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mlr3resampling provides new cross-validation algorithms for the mlr3 framework in R



install.packages("mlr3resampling")#release version from CRAN
## OR: development version from GitHub:


For an overview of functionality, please read my recent blog post, the SOAK arXiv paper, and other articles.

SOAK: Same/Other/All K-fold cross-validation for estimating similarity of patterns in data subsets

See examples in Newer resamplers vignette and data viz for regression and classification.

A supervised learning algorithm inputs a train set, and outputs a prediction function, which can be used on a test set. If each data point belongs to a subset (such as geographic region, year, etc), then how do we know if subsets are similar enough so that we can get accurate predictions on one subset, after training on Other subsets? And how do we know if training on All subsets would improve prediction accuracy, relative to training on the Same subset? SOAK, Same/Other/All K-fold cross-validation, can be used to answer these question, by fixing a test subset, training models on Same/Other/All subsets, and then comparing test error rates (Same versus Other and Same versus All).

  • subsets are similar if All is more accurate than Same, and the subset with more data (Same/Other) is more accurate.
  • subsets are different if All/Other is less accurate than Same.
  • Other can be just as bad as featureless baseline (or worse) when the subsets have different patterns.

This is implemented in ResamplingSameOtherSizesCV when you use it on a task that defines the subset role, for example the Arizona trees data, for which each row is a pixel in an image, and we want to do binary classification – does the pixel contain a tree or not?

> data(AZtrees,package="mlr3resampling")
> table(AZtrees$region3)

  NE   NW    S 
1464 1563 2929 

We see in the output above that the region3 column has three values (NE, NW, S). Each represents the region/area in which the pixel was found. If we want good predictions in the south (S), can we train on the north? (NE+NW) We can use the code below to setup the CV experiment. The rows 12,15,18 below represent splits that attempt to answer that question (test.subset=S, train.subsets=other).

> same_other_sizes_cv <- mlr3resampling::ResamplingSameOtherSizesCV$new()
> task.obj <- mlr3::TaskClassif$new("AZtrees3", AZtrees, target="y")
> task.obj$col_roles$feature <- grep("SAMPLE", names(AZtrees), value=TRUE)
> task.obj$col_roles$stratum <- "y"  #keep data proportional when splitting.
> task.obj$col_roles$group <- "polygon"  #keep data together when splitting.
> task.obj$col_roles$subset <- "region3" #fix one test region, train on same/other/all region(s).
> same_other_sizes_cv$instantiate(task.obj)
> same_other_sizes_cv$instance$iteration.dt[, .(test.subset, train.subsets, test.fold)]
    test.subset train.subsets test.fold
         <char>        <char>     <int>
 1:          NE           all         1
 2:          NW           all         1
 3:           S           all         1
 4:          NE           all         2
 5:          NW           all         2
 6:           S           all         2
 7:          NE           all         3
 8:          NW           all         3
 9:           S           all         3
10:          NE         other         1
11:          NW         other         1
12:           S         other         1
13:          NE         other         2
14:          NW         other         2
15:           S         other         2
16:          NE         other         3
17:          NW         other         3
18:           S         other         3
19:          NE          same         1
20:          NW          same         1
21:           S          same         1
22:          NE          same         2
23:          NW          same         2
24:           S          same         2
25:          NE          same         3
26:          NW          same         3
27:           S          same         3
    test.subset train.subsets test.fold

The rows in the output above represent different kinds of splits:

  • train.subsets=same is used as a baseline.
  • train.subsets=all is used to answer the question, “is it beneficial to combine all subsets when training?”
  • train.subsets=other is used to answer the question, “can we accurately predict on one subset, after training on the other subsets?”

Code to re-run:

same_other_sizes_cv <- mlr3resampling::ResamplingSameOtherSizesCV$new()
task.obj <- mlr3::TaskClassif$new("AZtrees3", AZtrees, target="y")
task.obj$col_roles$feature <- grep("SAMPLE", names(AZtrees), value=TRUE)
task.obj$col_roles$stratum <- "y"  #keep data proportional when splitting.
task.obj$col_roles$group <- "polygon"  #keep data together when splitting.
task.obj$col_roles$subset <- "region3" #fix one test region, train on same/other/all region(s).
same_other_sizes_cv$instance$iteration.dt[, .(test.subset, train.subsets, test.fold)]

Algorithm 2: cross-validation for comparing different sized train sets

See examples in Newer Resamplers vignette and data viz for regression and classification.

How many train samples are required to get accurate predictions on a test set? Cross-validation can be used to answer this question, with variable size train sets. For example consider the Arizona Trees data below,

> dim(AZtrees)
[1] 5956   25
> length(unique(AZtrees$polygon))
[1] 189

The output above indicates we have 5956 rows and 189 polygons. We can do cross-validation on either polygons (if task has group role) or rows (if no group role set). The code below sets a down-sampling ratio of 0.8, and four sizes of down-sampled train sets.

> same_other_sizes_cv <- mlr3resampling::ResamplingSameOtherSizesCV$new()
> same_other_sizes_cv$param_set$values$sizes <- 4
> same_other_sizes_cv$param_set$values$ratio <- 0.8
> task.obj <- mlr3::TaskClassif$new("AZtrees3", AZtrees, target="y")
> task.obj$col_roles$feature <- grep("SAMPLE", names(AZtrees), value=TRUE)
> task.obj$col_roles$stratum <- "y"  #keep data proportional when splitting.
> task.obj$col_roles$group <- "polygon"  #keep data together when splitting.
> same_other_sizes_cv$instantiate(task.obj)
> same_other_sizes_cv$instance$iteration.dt[, .(n.train.groups, test.fold)]
    n.train.groups test.fold
             <int>     <int>
 1:             51         1
 2:             64         1
 3:             80         1
 4:            100         1
 5:            126         1
 6:             51         2
 7:             64         2
 8:             80         2
 9:            100         2
10:            126         2
11:             51         3
12:             64         3
13:             80         3
14:            100         3
15:            126         3

The output above has one row per train/test split that will be computed in the cross-validation experiment. The full train set size is 126 polygons, and there are four smaller train set sizes (each a factor of 0.8 smaller). Each train set size will be computed for each fold ID from 1 to 3.

Code to re-run:

same_other_sizes_cv <- mlr3resampling::ResamplingSameOtherSizesCV$new()
same_other_sizes_cv$param_set$values$sizes <- 4
same_other_sizes_cv$param_set$values$ratio <- 0.8
task.obj <- mlr3::TaskClassif$new("AZtrees3", AZtrees, target="y")
task.obj$col_roles$feature <- grep("SAMPLE", names(AZtrees), value=TRUE)
task.obj$col_roles$stratum <- "y"  #keep data proportional when splitting.
task.obj$col_roles$group <- "polygon"  #keep data together when splitting.
same_other_sizes_cv$instance$iteration.dt[, .(n.train.groups, test.fold)]

Related work

  • mlr3resampling code was copied/modified from Resampling and ResamplingCV classes in the excellent mlr3 package.
  • As of Oct 2024, scikit-learn in python implements support for groups via GroupKFold (keeping samples together when splitting) but not subsets (test data come from one subset, train data come from Same/Other/All subsets).


Resampling algorithms for mlr3 framework in R






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