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This GitHub action installs Linux APT packages and cache them for later use. When executed next time with same package list, and any other environment are not changed, installed files are extracted from the cached archive.

When valid cached archive is not found, all packages are installed by apt-get command. If you want partial install/cache behavior, use this action multiple times.

There are two different methods to identify installed files. Default is package method, and files are taken by dpkg -L command. This method runs very fast. For packages generate files during installation, use timestamp method, and all files those have newer timestamp are cached. Files are searched under /etc, /usr/{bin,sbin,lib,share} and /var/lib directory. Search directories can be given by path parameter.

Output is same as @actions/cache.


# inputs:
#   tools:  { required: true,  type: string }
#   repos:  { required: false, type: string }
#   cache:  { required: false, type: string, default: yes }
#   key:    { required: false, type: string }
#   method: { required: false, type: string, default: package }
#   path:   { required: false, type: string,
#             default: "/etc /usr/bin /usr/sbin /usr/lib /usr/share /var/lib" }

- uses: tecolicom/actions-use-apt-tools@v1

    # apt packages
    tools: ''

    # additional repositories
    repos: ''

    # Cache strategy
    # yes:      activate cache
    # no:       no cache
    # workflow: effective within same workflow (mainly for test)
    cache: yes

    # Additional cache key
    key: ''

    # Method to idenfity installed files
    #   package:   use "dpkg -L" command output
    #   timestamp: use file's timestamps to check update
    method: package

    # Search path with "timestamp" method
    path: ''


Normal case with default package method

- uses: tecolicom/actions-use-apt-tools@v1
    tools: bmake

Using timestamp method

For packages which generates additional files other than included in package during installation, use timestamp method. If you know where they will be placed, provide them by a path parameter.

- uses: tecolicom/actions-use-apt-tools@v1
    tools: mecab mecab-ipadic mecab-ipadic-utf8
    method: timestamp

With additional repositories

- uses: tecolicom/actions-use-apt-tools@v1
  id: action
    repos: ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
    tools: g++-11
    method: timestamp

See Also