It's very simple, first, get it :
docker pull darkjeff/zpush-zimbra
And run it :
docker run -d \
-p 80:80 \
-e ZIMBRA_HOST=yourzimbraurl.tld \
-e ZPUSH_URL=yourpublicurlforsyn.tld \
--name zpush
docker pull darkjeff/zpush-zimbra
You can tune the configuration with environment variable:
ZPUSH_URL: The url (whitout https://) of your zimbra. The container have to reach this address.
ZPUSH_URL_IN_HTTP: If your zimbra is not listenning in https set true
.Deflaut: https
ZIMBRA_URL: The public url of your sync service (whitout https://)
ZIMBRA_URL_IN_HTTP: If your zimbra is not listenning in https set true
. Deflaut: https
TIMEZONE: [PHP timezone] ( Deflaut: 'Europe/London'