git clone
cd immerisve-media-boilerplate
npm install
├── build # Webpack Production build output
├── src # Source files
├── components # Folder for components (JS)
└── templates # Folder for resuseable html (HTML)
├── .firebaserc # Connects your project to Firebase Hosting
├── firebase.json # Specifies which directory to upload to Firebase
├── package.json # NPM
├── webpack.config.js # Webpack Config file for dev server/production builds
To spin up a localhost site, run the following command then point a WebVR friendly browser to http://localhost:8080/
npm run dev
To view the dev server on an external device find out your local IP address (Type 'ipconfig' in any terminal) and view the 8080 port. This may look like:
WebVR-Boilerplate was designed for Single-Page-Applications and does not handle multiple html files without reconfiguring the webpack.config.js HTMLWebpack plugin.
To build and optimze your HTML/JS run:
npm run build
This will Webpack build your ./src folder into the ./build directory with the specifications made in the webpack.config.js file.
WebVR-Boilerplate uses Firebase for quick and easy static-asset hosting. If you haven't already, install Firebase by running:
npm install -g firebase-tools
After installing Firebase, run init and setup a hosting connection:
firebase init
The firebase.json file tells Firebase Hosting to use the _./build directory. Find out more about Firebase Hosting Here
Once Firebase is installed and initialized, run the following code to build and deploy your code:
npm run deploy