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  1. android_kernel_galaxys4gmtd android_kernel_galaxys4gmtd Public

    Forked from dsexton702/sgs4g_gb_kernel

    CyanogenMod Kernel for the Galaxy S 4G (herring)

    C 9 10

  2. android_device_samsung_galaxys4gmtd android_device_samsung_galaxys4gmtd Public

    Forked from Krylon360/android_device_samsung_galaxys4g

    CyanogenMod Device Tree for the Galaxy S 4G

    C 7 7

  3. acidify acidify Public

    Forked from maxfierke/acidify

    Acidify is a tool for building Android builds. It allows easy switching between build types and setting up everything needed to build Android. It's created by and for TeamAcid.

    Shell 5 5

  4. proprietary_vendor_samsung proprietary_vendor_samsung Public

    Forked from TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_samsung

    Evil Proprietary Files that we unfortunately need to get CyanogenMod running. We eventually hope to rid the builds of such evilness.

    Shell 3 4

  5. sgs4g_voodoo_initramfs sgs4g_voodoo_initramfs Public

    Shell 3 3

  6. valhalla-black valhalla-black Public

    RaverX3X's Valhalla Black Edition

    Shell 3 2


Showing 10 of 29 repositories