical (and non-graphical) algorithms. For example, we could shoot a number of ambient occlusion rays from an intersection point to get an accurate estimate of that effect.

Figure 26.4. An incoming ray in the top left corner hits a surface whose index of refraction, $n_2$, is larger than the index of refraction, $n_1$, in which the ray travels, i.e., $n_2>n_1$. Both a reflection ray and a refraction ray is generated at each hit point (circles).

The functions $trace()$, $shade()$, and $rayTraceImage()$, where the latter is a function that creates eye rays through each pixel, are used in the pseudocode that follows. These short pieces of code shows the overall structure of a Whitted ray tracer, which can be used as a basis for many rendering variants, e.g., path tracing.

  for(p in pixels)
    color of p = trace(eye ray through p);

  pt = find closest intersection;
  return shade(pt);

  color = 0;
  for(L in light sources)
    trace(shadow ray to L);
    color += evaluate BRDF;
  color += trace(reflection ray);
  color += trace(refraction ray);
  return color;

Whitted ray tracing does not provide a full solution to global illumination. Light reflected from any direction other than a mirror reflection is ignored, and direct lights are only represented by points. To fully evaluate the rendering equation, shown in Equation 11.2, Kajiya [41] proposed a method called path tracing, which is a correct solution and thus generates images with global illumination. One possible approach is to compute the first intersection point of an eye ray, and then evaluate shading there by shooting many rays in different directions. For example, if a diffuse surface is hit, then one could shoot rays all over the hemisphere at the intersection point. However, if this process is repeated at the hit points for each of these rays as well, there is an explosion in rays to evaluate. Kajiya realized that one could instead just follow a single ray using Monte Carlo based methods to generate its path through the environment, and average several such path-rays over a pixel. This is how the path tracing method works. See Figure 26.5.

Figure 26.5. Illustration of path tracing with two rays being shot through a single pixel. All light gray surfaces are assumed to be diffuse and the darker red rectangle to the right has a glossy BRDF. At each diffuse hit, a random ray over the hemisphere around the normal is generated and traced further. Since the pixel color is the average of the two rays’ radiances, the diffuse surface is evaluated in two directions—one that hits the triangle and one which hits the rectangle. As more rays are added, the evaluation of the rendering equation becomes better and better.

One disadvantage of path tracing is that many rays are required for the image to converge. To halve the variance, one need to shoot four times as many rays. See Figure 26.6.

Figure 26.6. Top: full image rendered using 65,536 samples per pixel using path tracing: Bottom from left to right: zoom ins on the same scene rendered using 1, 16, 256, 4,096, and 65,536 samples per pixel. Notice that there is noise even in the image with 4,096 samples per pixel. (Model by Alexia Rupod, image courtesy of NVIDIA Corporation.)

The $shade()$ function is always implemented by the user, so any type of shading can be used, much like vertex and pixel shading are implemented in a rasterization-based pipeline. The traversal and intersection testing that takes place in $trace()$ can be implemented on the CPU, using compute shaders on the GPU, or using DirectX or OpenGL. Alternatively, one can use a ray tracing API, e.g., DXR. This is the topic of the next section.

26.2 Shaders for Ray Tracing

Ray tracing is now tightly integrated into real-time rendering APIs, such as DirectX [59, 91, 92] and Vulkan. In this section we will describe the different types of ray tracing shaders that have been added to these APIs and can thus be used together with rasterization. As an example of such a combination, we could first generate a G-buffer (Chapter 20) using rasterization and then shoot rays from these hit points in order to generate reflections and shadows [11, 76]. We call this deferred ray tracing.

Ray tracing shaders are dispatched to the GPU similar to compute shaders (Section 3.10), i.e., over a grid (of pixels). In this section, we follow the naming convention of DXR [59], the ray tracing addition to DirectX 12. There are five types of ray tracing shaders [59, 78]:

  1. ray generation shader
  2. closest hit shader
  3. miss shader
  4. any hit shader
  5. intersection shader

A ray is defined using Equation 26.1 in addition to an interval $[t_{min} , t_{max}]$. The interval defines the part of the ray where intersections are accepted. See Figure 26.7. The programmer can add a payload to the ray. This is a data structure that is used to send data between different ray tracing shaders. An example ray payload could contain a float4 for the radiance and a float for the distance to the hit point, but the user can add anything that is needed. However, keeping the ray payload small is better for performance, since a larger payload may use more registers.

Figure 26.7. A ray defined by an origin $o$, a direction $d$, and an interval $[t_{min}, t_{max}]$. Only intersections inside the interval will be found.

The ray generation shader is the starting point for ray tracing. It can be programmed just like compute shaders and is able to call a new function $TraceRay()$, which is similar to the $trace()$ function described in Section 26.1. Typically, the ray generation shader is executed for all the pixels of the screen. The implementation of fast traversal of a spatial acceleration structure inside $TraceRay()$ is provided by the driver through the API. It is possible to define a ray type that is connected to different shaders. For example, it is common to use a certain set of shaders for standard rays, while simpler shaders can be used for shadow rays. For shadows, rays can be traced more efficiently since we usually can stop as soon as any intersection has been found in the ray’s interval, the range from the hit point to the light source.

For standard rays, the first positive intersection point is required. Such rays are shot by the ray generation shaders. When the closest hit has been found, a closest hit shader is executed. Here, the user can implement $shade()$ from Section 26.1, e.g., shadow ray testing, reflections, refractions, and path tracing. If nothing is hit by the ray, a miss shader is executed. This is useful to generate a radiance value and send back via the ray payload. This can be a static background color, a sky color, or generated using a lookup in an environment map.

The any hit shader is an optional shader that can be used when a scene contains transparent objects or alpha tested texturing. This shader is executed whenever there is a hit in the ray’s interval. The shader code can, for example, perform a lookup in the texture. If the sample is fully transparent, then traversal should continue, else it can be stopped. There is no guarantee of the order of execution for these tests, so the shader code may need to perform some local sorting in order to get correct blending, for example. The any hit shader can be implemented both for standard rays and for shadow rays. As with rasterization, using a tighter polygon around the cutout texture’s bounds (Section 13.6.2) can help reduce the number of times this shader is invoked.

The intersection shader is executed when a ray hits a certain bounding box in the spatial acceleration structure. It can thus be used to implement custom intersection test code, e.g., against fractal landscapes, subdivision surfaces, and analytical surfaces, such as spheres and cones.

In addition to ray generation shaders, both miss shaders and closest hit shaders can generate new rays with $TraceRay()$. All shaders except intersection shaders can modify the ray payload. All ray tracing shaders may also output data to UAVs. For example, the ray generation shader can output the color of the ray that it has sent to the corresponding pixel.

There is much innovation and research to be done in the field of combining rasterization and ray tracing, but also in how to exploit the new additions to the real-time graphics APIs. Andersson and Barré-Brisebois [9] present a hybrid rendering pipeline where these two rendering paradigms are combined. First, a G-buffer is rendered using rasterization. Direct lighting and post-processing is done using compute shaders. Direct shadows and ambient occlusion can be done either using compute shaders or using ray tracing. Global illumination, reflections, and transparency & translucency are done using pure ray tracing. As GPUs evolve, bottlenecks will move around, but a general piece of advice is:

Use raster when faster, else rays to amaze.

As always, remember to measure where your bottleneck is located (Chapter 18). Note also that $TraceRay()$ can be used as a work generation mechanism, i.e., a shader can use $TraceRay()$ to spawn several jobs in order to compute a combined result. For example, this feature can be used for adaptive ray tracing, where more ray are sent through pixel regions with high variance, with the goal being to improve image quality at a relatively low cost. However, $TraceRay()$ is likely to have many uses that were not conceived of during the API design.

26.3 Top and Bottom Level Acceleration Structures

The acceleration structure for DXR is mostly opaque to the user, but there are two levels of the hierarchy that are visible. These are called the top level acceleration structure (TLAS) and the bottom level acceleration structure (BLAS) [59]. A BLAS contain a set of geometries that can be considered as components of the scene. The TLAS contain a set of instances that each point to a BLAS. This is illustrated in Figure 26.8.

