Releases: teesloane/moonview
Absolute Editor Width
- The moonview editor width now operates on an absolute px scale rather than relative %'s.
- NPM scripts now exist for Window builds thanks @jondcoleman .`
moonview 0.1
I'm rewinding the tapes into the future.
Does that tree know a heavy heart?
Fall is here and our voices are loud in the thin air.
moonview 0.1 is alive and here. Here are some things in list form
- listen to randomly queued ambient tracks!
- text colour bugs quashed (for now)
- the app has quit-checking. Don't quit and leave that Tanka or plain-text novel to the digital ether.
Moonview Beta (0.05)
Hello dream world,
I'm lost in a whirlscape of waterfalls and whirlpools. I am a new cloud breaking off an old old old cloud, that is so very sure of itself.
In that moment of separation, Moonview 0.05 was released with a new preferences window. Now you can persist your true desires, in the form of the editor's font size and width. Don't mind the buggy scroll window. That 'll get fixed when I become an old old old old cloud.
Be well and good night dream world.
Moonview Beta (0.03)
Wow! Here we are, alive and well. We are not deep at the core of the earth; nor are we spiralling over top a waterspout that will not stop.
moonview is alive and changing. Say hello to a new menu, field recordings in place of key sounds and other things I am too tired to think of!
New field recordings include:
- A real life office, complete with keyboard clacking and intermittent coughing and / or rustling.
- A harbour-front with a cool boat lapping some waves
- A wicked rainstorm on some kind of metal-alloy roof, where I may or may not live.
Not only do you now have audio tracks AND field recordings, you can also MIX THEM TOGETHER! The new mixer lets you dip down those sweet sweet ambient tunes in favour of the the sound of rain, or the whatever field recording suits your fancy. AND VICE VERSA.
Moonview Beta
Core functionality up and running in Moonview:
- HUD for selecting audio / backgrounds etc.
- Menu ops / file IO ops.
Note: All audio was dropped in without permission; tracks by the lovely SineRider. Eventually all music / muzak / field recordings / assets in general will be replaced with assets created by myself or collaborators.