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Added Remove-TeamViewerDuplicateDevicesV2 example script
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AchilleasMitos-TV authored Nov 26, 2024
2 parents 9b21a8e + ec720fa commit b07790a
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44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions Remove-TeamViewerDuplicateDevicesV2/
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# Remove-TeamViewerDuplicateDevicesV2

Removes TeamViewer devices (MDv2) that have a duplicate counterpart in the same company.

The script fetches a list of TeamViewer devices (MDv2) of the TeamViewer company that corresponds to a given API token.
The list will be searched for devices that have the same name (alias). Duplicate devices will be sorted by their last seen timestamp,
and the older ones will be removed.

## Prerequisites

This script requires the `TeamViewerPS` powershell module to be installed in at least Version 2.1.0.

Install-Module TeamViewerPS

## Examples

### List removal candidate devices

Remove-TeamViewerDuplicateDevicesV2 -WhatIf

### Remove old duplicate devices. User needs to confirm


### Remove old duplicate devices without further confirmation

Remove-TeamViewerDuplicateDevicesV2 -Force

## More help

To get further help about the script and its parameters, execute the
`Get-Help` PowerShell cmdlet:

Get-Help -Detailed .\Remove-TeamViewerDuplicateDevicesV2.ps1
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# Copyright (c) 2019-2024 TeamViewer Germany GmbH
# See file LICENSE

BeforeAll {
$testApiToken = [securestring]@{}

. "$PSScriptRoot\Remove-TeamViewerDuplicateDevicesV2.ps1" -ApiToken $testApiToken -InformationAction SilentlyContinue

Mock Get-TeamViewerCompanyManagedDevice { @(
[pscustomobject]@{ TeamViewerId = '123456789'; Name = 'unique device'; LastSeenAt = [datetime]'2024-12-16' },
[pscustomobject]@{ TeamViewerId = 'older device A'; Name = 'duplicate device A'; LastSeenAt = [datetime]'2024-12-17' },
[pscustomobject]@{ TeamViewerId = 'online device A'; Name = 'duplicate device A'; IsOnline = $True },
[pscustomobject]@{ TeamViewerId = 'newer device B'; Name = 'duplicate device B'; LastSeenAt = [datetime]'2024-12-18' },
[pscustomobject]@{ TeamViewerId = 'newer device A'; Name = 'duplicate device A'; LastSeenAt = [datetime]'2024-12-19' },
[pscustomobject]@{ TeamViewerId = 'older device B'; Name = 'duplicate device B'; LastSeenAt = [datetime]'2024-12-17' }
) }

Mock Remove-TeamViewerManagedDeviceManagement -RemoveParameterValidation 'Device' {}

Describe 'Remove-TeamViewerDuplicateDevicesV2' {

It 'Should not remove any devices if -WhatIf parameter has been set' {
$result = (Remove-TeamViewerDuplicateDevicesV2 -force:$false -WhatIf)
$result | Should -HaveCount 3
$result[0].TeamViewerId | Should -Be 'older device A'
$result[0].Status | Should -Be 'Unchanged'
$result[1].TeamViewerId | Should -Be 'newer device A'
$result[1].Status | Should -Be 'Unchanged'
$result[2].TeamViewerId | Should -Be 'older device B'
$result[2].Status | Should -Be 'Unchanged'

Assert-MockCalled Get-TeamViewerCompanyManagedDevice -Times 1 -Scope It
Assert-MockCalled Remove-TeamViewerManagedDeviceManagement -Times 0 -Scope It

It 'Should remove duplicate devices with an older last-seen timestamp' {
$result = (Remove-TeamViewerDuplicateDevicesV2 -force:$true)
$result | Should -HaveCount 3
$result[0].TeamViewerId | Should -Be 'older device A'
$result[0].Status | Should -Be 'Removed'
$result[1].TeamViewerId | Should -Be 'newer device A'
$result[1].Status | Should -Be 'Removed'
$result[2].TeamViewerId | Should -Be 'older device B'
$result[2].Status | Should -Be 'Removed'