A BLAS can either contain geometries of the type triangles or procedural. The former contains sets of triangles and the latter is associated with an intersection shader that can implement a custom intersection test. This can be an analytical ray versus sphere or torus test or some procedurally generated geometry, for example.

In Figure 26.8 all matrices, $\mathbf{M}$ and $\mathbf{N}$, are of size $3×4$, i.e., arbitrary $3×3$ matrices plus a translation (Chapter 4). The $\mathbf{N}$ matrices are used to apply a one-time transform that is performed in the beginning of the build process for the underlying acceleration data structure (e.g., BVH or k-d tree) of the corresponding geometry. The $\mathbf{M}$ matrices, on the other hand, can be updated each frame and can therefore be used for lightweight animation.

Figure 26.8. Illustration of how the top level acceleration structure (TLAS) is connected to a set of bottom-level acceleration structures (BLAS). Each BLAS can contain several sets of primitives, each containing only triangles or procedural geometry. Every geometry and instance can be transformed by a $3×4$ matrix $\mathbf{N}$ or $\mathbf{M}$. Note that each matrix is unique to the corresponding instance or geometry. The TLAS contain a set of instances, which can point to a BLAS.

For arbitrarily animated geometry, where triangles may be added or removed, one has to rebuild the BLAS each frame. In these cases, even the $N$ matrices can be updated. If only vertex positions are updated, then a faster update of the data structure can be requested in, e.g., the DXR API. Such an update will usually reduce performance a bit, but can work well in situations where the geometry has moved only a little. A reasonable approach may be to use these less expensive updates when possible, and perform a rebuild from scratch every n frames in order to amortize this cost over several frames.

Note that grouping of geometry should often be done differently when ray tracing is used compared to rasterization. As seen in Chapter 18, for rasterization geometry is often grouped by material parameters to exploit shader coherence during pixel shading. Acceleration data structures for ray tracing performs better when grouping is done using spatial locality. See Figure 26.11. Performance can suffer substantially if for ray tracing geometry is grouped according to material instead of spatial locality.

Figure 26.9. For optimized rendering using rasterization, we often group geometry per material, here indicated by the colors of the triangle meshes. These boxes are drawn using solid lines. For ray tracing, it is better to group geometry that is spatially close, and the corresponding boxes are dashed.

26.4 Coherency

One of the most important ideas in both software and hardware performance optimization is to exploit coherency during execution. We can save effort by reusing results among different parts of a given computation. In today’s hardware, the most expensive operations, in both time and energy use, are memory accesses, which are orders of magnitude slower than simple mathematical operations. A good way to evaluate the cost of a hardware operation is to think of the physical distance that bits have to travel inside circuitry in order to accomplish it. Most of the time, performance optimization focuses on exploiting memory coherency (caches) and scheduling computation around memory latency. The GPU itself can be seen as a processor that explicitly constrains the execution model of the programs it runs (data parallel, independent computations threads) in order to better exploit memory coherency (Section 23.1).

In the introduction to this chapter, we discussed how ray tracing and rasterization for “first hit” visibility of screen pixels (camera rays) can be seen as different traversal orders of the scene geometry. While the ordering does not matter much in terms of algorithmic complexity, each has practical consequences. With both rasterization and ray tracing we have a double for-loop. The innermost loop, unless it happens to be quite small, is where most computation lies. As iterations happen next to each other back-to-back in inner loops, they are the best candidates for reducing computation by reusing data between iterations and exploiting memory access locality (cache optimization).

A rasterizer’s inner loop is over the pixels of a given object surface. It is likely that points over a surface exhibit high degrees of coherent computation: They may be shaded using the same material, use the same textures, and even access these textures (memory) in nearby locations. If we have to compute visibility for a large number of camera pixels, we can easily walk these locations in a spatially coherent order, for example, in small square tiles on the screen. Doing so ensures a high degree of coherent work in the inner loop (Section 23.1). Note that coherency extends past the problem of visibility. Rendering typically starts after we know what surfaces are visible—a large amount of work lies in computing material properties and their interaction with scene lighting. A rasterizer is particularly fast not only because it can compute what objects cover which pixels in an efficient way, but because the subsequent shading work is naturally ordered in a way that exploits coherency.

In contrast, a naive ray tracer, for a given ray in the outer loop, iterates over all scene primitives in the inner one. Regardless of how we might avoid the overall expense of an $\mathcal{O}(mn)$ double loop from $m$ pixels and $n$ objects, there is little coherency to be exploited when traversing a single list of rendering primitives along a single ray.

Most of the performance optimization in a modern ray tracer thus deals with how to “find” coherency in the ray visibility queries and subsequent shading computations. We could say that rasterization is coherent by default, but constrained to a specific visibility query, the camera frustum. Most of the effort when using rasterization techniques involves how to stretch this query function in order to simulate a variety of effects. Ray tracing, in contrast, is flexible by default. We can query visibility from any point in any direction. However, doing so naively results in incoherent computation that is not efficient on modern hardware architectures, and thus most of the engineering effort is spent trying to organize the visibility queries in a coherent manner.

With the increased flexibility of ray queries, we can render effects that are impossible for a rasterizer, while still retaining high performance by exploiting coherency. Shadows are a good example. Tracing rays for shadows allows us to more accurately simulate the effect of area lights [35]. Shadow rays need only to intersect geometry, and in most cases do not need to evaluate materials. These attributes reduce the cost of hitting different objects. Compared to shading rays, all we need to evaluate is whether a ray hits any object between the intersection point and the light source. We can thus avoid computing normals at the intersection points, avoid texturing for solid objects, and can stop tracing after the first solid hit has been found. In addition, shadow rays typically are highly coherent. For nearby pixels on the screen they have similar origins and can be directed to the same light. Lastly, shadow maps (Section 7.4) cannot sample light visibility at the exact frequency of screen pixels, resulting in under- or oversampling. In the latter case, the increased flexibility of shadow rays can even result in better performance. Rays are generally more expensive, but, by avoiding oversampling, we can perform fewer visibility queries. That is also why shadow maps were among the first graphical applications of ray tracing in games [90].

26.4.1 Scene Coherency

Primitives in a three-dimensional scene fall into natural spatial relations when we consider the distances among them. These relationships do not necessarily guarantee coherency of computation when we think of the shading work that rendering entails. For example, an object might be close to another but use entirely different materials, textures, and—ultimately—shading algorithms. Most algorithms and data structures used for acceleration of object traversal in a ray tracer can be adapted to work in a rasterizer as well, as discussed in Section 19.1. However, these data structures are more important to tune in a ray tracer than a rasterizer. Object traversal is part of the inner loop when tracing rays.

Most ray tracers and ray tracing APIs use some form of spatial acceleration data structure to speed up ray visibility queries. In many cases, including the current version of DXR, these techniques are opaque to the user, implemented under the hood and provided as black box functionality. For this reason, the rest of this section on coherency can be skipped if you are focused on understanding basic DXR functionality and related techniques. However, this section is important if you want to get a grasp on performance, particularly for larger scenes. If you know your system relies on a particular spatial structure, learning the advantages and costs related to that scheme can help you improve the efficiency of your rendering engine.

Creating data structures to exploit scene coherency in visibility calculations is particularly challenging for real-time rendering, as in most cases the scene changes frame to frame under animation. In fact, though we previously noted how the raytracer’s outer loop allows for more flexibility in visibility queries, the rasterizer’s outer loop can more naturally handle animated scenes, as well as procedurally generated and out-of-core (too large to fit in memory all at once) geometry. Rasterization’s loop structure is another reason why these spatial data structures are typically present in relatively simplified form in raster-based rendering solutions.

Figure 26.10 From left to right: a fine uniform grid and cells traversed by a ray until intersection, a coarser uniform grid, a two-level grid and a uniform grid with embedded proximity cloud information, where dark means that the closest object to that grid cell is near and light means that it is far away.

