Thank you for visiting!
- My name is Tom, I'm French, and I live in Paris.
- I work as a Software Engineer and an Computer Science Teacher.
- My main programming languages are JavaScript/TypeScript, Python, Rust, And Php.
- I use and love Vim.
I love learning, writing, and teaching. Below is a list of the mediums on which I publish things on:
- My Medium account: all my articles are free to access.
- NX Academy: it's free and open source. All the content is written in French.
- Preparez-vous aux tests techniques pour devenir developpeur
- Concevez un contenu web accessible
- Codez un site web accessible avec HTML et CSS
- Deboguez l'interface de votre site internet
- Testez vos applications Front End avec JavaScript
- Utilisez des design patterns en JavaScript
- NX Academy: I am working on an online learning platform with some friends. It's free, open-source, and it's in French.