Assert-MockCalled Get-TeamViewerCompanyManagedDevice -Times 1 -Scope It
Assert-MockCalled Remove-TeamViewerManagedDeviceManagement -Times 3 -Scope It
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Removes TeamViewer duplicate devices (MDv2) based on their alias.
Removes TeamViewer devices (MDv2) that have a duplicate counterpart in the same company.
The script fetches a list of TeamViewer devices (MDv2) of the TeamViewer company that corresponds to a given API token.
The list will be searched for devices that have the same name (alias). Duplicate devices will be sorted by their last seen timestamp,
and the older ones will be removed.
The TeamViewer API token to use.
Must be a user access token.
The token requires the following access permissions: company admin
If set, the script will NOT ask the user for confirmation of the removal.
The default value is `false`, causing the script to ask the user one more time before starting to remove devices.
Remove-TeamViewerDuplicateDevicesV2 -WhatIf
Remove-TeamViewerDuplicateDevicesV2 -Force
This script requires the TeamViewerPS module to be installed.
This can be done using the following command:
Install-Module TeamViewerPS
Copyright (c) 2019-2024 TeamViewer Germany GmbH
See file LICENSE
Version 2.1

[CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[securestring] $ApiToken,

[switch] $Force = $false

if (-Not $MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey('ErrorAction')) {
$script:ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
if (-Not $MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey('InformationAction')) {
$script:InformationPreference = 'Continue'

function Install-TeamViewerModule {
$module = Get-Module TeamViewerPS

if (!$module) {
Install-Module TeamViewerPS
elseif ($module.Version -lt '2.1.0') {
Update-Module TeamViewerPS

function Remove-TeamViewerDuplicateDevicesV2 {
[CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'Medium')]
param([bool]$force, [bool]$is_verbose)

$devices = @(Get-TeamViewerCompanyManagedDevice -ApiToken $ApiToken)

$name_to_device_map = @{}
ForEach ($device in $devices) {
if ($null -eq $name_to_device_map[$device.Name]) {
$name_to_device_map[$device.Name] = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]

$name_to_device_map_sorted = @{}
$name_to_device_map.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
# Sort duplicate devices by LastSeenAt.
# Older devices should go first.
$offline_duplicate_devices = @(($_.Value | Where-Object { !$_.IsOnline -and $_.LastSeenAt }) | Sort-Object { $_.LastSeenAt })

if ($offline_duplicate_devices.Count -gt 0) {
if ($offline_duplicate_devices.Count -lt $_.Value.Count) {
# There were some online duplicate devices --> remove all of the offline
$name_to_device_map_sorted.Add($_.Key, $offline_duplicate_devices)
else {
# No online duplicate devices --> the last one is the "good" device --> skip it
$devices_to_remove = $offline_duplicate_devices | Select-Object -SkipLast 1
if ($null -ne $devices_to_remove) {
$name_to_device_map_sorted.Add($_.Key, $devices_to_remove)

if ($is_verbose) {
Write-Information 'All company devices:'
Write-Information ($devices | Format-List | Out-String)

if (!$name_to_device_map_sorted.Count) {
Write-Information 'No duplicate devices found. Exiting...'


Write-Information 'Found the following devices that have a duplicate alias to other devices in your company, and have been offline for longer:'
Write-Information ($name_to_device_map_sorted | Format-List | Out-String)

if ($name_to_device_map_sorted.Count -gt 0 -And
!$WhatIfPreference -And
!$force -And
!$PSCmdlet.ShouldContinue('Do you really want to remove those devices?', 'Remove managed devices')) {
Write-Information 'Aborting...'


$name_to_device_map_sorted.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
$duplicate_devices_to_be_deleted = $_.Value

ForEach ($device_to_be_deleted in $duplicate_devices_to_be_deleted) {
$status = 'Unchanged'

if ($force -Or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($device_to_be_deleted.TeamViewerId, 'Remove device')) {
try {
Remove-TeamViewerManagedDeviceManagement -ApiToken $ApiToken -Device $device_to_be_deleted

$status = 'Removed'
catch {
Write-Warning "Failed to remove device '$($device_to_be_deleted.Name)' with TeamViewerID: '$($device_to_be_deleted.TeamViewerId)'"

$status = 'Failed'
Write-Output ([pscustomobject]@{
Name = $device_to_be_deleted.Name
ManagementId = $device_to_be_deleted.Id
LastSeen = $device_to_be_deleted.LastSeenAt
TeamViewerID = $device_to_be_deleted.TeamViewerId
Status = $status

if ($MyInvocation.InvocationName -ne '.') {

$is_verbose = $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Verbose')

Remove-TeamViewerDuplicateDevicesV2 -force $Force -is_verbose $is_verbose

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