The idea behind a spatial data structure is that we can organize geometry inside partitions of the space in ways that group objects that are near each other in scene in the same volume. A simple way to achieve this partitioning is to subdivide the entire scene in a regular grid, and store in each cube (voxel) a list of the primitives that intersect it. Then, ray traversal can be accomplished by visiting each cell in a line given by the ray direction, starting at the ray origin. Traversal is the same algorithm as conservative line rasterization, only in three dimensions. The basic idea is to find the distance to the next voxel in the $x$, $y$, and $z$ directions, take the smallest of these, and move along the ray to that voxel. The leftmost illustration in Figure 26.10 shows how a ray might visit cells in a uniform grid. These three values are then updated and the new smallest value is used to move to the next voxel. Every time we find a non-empty cell during the traversal, we need to test the ray against all the primitives contained in the cell. As soon as we find a hit in the cell, the traversal in the grid does not need to continue. For shadow rays (any hit), we can simply stop, but for standard rays, we need to test all the primitives in the cell and choose the closest. Havran’s thesis [31] provides a great overview.

Since a scene might have small, detailed objects with many tiny primitives in some regions and large, coarse ones in others, a fixed grid size might not work everywhere. This scenario is referred to as the “teapot in a stadium” problem [27], where a complex teapot, the focus of attention, falls into a single cell and so receives no benefit from the efficiency structure. Even though they are rapid to construct and simple to traverse, naive uniform grids are currently rarely used for most ray tracing. Variants exist that improve grid efficiency and are thus more practical. Grids can be nested in a hierarchical fashion, with higher-level large cells containing finer grids as needed. Two-level nested grids are particularly fast to construct in parallel on GPUs [42], and have been successfully employed in early animated GPU real-time ray tracing demos [80].

Hash tables can be employed to create an infinite virtual grid, where only the occupied cells store data in memory (Section 25.1.2). Another strategy is to store, in empty cells, the distance in grid units to the closest non-empty cell. This system is called proximity clouds [14]. During the traversal, these distances allow us to safely skip many cells in the line marching routine that are guaranteed to be empty. Recently, irregular grids [64] elaborate on the idea of skipping empty space efficiently. These have been shown to be competitive with the state-of-the-art in spatial acceleration for ray tracing of animated scenes. Figure 26.10 shows a few of these grid variants.

If we develop the idea of a hierarchical grid to its limit, we can imagine having the lowest resolution grid possible, made of two cells on each axis, as the top-level data structure, and recursively split each non-empty cell into another $2 × 2 × 2$. This structure is an octree and is discussed in Section 19.1.3. Going even further, we can imagine using a plane to split a single cell in two at each level of our hierarchical data structure. This yields the binary BSP tree if the plane choice is arbitrary, or a $k$-d tree if the planes are constrained to be axis-aligned (Section 19.1.2). If instead of using a single axis-aligned plane we use a pair at each level of the data structure, we obtain a bounded interval hierarchy (BIH) tree [84], which has fast construction algorithms associated with it.

Today the most popular acceleration structures for ray tracing is the bounding volume hierarchy (BVH) and is described in Section 19.1.1. See Figure 26.11. For example, hierarchical bounding volume structures are used in Intel’s Embree kernels [88], in AMD’s Radeon-Rays library [8], and in NVIDIA’s RT Cores hardware [58] and OptiX system [62].

Figure 26.11 Some popular spatial subdivision data structures. From left to right: a hierarchical grid, a BVH of axis-aligned bounding rectangles, and a $k$-d tree.

Properties of Spatial Data Structures

The design landscape of spatial data structure is large. We can have deep hierarchies that take more indirections to traverse but adapt to the scene geometry better, versus shallower data structures that are less flexible but can be more compact in memory. We can have rigid subdivision schemes that are easy to build and require little memory per node, versus more expressive schemes with many degrees of freedom on how to carve space. For example, BVH schemes can potentially have known memory costs in advance of their creation, require fewer subdivisions, and be better at skipping empty space. However, they are more complex to build and may require more storage to encode each node.

In general, the trade-offs of a spatial data structure are:

  • Construction quality.
  • Speed of construction.
  • Speed to update, for animated scenes.
  • Run-time traversal efficiency.

Construction quality roughly translates to how many primitives and how many cells must be traversed to find a ray intersection. Speed of construction and traversal are often specific to a given hardware. To complicate matters further, all these data structures allow for multiple traversal and construction algorithms and for different encoding of the nodes (compression and memory layout). Moreover, any degree of freedom in the way space is subdivided also implies the existence of different heuristics to guide these choices.

It is misleading to talk about data structure performance without specifying all these parameters. In practice, the state of the art data structures are different for static versus dynamic scenes, where construction algorithms have to operate under strict time constraints not to take more time than is saved in the ray tracing portion of the rendering. On the hardware side, marked differences exist between CPU and GPU (highly parallel) algorithms. Best practices for the latter are still evolving, as GPU architectures are more recent and have seen more changes over time [46].

Finally, the specifics of the rays we need to trace also matter, with certain structures performing best at coherent rays (e.g., camera rays, shadows, or mirror reflections) and other being more tolerant of incoherent, randomly scattered rays (typically for diffuse global illumination or ambient occlusion methods).

With all this in mind, it is worth noting that state-of-the-art ray tracing performance has historically been achieved through some variant of a $k$-d tree or bounding volume hierarchy (BVH) made of axis-aligned boxes (AABBs) [83]. The main difference between the two, theoretically, is that a $k$-d tree partitions the space in disjoint cells, while the nodes in a BVH typically overlap. This means that BVH traversal can only stop when an intersection is found and no other unexamined bounding volume left in the tree can be in front of it. A $k$-d tree, however, can stop immediately when a primitive intersection is found as it is possible to enforce a strict front-to-back traversal order. This theoretical advantage of a $k$-d tree is not always realized. For example, a BVH might be more efficient at skipping empty space and bounding primitives tightly, thus compensating for the inability of stopping early by reaching an intersection faster [83].

In practice, surveying a number of renderers used for film production [21, 67] and for interactive rendering [8, 58, 62, 88], we could not find any that currently use $k$-d trees. All present-day systems examined rely on BVHs in some form for general ray tracing². Other structures are more efficient for particular classes of primitives or algorithms. For example, point clouds and photon mapping use three-dimensional $k$-d trees to store samples. Octree and grid structures find use for voxel data.

BVHs can often fit scenes well, have fast and high-quality construction algorithms, and can easily handle animated scenes, especially if they exhibit good temporal coherency. Moreover it is possible, as we will see in the next section, to construct compact, shallow bounding volume trees that use less memory and less bandwidth to achieve good scene partitioning, which is a key property for high performance traversal of the data structure.

2. By default, the Brazil renderer circa 2012 used three-dimensional and four-dimensional (for motion blur) $k$-d trees for scenes [28].

Construction Schemes

It is outside the scope of this chapter to present all algorithmic variants and permutations in spatial data structures used for ray tracing, but we can present a few of the key ideas. See also Section 19.1 and Chapter 25 for more information on these topics.

Construction algorithms can be divided into object partitioning and space partitioning schemes. Object partitioning considers objects or primitives (e.g., individual triangles) that are near each other in space and clusters them in the nodes of the data structure. It is a process that can be performed “top-down,” at each step deciding how to split the scene objects into subgroups, or “bottom-up” (Chapter 25), by iteratively clustering objects. In contrast, spatial partitioning makes decisions on how to carve space in different regions, distributing the objects and primitives into the resulting nodes of the data structure. These constructions are typically “top-down.” Spatial partitions are usually much slower to construct, and hard to employ for real-time rendering, but they can be more efficient for casting rays.

Spatial partitioning is the most obvious way of constructing a $k$-d tree, but the same principles can be applied to BVHs as well. For example, the split BVH scheme by Stich et al. [62, 77] considers both object and spatial splits, allowing a given object to be referenced by more than one BVH leaf. Doing so results in significant savings in ray shooting costs compared to a regular BVH, while still being faster than building a purely spatial partitioning structure. See Figure 26.12.

