Flask API to extract dates from documents
The API is provided with 2 routes:
- If you want to pass Base64 encoded image, send a POST request with payload
{"base_64_image_content": <base_64_image_bytes>}
- If you want to pass image file, send a POST request with payload
{'image': <image_file>}
Python sample code to test out the API:
- Sending the image as Base64 encoded
import requests, base64
img_url = <path_to_image>
with open(img_url, 'rb') as f:
img = base64.b64encode(f.read())
response = requests.post('https://ocr-date-extractor.herokuapp.com/extract_date', data={'base_64_image_content':img})
- Directly uploading the file
import requests
url = "https://ocr-date-extractor.herokuapp.com/extract_date_from_image"
response = requests.post(url, data=payload, files=files)
The project performs the following steps for any given image:
- Re-scales the image if its too big in size
- Performs thresholding to separate foreground (the document) and the background
- Find contours and draws a bounding box on the document present in the image
- Crops the image to keep only the document
- Performs thresholding again to separate text from the background
- Apply OCR to extract text
- Use regex to extract out the date
- Date is then parsed and returned in
Following date format are supported with some flexibility:
- dd-mm-yyyy
- mm-dd-yyyy
- yyyy-mm-dd
- dd/mm/yyyy
- mm/dd/yyyy
- yyyy/mm/dd
- Aug23'19
- Feb 24, 2019
- 24 May'19
I took help from the following resources:
- Improving OCR Accuracy Medium
- OpenCV Docs
- Automatic Canny Edge PyImageSearch