Type Language compiler for working with api of Telegram project.
Converts json-representation of TL-scheme to jar with generated classes for serializing and deserializing api messages and methods.
Download latest version at releases page
Write in console:
java -jar tl-builder.jar -in <path_to_definition> [-out <dest_folder>] [-package <package>]
- path to json file<dest_folder>
- destination folder for java-files and destination jar file<package>
- overriding java package name. Default: org.telegram.api
- Download latest release version of tl-core library at tl-core releases page, rename jar file to "tl-core.jar" and put to working folder.
- Get json-cheme of required api-level at http://core.telegram.org/schema and put it to same working folder.
- Run tl-builder on this files
- Add compiled tl-api.jar to your project
You always could get actual versions of tl-api jars at releases page
English: http://core.telegram.org/mtproto/TL
Russian: http://dev.stel.com/mtproto/TL
####Telegraph project
Compiler uses MIT License