Figure 26.12. Top row: stages of a bottom-up object partitioning BVH build. Bottom row: stages of a top-down BVH construction allowing for spatial splits.

Regardless of which scheme is used, choices have to be made at each step of the construction. For bottom up, we have to decide which primitives to aggregate, and for top down, where to put the spatial splits used to subdivide the scene. See Figure 26.13.

Figure 26.13. Different choices for a vertical splitting plane. From left to right: half-way cut, a cut isolating big primitives, a median cut resulting in two nodes with an equal amount of primitives, an SAH-optimized cut which minimizes the area of the node where most primitives will land, and thus the probability of hitting the node with most expensive data in it.

The optimal choices are the ones that minimize total ray tracing time, which in turn depends on the details of the traversal algorithm and the set of rays over which visibility is to be determined. In practice, exactly evaluating how these choices influence ray tracing is impossible, and thus heuristics must be employed. The most common approximation for build quality is the surface area heuristic (SAH) [53] (Section 22.4). It defines the following cost function:

$$ \frac{1}{A_{root}}(C_{node}\sum_{x \in I}{A_x} + C_{prim}\sum_{x \in L}P_xA_x), $$

where $A_x$ is the surface area for a node $x$, $P_x$ is the number of primitives in a given node, $I$ and $L$ are the sets of inner and leaf (non-empty) nodes in the tree, and $C_{node}$ , $C_{prim}$ are the average cost estimates (i.e., time) to intersect a node and a primitive (see also Section 25.2.1). The SAH, which is the surface area of the bounding volume, cell, or other volume, is proportional to the probability of a random ray striking it. This equation sums up the weighted probability cost of a hierarchy of primitives. The cost computed is a reasonable estimate of the efficiency of the structure formed.

When tuned in its constants, SAH correlates well with the actual cost of tracing random, long rays and performs well in practice. See Figure 26.14. These assumptions do not always hold and sometimes better heuristics are possible, especially if we know in advance or can sample the particular distribution of rays we are going to trace in a scene [5, 26]. SAH provides an estimate of the ray tracing cost given a fully built spatial data structure, and can be used to inform choices during construction. SAH optimized constructions reward among the set of possible choices those that yield small nodes with many primitives. See Figure 26.13.

Figure 26.14. Heat maps representing the number of BVH node traversals, per pixel, of first-hit camera rays in the Sponza atrium scene. Red areas required more than 500 traversal steps. The left image is generated using a BVH constructed with the median-cut heuristic and the right image shows an SAH-optimized BVH builder. (Images courtesy of Kostas Anagnostou.)

In practice algorithms that build SAH optimal structures can be slow, and thus further approximations are employed. For $k$-d trees, one approximate SAH strategy is to evaluate the heuristic cost for a small, fixed number of splitting planes and picking at each level the one that gives the most efficient value. This strategy, called binning, can also be used for rapidly building BVH structures top-down [86].

For animated scenes, the time constraints on construction algorithms are strict, so tree quality might be traded for faster builds. For spatial subdivision, median cuts might be used [84], where the space is split in the middle along the scene’s longest axis, or in a rotating $x$, $y$, $z$ sequence.

Object partitioning can be even faster. Lauterbach et al. [47] introduced linear bounding volume hierarchy (LBVH) construction, in which scene primitives are sorted by using space-filling curves. These are explained in Section 25.2.1 and shown in Figure 25.7. Such curves have the property of defining an ordering of locations in space, where adjacent points in the curve’s sorted order are likely to be near each other in the three-dimensional scene. Object sorting can be computed efficiently, even on highly parallel processors such as GPUs, and is used to cluster neighboring bounding volumes, building the hierarchy bottom-up. In 2010, Pantaleoni and Luebke [23, 63] proposed an improvement called hierarchical linear bounding volume hierarchy (HLBVH) that results in better construction speed and quality. In their scheme the top levels of the BVH are built in an SAH-optimized fashion, while the bottom levels are built similarly to the original LBVH method.

One advantage of using BVHs is that the maximum memory needed for the structure is known in advance, as the number of cluster nodes needed has a limit [86]. Yet, building spatial structures from scratch still has, at best, a linear cost in the number of primitives. Per-frame rebuilds can end up being a significant bottleneck for rendering performance, especially if not many rays are traced in a given frame. An alternative is to avoid rebuilds and “refit” the spatial data structure to the moved objects. Refitting is particularly easy in the case of a BVH. First the leaf node’s bounding volume is recomputed for the leaf node containing the animated primitive, using this object’s current geometry. The parent of this leaf node is then examined. If it no longer can contain the leaf node, it is expanded and its parent is tested, on up the chain. This process continues until the parent needs no modification, or the root node is reached. Another option when examining the parent leaf is to always minimize its bounding volume based on its children’s bounding volumes. This will provide a better tree, but will take a bit more time.

The refitting approach is fast but results in a degradation of the spatial data structure quality under large displacements during animation, as bounding volumes expand over time due to objects that were clustered together in the hierarchy but are no longer near each other. To address this shortcoming, iterative algorithms exist to perform tree rotations and incrementally improve the quality of a BVH [40, 44, 94].

Currently, the state of the art for parallel, GPU BVH builders is represented by the treelets method [40], which works by starting from a fast but low-quality BVH and optimizing its topology. It can construct high-quality trees, comparable to a split BVH, but at a rate of tens of millions of primitives per second on modern hardware, only slightly slower than HLBVH.

Two-level hierarchies, as used in DXR, are also common for animated scenes. As we have seen in Section 26.3, these hierarchies allow for fast rebuilds if objects move rigidly, by animated matrix transforms. In this case, only the top-level hierarchy needs to be rebuilt, while the expensive bottom-level per-object hierarchies do not need to be updated. Moreover, if objects animate non-rigidly, but without significant displacement (for example, the leaves of a tree swaying in the wind), refitting can still be used in the BLAS to avoid full rebuilds (Section 25.7). However, a problem of two-level hierarchies is that their quality is generally not as good as spatial data structures that are built for an entire scene at once. Imagine, for example, having many objects near each other, each with its own BLAS but with overlapping bounding volumes in the TLAS. A ray passing through a region of space where multiple BLAS overlap must traverse each of them, while a single, unified spatial data structure built for the entire scene would not have suffered from the same problem. In order to ameliorate this issue, Benthin et al. [10] proposed the idea of “re-braiding” two-level hierarchies, allowing the trees of different objects to merge in order to improve ray traversal performance.

Traversal Schemes

Similar to construction of spatial data structures, a substantial amount of research has been done on ray traversal algorithms.

Intersecting a ray with a hierarchical data structure is a form of tree traversal. Starting at the root, a ray is tested against the structure representation that divides the scene into subspaces. A ray might intersect with more than a single subspace, and thus need to visit multiple branches of the tree. For example, in the case of a binary BVH, for a given tree node a ray might intersect zero, one, or two bounding volumes corresponding to the children of the node. In a $k$-d tree, each node is associated with a plane that divides the space in two. If a ray intersects this plane, and the intersection is within the node’s bounds, the ray will need to visit both subspaces. Thus, in general, each time more than one subspace has to be considered for ray intersection, we must decide which to traverse first. When an intersection is not found, or if we need more than one intersection, we also need a way to backtrack and visit the other subspaces not yet tested.

Typically we sort the child subspaces of a node front to back, relative to the ray direction, traverse the closest subspace, and push the other children nodes on to a stack in sorted order. If backtracking is needed, a node is popped from the stack and traversal resumes from there. The cost of managing a stack is insignificant if we trace a single ray at a time. However, on GPUs we typically traverse thousands of rays in parallel at the same time, each requiring its own stack. Doing so creates a significant memory traffic overhead.

For $k$-d trees and other spatial data structures that always partition the scene in disjoint subspaces, it is simple to implement stackless ray tracing [22, 37] if we are willing to pay the cost of restarting the traversal from the root after reaching a leaf. If we always traverse the nearest subspace and we reach a leaf but not manage to find a ray intersection, we can simply move the ray origin past the farthest intersection with the bounds of leaf then trace the ray again as if it was an entirely new one. See Figure 26.15.

