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sparkcli (say 'sparkly' :) is a command line interface to Cisco Spark.

Setup - Configuration

There are two ways to provide sparkcli with credentials:

Using a bot account is the simplest to setup. Check the Cisco Spark docs for more details on the difference between the two. Both mechanisms are explained, when in doubt or unsure, go for the Bot account option.

Option 1: Use a bot account

1. Obtain a Cisco Spark bot account token

Define a new Cisco Spark bot account here: Make sure to select the Bot option on this page. Fill in the fields as desired. For app icon, feel free to use

2. Configure

Create a configuration file called sparkcli.toml. This file is in toml format. Sparkcli will look for the file in these locations (in order):

  • current working directory
  • /etc/sparkcli
  • users' home directory

Add the AccessToken to the file:

# cat /etc/sparkcli/sparkcli.toml
AccessToken = "NzIxMzZkMzYtODQ22S00YqFkLWIzNjUtYTg2NWZmYmEz12d5MzJmM2NhZDYtMWM1"

And you're done! Skip down to the usage section for more.

Option 2: Use OAuth integration

1. Obtain a Cisco Spark developer API key and secret

Define a new Cisco Spark integration app here: Make sure to select the Integration option. Fill in the fields as desired, with the exception of:

  • App icon: Feel free to use or use your own.
  • Redirect Url:
  • Scopes: check all boxes.

You'll be provided with a ClientID and ClientSecret. You'll need these for the next step.

Next navigate to the 'OAuth Authorization URL' to obtain an AuthCode.

2. Configure

Create a configuration file called sparkcli.toml. This file is in toml format. Sparkcli will look for the file in these locations (in order):

  • current working directory
  • /etc/sparkcli
  • users' home directory

Add the ClientID, ClientSecret and the AuthCode from the previous steps in the file:

# cat ./sparkcli.toml
ClientId = "C23d70022b9e6c4b348897daac846xf694e7f8ffa3cd38986c6974433def69784"
ClientSecret = "dcca20a5b5cc89fbea1f2b3cd41x80248ff698277583bce69fa63923ef02dc64"
AuthCode = "46cd20fe32936af96ecb385772896ff84208x14dc3b2f1aebf98cc5b5a02accd"

3. Login

Download a copy of sparkcli: Download . Then run

sparkcli login

This will update your configuration file with the neccesary tokens for Sparkcli to authenticate against the Cisco Spark service. If you use SparkCli frequent enough (once every 90 or so days at least), tokens will be refreshed and kept up to date as needed.

Note: If Sparkcli gets confused and can't login for some reason, likely the easiest solution is to remove followling fields - AuthCode, AccessToken, RefreshToken - from sparkcli.toml and restart from step 2 above.


You'll notice that most commands have a short hand script which is listed below the long version

Global arguments

sparkcli -h

Get help

sparkcli -j=false ...

Formats the results (if any) in a human readable format. If this options is set to true or not present the return value(s) as JSON.


List all rooms

sparkcli rooms list
sparkcli r l

Lists all rooms you're subscribed too.

Create room

sparkcli rooms create <name>
sparkcli r c <name>

Creates a room with the name specified. The room name can include multiple words. If -j=false, only the room id is printed so it can be assigned to a variable.

Get a specific room

sparkcli rooms get <id>
sparkcli r g <id>

# using the default room
sparkcli r g

Gets details for the room. If no id is provided, this command uses the default room id if one is available in the config. See how to set a default room in the config later.

Delete a room

sparkcli rooms delete <id>
sparkcli r d <id>

Deletes the room.

Set the default room

sparkcli rooms default <id>

# no short for default!
sparkcli r default <id> 

Saves a default room id to the config for use in other operations that support it. This won't check if the room actually exists. If no id is provided, this will just diplay the saved room id.


List messages

sparkcli messages list <roomid>
sparkcli m l <roomid>

# to use the default room
sparkcli m l

List the messages for a given room. If no room id is provided, the default room will be used if one exists.

Create message

sparkcli messages create <roomid> <msg>
sparkcli m c <roomid> <msg>

# to post in the default room
sparkcli m c - <msg>

Creates a message is the specified room. For posting to the default room, use a dash (-).

Get a message

sparkcli messages get <id>
sparkcli m g <id>

Gets a messages' details.

Delete a message

sparkcli messages delete <id>
sparkcli m d <id>

Deletes a messages.


Get people details

sparkcli people get <id>
sparkcli p g <id>

# get your details
sparkcli people get
sparkcli people get me

Gets people details. If no id is provided, or if me is provided, then your own account details are returned.

List people

sparkcli people list -email <email> -name <name>
sparkcli p l -e <email> -n <name>

List people that match email or name (startsWith). You must provide one of the two options.


List memberships

sparkcli memberships list -room <room id> -personid <person id> -email <email>
sparkcli m l -r <room id> -p <person id> -e <email>

# list rooms you're subscribed to (no params needed)
sparkcli membership list

# list members of a room
sparkcli membership list -r <room id>

# list members of the default room (from config)
sparkcli membership list -r -

# Check membership for a person in a room
sparkcli membership list -r <room id> -email <email>
sparkcli membership list -r <room id> -p <person id>

List membership information. See examples for usage details.

Create a membership

sparkcli memberships create -room <room id> -personid <person id> -email <email>
sparkcli m c -r <room id> -p <person id> -e <email>

# Create membership for the default room
sparkcli membership create -r - -e <email>

Create a membership for the person (specify either id or email) to the room

Get membership details

sparkcli memberships get <id>

Returns details for the membership.

Update membership

sparkcli memberships update -moderator=true|false <id>
sparkcli m u -m=true|false <id>

Update membership. At this point only the moderator value of a membership can be updated.

Delete membership

sparkcli memberships delete <id>
sparkcli m d <id>

Delete membership.



sparkcli login

Logs you into the Cisco Spark service, and stores access tokens on success.


See Development