configstore is a small pluggable library that lets you retrieve settings or secrets from a variety of storage systems to configure your app.
The main pain point this tries to solve is:
Assume you have your config in environment variables but you want to store your secrets in something else.
How do you mix having a secret backend for your secrets but still keep everything else in environment variables?
With this module you can use both. Let's say you use DATABASE_PASSWORD
as your database password env variable.
This will first try to find this in your first backend (let's say docker secrets) and if it fails will fall back on the env variable.
for some example code.
configstore.EnvVarBackend finds settings in environment variables. This is the classic 12-factor approach, which main drawback is that it's easy for outside tools or sub-processes to inspect the environment and access sensitive data. This backend is still useful for settings that are not secrets.
configstore.DotenvBackend lets you put settings in a key-value format file, using the
dotenv module, which is useful for local development.
This backend requires an optional dependency, so use a requirement like configstore[dotenv]
to get everything installed.
configstore.DockerSecretBackend can read Docker secrets. This is a secure storage with first-class support in the Docker runtime and related tooling.
configstore.AwsSsmBackend connects to the Parameter Store service that
is part of AWS Systems Manager. This backend requires optional
dependencies (boto3), so use a requirement like configstore[awsssm]
to get everything installed.
Finally, configstore.DictBackend is useful to define a bunch of settings for testing or for defaults.
Original author: Antoine Reversat @crevetor
Current maintainer: Éric Araujo @merwok
Project sponsored by Caravan Coop @caravancoop