Figure 26.15. From left to right, different restarts in a stackless $k$-d tree traversal scheme. Each time a leaf is reached and no intersection is found, the ray gets “shortened,” moving its origin past the leaf’s boundary.

This strategy, also known as ray shortening, is not applicable to BVHs, since nodes may overlap. Advancing the ray past a node in a subtree might entirely miss a bounding volume in the hierarchy that should have been traversed. Laine [45] proposes to keep only one bit per tree level instead of a full stack, encoding a trail that separate a binary tree into nodes that have been processed and nodes that are still candidates for intersection. This method allows for restarts to work in a BVH, if we can compute a consistent node traversal order for a ray each time we descend the tree.

It is possible to avoid restarts altogether if we allow for storage of extra information in the tree, pointing at which nodes to traverse next if the ray misses a given one. These pointers are called ropes and are applicable both to BVH and k-d trees, but can be expensive to store and impose a fixed ray traversal order for all rays, thus not allowing front to back visits. Hapala et al. [30], and subsequently Áfra and Szirmay-Kalos [2] developed algorithms using both pointers stored in the tree and a small per-ray data structure to allow stackless traversal of binary BVHs, preserving the same order as a stack-based solution, with backtracking instead requiring full restarts.

In practice, these stackless schemes might not always be faster, even on GPUs [4], than stack-based approaches, due to the extra work they require to restart or backtrack, the increased size of the spatial data structure, and in some cases by having a worse traversal order. Binder and Keller [11] devised a constant-time stackless backtracking algorithm that was the first shown to outperform stack-based traversal on modern GPUs. Recently, Ylitie et al. [93] proposed to exploit compression schemes to perform GPU stack-based traversal, largely avoiding the memory traffic overheads of GPU per-ray stack bookkeeping. The traversal is performed on a wide BVH, with more than two children per node. The authors implement an efficient approximate sorting scheme to determine a front-to-back traversal order. Furthermore, the node bounding volumes themselves are stored in a compressed form, another way to exploit scene coherency.

26.4.2 Ray and Shading Coherency

Even if ray tracing makes it possible to compute visibility for a set of arbitrary rays, in practice most rendering algorithms will generate sets of rays that exhibit varying degrees of coherency. The simplest case are rays used to determine which parts of the scene are visible from a pinhole camera through each of the screen’s pixels. These will all have the same origin, the camera position, and span only a limited solid angle of all possible directions. Similarly coherent are rays used to compute shadows from infinitesimal light sources. Even when we consider rays that bounce off surfaces, such as reflection rays, some coherency is retained. For example, imagine two rays emitted from a camera, corresponding to two neighboring pixels, which hit a surface and bounce off it in the direction of perfect mirror reflection. Often it will happen that the two rays hit the same object in the scene, meaning the two hit points will be near each other in space and likely have similar surface normals. The two reflected rays will then have similar origins and directions. See Figure 26.16.

Figure 26.16. Rays traveling from the camera and hitting a surface spawn more rays for shadows and reflections. Note how all these new sets rays are still fairly coherent, similar to each other.

Incoherent rays are generated when we need to randomly sample the hemisphere of outgoing directions from a given surface point. For example, this happens if we want to compute ambient occlusion and diffuse global illumination. For glossy reflection rays, the rays are more coherent. In general, we can assume that ray tracing does exhibit some amount of coherency in the set of rays we need to trace and in the hit points for which we need to calculate shading. This ray coherency is something that we can try to leverage in order to accelerate our rendering algorithms.

One of the earliest ideas for exploiting ray coherency was to cluster rays together. For example, instead of single rays, we could intersect scene primitives with groups of parallel rays, called ray bundles. Bundles intersection with scene primitives can be performed by exploiting the GPU rasterizer, using orthographic projection to store the positions and normals of each object into offscreen buffers. Each pixel in these buffers captures the intersection data for a single ray [81]. Another early idea is to group into cones [7], or small frusta (beams) [32], representing an infinite number of rays with the same origin and spanning a limited set of directions. This idea of beam tracing was further explored and generalized by Shinya et al. [71] in a system they called pencil tracing. In this scheme, a “pencil” is defined by including variability for a ray’s origin and direction. As an example, if a ray’s direction is allowed to vary by up to a certain angle, the set of rays so defined forms a solid cone [7].

Such schemes assume large areas of continuity. When object edges or areas of large curvature are found, the pencils devolve into a set of tighter pencils or individual rays to capture these features. Computing material and lighting integrals over solid angles is also usually difficult. Because of these limitations, pencil-related methods have seen little general use. A notable exception is cone tracing of voxelized geometry, a technique that recently has been used on GPUs to approximate indirect global illumination (Section 11.5.7).

A more flexible way of exploiting ray coherence is to organize rays in small arrays called packets, which are then traced together. Similar to pencils, these collections of rays sometimes need to be split, e.g., if they need to follow different branches of a BVH. See Figure 26.17. However, as a packet is just a data structure, not a geometric primitive, splitting is much easier, as we only need to create more packets, each with a subset of the original rays. Packet tracing [85] allows us to traverse spatial data structures and to compute object intersections for small groups of rays in parallel, and it is thus well suited for SIMD computation. Practical implementations [88] use packets of a fixed size, tuned to the width of the processor’s SIMD instructions. If some of the rays are not present in a packet, such as after a split, flags are used to mask off the corresponding computations.

Figure 26.17. From left to right, a sphere is intersected with: a beam, a cone and a four ray packet.

While packet tracing can be efficient, and has even been recently adapted to work in demanding VR applications [38], it still imposes limitations on how rays are generated. Moreover, its performance can suffer if rays diverge and too many packets need to be split. Ideally we want ways to leverage modern data-parallel architectures even for incoherent ray tracing.

The idea of packet tracing is to use SIMD instructions to intersect multiple rays with a single primitive, in parallel. However, we could use the same instructions to intersect a single ray with multiple primitives, thus not needing to keep packets of rays. If our spatial hierarchies are constructed using shallow trees with high branching factors, instead of deep binary ones, we can parallelize traversal by testing a single ray with multiple children nodes at the same time. These data structures can be built by partially flattening binary ones. For example, if we collapse every other level of a binary BVH, a 4-wide BVH that encodes the same nodes can be constructed. The resulting data structure is called a multi-bounding volume hierarchy (MBVH), sometimes also referred to as a shallow BVH or wide BVH [15, 19, 87].

Some applications of ray tracing, such as path tracing and its variants, work on single rays and cannot easily generate coherent packets. This limitation does not mean that if we look at all the rays traced to generate an image, we would not find some degrees of ray coherency. Many rays in a scene might travel from similar origins in similar directions, even if we are not able to explicitly trace them together. In these cases, we might be able to dynamically sort the rays over which we want to compute visibility in order to create groups of rays that can be processed coherently. These ideas were pioneered by Pharr et al. [65], in what they call “memory-coherent ray tracing,” a system that uses the nodes of a spatial subdivision structure to store batches of rays. Instead of traversing each ray through the spatial structure until an intersection is found, rays in each node are tested against the primitives contained in the node, if any, and those rays that did not result in hits are propagated to their immediate neighbors. The spatial subdivision hierarchy is thus visited in breadth-first order.

It is also possible to avoid explicitly storing rays in the scene’s spatial data structure by instead using quantized ray directions and origins to compute a hash value. We can then keep a queue of rays that still need processing and sort them by their hash key. This queue is equivalent to creating a virtual grid over the five-dimensional space of positions and directions, then grouping rays into the cells of this grid. The idea of keeping queues of rays and dynamically sorting them is called ray stream tracing or ray reordering, and have been successfully adopted both on CPUs and GPUs [46, 82].

Lastly, it is important to note that many rendering applications are dominated by shading operations, not by visibility. This is certainly the case today for raster-based real-time rendering. While tracing coherent ray also helps shading coherency, it does not guarantee it. Two rays might hit points that are close to each other in the scene, but correspond to separate objects which need to use different shaders and textures. This is particularly challenging for GPUs that rely on wide SIMD units and execute the same instructions in lockstep over large vectors, called wavefronts (Section 23.2). If rays in a given GPU wavefront might need to use different shading logic, dynamic branching must be employed, leading to wavefront divergence and larger shaders that typically use more registers and result in low occupancy.

Sorting can be extended to address shading coherency. Instead of using queuing and reordering rays only for intersection purposes, rays can also be stored in queues after they hit objects. These queues can then be sorted again based on the materials that are associated with the hit points, and then shaders can be evaluated in coherent batches. The idea of separating material evaluation from visibility is called deferred shading. The same term is used both in ray tracing systems and in raster-based systems (Section 20.1), which achieve such decoupling via screen-space g-buffers.

Deferred shading has been successfully applied to offline, production path tracers for movies [18, 48], sorting millions of rays, even out-of-core, and to smaller queues both for CPU and GPU ray tracing [3, 46]. However, for real-time rendering, we have to keep in mind that, even in systems that are able to reorder work to exploit coherency, sorting can add significant overhead. Moreover, if too few rays are in flight at the same time, there may be no useful coherency among them. In addition, as rays hit scene primitives, evaluated material shaders can generate new rays, which might in turn trigger the execution of other shaders, recursively. Shader evaluation might thus need to be suspended until results from the newly spawned rays are computed. This behavior imposes constraints on the ordering of shader execution, reducing the opportunities to dynamically recover coherency.

In practice, we have to be mindful of employing rendering algorithms that are aware of ray and shading coherency. Even when we need to use incoherent rays, there are still ways for an application to minimize divergence. For example, ambient occlusion and other global illumination effects need to sample the hemisphere of outgoing directions for each pixel on screen. As this process can be expensive, a common technique is to shoot only a few samples per pixel and then reconstruct the final result using bilateral filtering. This usually results in sampling directions that are different pixel to pixel, and thus, incoherent. An optimized implementation might instead make sure that directions repeat at regular intervals over small numbers of pixels and order the tracing so all the pixels with similar directions are processed at the same time [43, 50, 68].

Shading can be a major source of divergence, even more than ray tracing, as we might need completely different programs based on what objects we hit. Ideally, we would like to avoid interleaving complex shading and ray tracing. For example, we could precompute shading and retrieve cached results on ray hits. Some of these strategies are already used in offline, production path tracing [21] and in interactive ray tracing [61], but more research is needed to advance the state of the art of real-time ray tracing. In general there is a trade-off for any ray tracing application to consider. If all rays were equal, we can often shoot few of them, sparsely, and leverage denoising techniques to generate the final image. However, sparse, incoherent rays are slower to process and thus sometimes shooting more rays with higher coherence can be faster overall.

26.5 Denoising

Figure 26.18. To the left, an image using ray traced ambient occlusion with one occlusion ray per pixel. A denoising algorithm uses this image together with optional auxiliary image data to produce a denoised image, on the right. Examples of auxiliary image data include the depth component per pixel, normals, motion vectors, and the minimum distance to the occluders at the shading point. Note that the denoising algorithm may feed some of its output back into the next frame’s denoising process. (Noisy and denoised images courtesy of NVIDIA Corporation.)

Rendering with Monte Carlo path tracing produces images with undesired noise, as we have seen in Figure 26.6. The goal of a denoising algorithm is to take a noisy image, and optionally auxiliary image data, and produce a new image that resembles the ground truth as much as possible. In this section, we use the word “resemble” in an informal way, since a slightly blurred image region may be preferable over a noisy one. Denoising is particularly important for real-time ray tracing, since we usually can afford only a few rays per pixel, which means that the rendered image may be noisy. As an example, the PICA PICA image in Figure 26.22 was rendered using ≈ 2.25 rays per pixel [76]. The denoising concept is illustrated in Figure 26.18. Since one can add a feedback loop to a denoiser, as shown in the figure, temporal antialiasing (Section 5.4.2) can be considered a basic denoising algorithm. Most (if not all) denoising techniques can be expressed in a simple manner as a weighted average of the colors around the current pixel, which we enumerate as a scalar value $p$. The weighted average is then [12]:


$$ \mathbf{d}_p = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{q \in N}\mathbf{c}_qw(p, q), $$

where $\mathbf{d}_p$ is the denoised color value of pixel $p$, and $\mathbf{c}_q$ are the noisy color values around the current pixel (including $p$), and $w(p, q)$ is a weighting function. There are $n$ pixels in the neighborhood, called $N$, around $p$ that are used in this formula, and this footprint is usually square. One can also extend the weighting function so that it uses information from the previous frame, e.g., $w(p, p−1, q, q−1)$, where the subscript $-1$ indicates information from that frame. The weighting function may access a normal $\mathbf{n}_q$ if needed and the previous color value $\mathbf{c}_{p−1}$, for example. See Figures 24.2, 24.3, 26.19, 26.20, and 26.21 for examples of denoising.

Figure 26.19. Left: the shadow term after filtering. Top right: zoom-in on the shadow term using a single sample for an area light source. Bottom left: after denoising the top right image. The shadows are smoother where expected, and contact shadows are harder. (Images courtesy of SEED— Electronic Arts.)

The field of denoising has emerged as an important topic for realistic real-time rendering using ray tracing-based algorithms. In this section, we will provide a short overview of some important work and introduce some key concepts that can be useful. We refer to the survey by Zwicker et al. [97] as an excellent starting point to learn more. Next, we focus on algorithms and tricks that work well with low sample counts, that is, just one or a few samples per pixel.

It is common to render a G-buffer (Chapter 20) in order to create a noise-free set of render targets that can be used as auxiliary image data for denoising [13, 69, 76]. Ray tracing can then be used to generate noisy shadows, glossy reflections, and indirect illumination, for example. Another trick that some methods use is to divide direct and indirect illumination and denoise them separately, as they have different properties—the indirect illumination is generally quite smooth, for example. To increase the number of samples used during denoising, it is also common to include some kind of temporal accumulation or temporal antialiasing (Section 5.4.2). Another nice approximation is to filter what is sometimes called untextured illumination or separation of lighting and texture [96]. To explain how this works, recall that the rendering equation (11.2) is


$$ L_o(\mathbf{p}, \mathbf{v}) = \int_{1 \in \Omega}f(\mathbf{l},\mathbf{v})L_o(r(\mathbf{p}, \mathbf{l}), -\mathbf{l})(\mathbf{n} \cdot \mathbf{l})^{+}d\mathbf{l}, $$

where the emissive term $L_e$ has been omitted for simplicity. We handle only the diffuse term, though a similar procedure can be applied to other terms as well. Next, a reflectance term, $R$, is computed, which is essentially just a diffuse shading term times texturing (in the case where the surface is textured):


$$ R \approx \int_{1 \in \Omega}f(\mathbf{l},\mathbf{v})(\mathbf{n} \cdot \mathbf{l})^{+}d\mathbf{l}, $$

The untextured illumination U is then


$$ U = \frac{L_o}{R}, $$

i.e., the textured term has been divided away and so $U$ should contain mostly just lighting. So, the renderer can compute $L_o$ using the rendering equation and perform a texture lookup plus diffuse shading to obtain $R$, which gives us the untextured illumination. This term can then be denoised into, say, $D$, and the final shading is then $\approx DR$. This avoids having to deal with textures in the denoising algorithm, which is advantageous, since textures often contain high-frequency content, e.g., edges. The untextured illumination trick is also similar to what Heitz et al. [35] do when they split up the final image into a noisy shadow term and analytical shading for area light, perform denoising on the shadow term, and finally recombine the images. This type of split is often called a ratio estimator.

Soft shadow denoising can be done using spatio-temporal variance-guided filtering (SVGF) [69], which is used by SEED [76], for example. See Figure 26.19. SVGF was originally developed for denoising one-sample-per-pixel images with path tracing, i.e., using a G-buffer for primary visibility and then shooting a single secondary ray with shadow rays at both the first and second hits. The general idea is to use temporal accumulation (Section 5.4.2) to increase the effective sample count, and a spatial multi-pass blur [16, 29] where the blur kernel size is determined by an estimate of the variance of the noisy data.

Variance can be computed incrementally as more samples, $x_i$, are added using the following techniques. First, the sum of the squared differences is computed as


$$ s_n = \sum_{i=1}^n(x_i - \overline{x}_n)^2, $$

where $\overline{x}_n$ is the average of the first $n$ numbers. The variance is then


$$ \sigma_{n}^2 = \frac{s_n}{n}, $$

Now, assume that we have already computed sn using $x1,...,xn$, and we get one more sample $x_{n+1}$ that we want to include in the variance computation. The sum is then first updated using


$$ s_{n+1} = s_n + (x_{n+1} - \overline{x}_n)(x_{n+1} - \overline{x}_{n+1}), $$

and after than $s_{n+1}$ can be used to compute $\sigma_{n+1}$ using Equation 26.8. In SVGF, a method like this is used to estimate the variance over time, but it switches to using a spatial estimation if, for example, a disocclusion is detected, which makes the temporal variance non-reliable. For soft shadows, Llamas and Liu [51, 52] use a separable cross-bilateral filter (Section 12.1.1) where both filter weights and radius are variable.

Stachowiak presents an entire pipeline for denoising reflections [76]. Some examples are shown in Figure 26.20. A G-buffer is first rendered and the rays are shot from there. To reduce the number of rays traced, only one reflection ray and one shadow ray at the reflection hit per $2 × 2$ pixels are shot. However, reconstruction of the image is still done at full resolution. The reflection rays are stochastic and importance sampled. “Stochastic” means that, as more randomly-generated rays are added, the solution converges to the correct result. “Importance sampled” means that rays are sent in the directions where they are expected to be more useful for the final result, e.g., toward the peak of the BRDF. The image is then filtered using a method similar to one used in screen-space reflections [75] (Section 11.6.5) and upsampled to full image resolution at the same time. This filter is also a ratio estimator [35]. This technique is combined with temporal accumulation, a bilateral cleanup pass, and finally, TAA. Llamas and Liu [51, 52] present a different reflection solution based on anisotropic filter kernels.

Figure 26.20. Top: a slice of an image showing only the reflection term after denoising. Bottom left: before denoising using 1 reflection ray per $2 × 2$ pixels. Bottom middle: the variance term. The brighter the pixel, the higher the variance, which leads to a larger blur kernel. Bottom right: the denoised reflection image at full resolution. (Images courtesy of SEED—Electronic Arts.)

Metha et al. [54, 55, 56] take on a more theoretical approach based on Fourier analysis for light transport [17] in order to develop filtering methods and adaptive sampling techniques. They develop axis-aligned filters that are faster to evaluate than the more accurate sheared filters. Doing so leads to higher performance. For more information, consult Metha’s PhD thesis [57].

For ambient occlusion (AO), Llamas and Liu [51, 52] use a technique with an axis-aligned kernel [54] implemented using a separable, cross-bilateral filter (Section 12.1.1) for efficiency. The kernel size is determined by the minimum distance to an object found during tracing of AO rays. The filter size is small when an occluder is close, larger when farther away. This relationship gives a more pronounced shadow for close occluders and a smoother, blurrier effect when the occluders are farther away. See Figure 26.21.

Figure 26.21. The ambient occlusion in the top image was ray traced using one ray per pixel, followed by denoising. The zoomed images show, from left to right: ground truth, screen-space ambient occlusion, ray traced ambient occlusion with one sample per pixel per frame, and denoised from one sample per pixel. The denoised image does not capture all of the smaller contact shadows, but is still a closer match than screen-space ambient occlusion. (Images courtesy of NVIDIA Corporation.)

There are also several methods for denoising global illumination [13, 51, 55, 69, 70, 76]. It is also possible to use specialized filters for different types of effects, which is the approach taken by the researchers at Frostbite and SEED [9, 36, 76]. See Figure 26.22.

The Frostbite real-time light map preview system [36] relies on a variance-based denoising algorithm. Light map texels store the usual accumulated sample contributions and tracks their variance. When new path tracing result comes in, the light map is blurred locally based on each texel variance before it is presented to the user. The variance-based blur is similar to SVGF [69], but it is not hierarchical in order to avoid light map elements belonging to different meshes leaking on to each other. When blurring, only samples from the same light map element are blurred together using per texel element indices. To not bias the convergence, the original light map is left untouched.

Figure 26.22. A final image of Project PICA PICA rendered with a combination of rasterization and ray tracing, followed by several denoising filters. (Image courtesy of SEED—Electronic Arts.)

Another alternative is to perform denoising in texture space [61]. It requires all surface locations to have unique uv-space values. Shading is then done at the texel of the hit point at a surface. Denoising in texture space can be as simple as averaging the shading from texels with similar normals in, for example, a $13 × 13$ region. Munkberg et al. include texels if $\cos{\theta} > 0.9$, where $\theta$ is the angle between the normal at the texel being denoised and another normal at a texel being considered for inclusion. Some other advantages are that temporal averaging is straightforward in texture space, that shading costs can be reduced by computing the shading at a coarser level, and that shading can be amortized over several frames.

Up until now, we have assumed that objects are still and that the camera is a single point. However, if motion is included and images are rendered with depth of field, then depths and normals can be noisy as well. For such use cases, Moon et al. [60] have developed an anisotropic filter that computes a covariance matrix of world position samples per pixel. This is used to estimate optimal filtering parameters at each pixel.

With deep learning algorithms [24, 25], it is possible to exploit the massive amount of data that can be generated by a game engine or other rendering engine and use that to produce a neural network to generate a denoised image as well. The idea is to first set up a convolutional neural network and then train the network using both noisy and noise-free images. If done well, the network will learn a large set of weights that it can use later in an inference step to denoise a noisy image without knowledge of any additional noise-free images. Chaitanya et al. [13] use a convolutional neural network with a feedback loops in all steps of the encoding pipeline. These were added in order to increase the temporal stability and thus reduce flicker during animations. It is possible to train a denoiser, even without access to clean references, using (uncorrelated) noisy image pairs [49]. Doing so can make training simpler, since no ground truth images need to be generated.

It is clear that denoising is and will continue to be an important topic for realistic real-time rendering, and that more research will continue in this area.

26.6 Texture Filtering

As described in Sections 3.8 and 23.8, rasterization shades pixels in $2 × 2$ groups called quads. This is done so that an estimate of the texture footprint can be computed and used by the mipmapping texturing hardware units. For ray tracing, the situation is different. Here, rays are often shot independent of each other. One can imagine a system where each eye ray intersects the triangle plane with two additional rays, with the first being offset by one pixel horizontally and the second being offset by one pixel vertically. In many cases, such a technique could generate accurate texture filter footprints, but only for eye rays. However, what happens if the camera is looking at a reflective surface, and the reflection ray hits a textured surface? In that case, it would be ideal to perform a filtered texture lookup that also takes into account the nature of the reflection and the amount of distance that the rays travel. The same holds for refractive surfaces.

Igehy [39] has provided a sophisticated solution to this problem using a technique called ray differentials. Together with each ray, one needs to store


$$ \begin{Bmatrix} \frac{\partial \mathbf{o}}{\partial x}, \frac{\partial \mathbf{o}}{\partial y}, \frac{\partial \mathbf{d}}{\partial x}, \frac{\partial \mathbf{d}}{\partial y}, \end{Bmatrix} $$

as additional data together with the ray. Recall that $\mathbf{o}$ is the ray origin and $\mathbf{d}$ is the ray direction (Equation 26.1). Since both $\mathbf{o}$ and $\mathbf{d}$ have three elements, the ray differential above needs $4 × 3 = 12$ additional numbers to store these. When shooting an eye ray, ${\partial \mathbf{o}} / {\partial x} = {\partial \mathbf{o}} / {\partial y} = (0, 0, 0)$, since the ray starts from a single point. However, ${\partial \mathbf{d}} / {\partial x}$ and ${\partial \mathbf{d}} / {\partial y}$ will model how much each ray spreads when passing through a pixel. Ray differentials need to be updated when being transferred from one point to another. In addition, Igehy derives formulae not only for how ray differential change when a ray differential is reflected and refracted, but also for how to evaluate the differential normals for triangles with interpolated normals.

Another simpler method is based on tracing cones, first presented by Amanatides in 1984 [7]. In this work the focus is mostly on antialiasing geometry, but it briefly mentions that ray cones can also be used for texture filtering when ray tracing. Akenine-Möller et al. [6] present one way to implement ray cones together with a G-buffer where the curvature at the first hit is also taken into account. The filter footprint is dependent on the distance to the hit, the spread of the ray, the normal at the hit point, and curvature. However, as curvature is provided only at the first hit, aliasing can occur for deep reflections. They also present variants of ray differentials that are combined with G-buffer rendering, and a comparison of these methods is provided.

Four different methods for texture filtering are shown in Figure 26.23. Using mip level 0 (i.e., no mipmapping) causes severe aliasing. Ray cones provide a slightly sharper result for this scene, while ray differentials give a result closer to ground truth. Ray differentials usually provides a better estimate of the texture footprint, but can sometimes also be overblurry. Ray cones can be both overblurred and under-blurred, in their experience. Akenine-Möller et al. provide implementations of both ray differentials and ray cones for texture filtering for ray tracing.

Figure 26.23. A reflective hemisphere in a room with a checkerboard pattern on the walls and ceiling, with a wooden floor. To the right, zoom-ins of one region is shown for several different texture filtering methods. Middle-top: a ground truth rendering with 1024 samples per pixel using a bilinear texture lookup in each. Middle-bottom: always accessing mip level 0 with bilinear filtering. Right-top: using ray cones. Right-bottom: using ray differentials. (Images courtesy of NVIDIA Corporation.)

26.7 Speculations

The new types of shaders proposed by the extended API (Section 26.2) allow for complex shape intersections and material representations. Having the ability to trace rays leads to obvious applications related to the rendering of meshes, such as surface lighting, shadowing, reflection, refraction, and path-traced global illumination.

Thinking outside the box, these capabilities could enable new use cases not considered during design of the API. It will be exciting to see what developers will come up with in the near future. Will the ray generation shader become the new compute shader? This section discusses and explores some possibilities.

With the help of denoising algorithms (Section 26.5), the new ray tracing capabilities should make it possible to render more advanced surfaces and more complex lighting in real time. One such improvement is the evaluation of all reflections using ray tracing instead of screen-space reflections, such as in the game Battlefield V. Doing so results in better grounded objects as well as improved specular reflections and occlusion on meshes of any shape. Techniques such as screen-space reflection work in part because of simplifying assumptions, e.g., that the surface’s reflection is symmetric around the principal reflection direction. Ray tracing should give more accurate results in cases where reflection samples are distributed in a more complex fashion on the BRDF hemisphere.

Subsurface scattering is another related phenomenon that could be better simulated. A first version of subsurface scattering has already been achieved using the new API features by tracing the scattered light within a mesh, temporally accumulating the samples from many directions in texture space, and applying a denoising algorithm [9]. Globally, shadows, indirect lighting and ambient occlusion would also benefit from using ray tracing, resulting in any mesh looking more grounded in a scene [35, 51].

The use of participating media (Chapter 14) is becoming more important in real-time applications, such as games. How volumetric rendering will evolve and perhaps diverge from the usual voxel and ray marching based methods is worth keeping a close eye on. New approaches could emerge that use ray tracing and rely on Woodcock tracking [95] for importance sampling, coupled with a denoising process.

Billboard-like rendering (Chapter 13) is commonly used in real-time applications. Rendering particles for a view is challenging by itself. Sorting is required for a correct transparency effect, overdraw is an issue for large particles, and lighting performance and quality trade-off need to be taken into account. Particles are also a challenge to render in reflections due to their typical camera-facing nature. How should a particle be aligned in a path tracing framework when it can be intersected by rays coming from any direction? Should it have a new representation and leverage intersection shaders to always align each billboard with the incoming ray? To top it off, due to their inherent dynamic nature, animated particles will have to update their representation in the acceleration structure every frame (Section 26.3). This update can happen for a few large particles or many small ones, e.g., smoke plumes or sparks, for which it can be challenging to optimize the spatial acceleration structure for fast tracing through the world.

Similar to shadow sampling, casting rays also opens the door to more accurate intersection and visibility queries. As an example, particle collision could be handled more accurately. The usual screen-space approximations have issues with resolution dependency, and the evaluation of the front depth layer thickness prevents particles from falling behind this layer in some cases. Could an entire rigid body physics system be implemented on the GPU using ray casting? Furthermore, ray tracing could also be used to query visibility between two positions. This ability could be valuable for audio reverb simulations, gameplay, and AI systems for element-to-element visibility.

A new shader type, not mentioned earlier, added by the ray tracing API is the callable shader . It has the ability to spawn shader work from a shader in a programmable fashion, something that was only possible in CUDA before [1]. This type of shader is not yet available and could be restricted to use only within the ray tracing shader set. Depending on how this shader is implemented and its performance, this functionality could be a valuable new general tool, especially if it would be available in other shader stages, such as compute. For instance, a callable shader could remove many shader permutations usually generated in an engine for the sake of performance, e.g., each permutation representing an optimized post-process shader for a set of scene settings. Having optional setting-dependent code being in a callable shader could reduce the non-negligible memory used by all the permutations, i.e., if one has to deal with five performance-critical settings then instead of $2^5 = 32$ shaders, only one shader would be dispatched, with potential calls to 5 sub-shaders. It could also enable artist-authored shader graphs, not only applied for material definition as is usually done today, but for every part of the rendering chain in a more modular fashion: decal volumes application on transparent meshes, light functions, participating media material, sky, and post-process. Let us take the example of decal volumes on transparent meshes. Those are usually defined with a shader graph authored by artists. It is straightforward to apply them on opaque meshes in a deferred context by modifying the G-buffer content of every pixel intersecting a volume (Section 20.2). In forward rendering, or during ray tracing, it would require a shader that could evaluate all the different decal shader graphs authored by artists in a project. These kinds of huge shaders are impractical. With callable shaders, it would be possible to call the shader representing each decal volume intersecting a world space position and having it modify the material considered for shading. Using this feature will depend on implementation and usage: can a shader be called and return an arbitrary data structure? Can multiple shaders be called at once? How are the parameters transmitted? Will they have to be sent through global memory? Can spawned shaders be constrained to a compute unit to be able to communicate through shared memory? Is it going to be a fire-and-forget, e.g., without return, call?

Answers to these questions will without a doubt drive further innovations and what is achievable in the near future. To conclude, one result rendered with DXR is shown in Figure 26.24, another on the cover of this book. The future looks bright!

Figure 26.24. The bistro exterior scene, generated using a path tracer, with a depth-of-field effect, that was implemented using DXR. (Image courtesy of NVIDIA Corporation.)

Further Reading and Resources

See this book’s website,, for the latest information and free software in this field. Shirley’s mini-books on ray tracing [72, 73, 74] are an excellent introduction to ray tracing in different stages, and are now free PDFs. One of the best resources for production-level ray tracing is the book “Physically Based Rendering” by Pharr et al. [66], also now free. Suffern’s book Ray Tracing from the Ground Up [79] is relatively old, but is wide-ranging and discusses implementation concerns. For an introduction to DXR, we recommend the SIGGRAPH 2018 course by Wyman et al. [91] and Wyman’s DXR tutorial [92]. To learn more about path tracing in production rendering, see the recent SIGGRAPH courses by Fascione et al. [20, 21]. The special issue of ACM TOG [67] has more articles on the modern use of path tracing and other production rendering techniques. Denoising is discussed in detail in a survey by Zwicker et al. [97], though this resource from 2015 will not cover the latest research.


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