This issue/PR represents a breaking change so impact across our platform must be considered.
Something isn't working as expected.
Improvements to the software build process.
Relates to continuous integration/deployment/test infrastructure.
The work completed in this feature can be shown in a demo.
Pull requests that update a dependency file
This issue is a dependency for another issue.
This issue relates to deployment.
This PR MUST NOT be merged in its current state
Improvements or additions to documentation.
This issue or pull request already exists.
Enhancement/refinement of existing features or functionality.
This is a new feature request
Extra attention or resources are needed.
Pull requests that update Java code
Waiting on further information before this issue/PR can be progressed.
This is a contracted deliverable
This issue/PR represents a brand new feature.
This issue has not been triaged by maintainers
This issue/PR is currently on-hold due to open questions, prioritisation, lack of resources etc.
This issue relates to the performance of the system.
Urgent Priority, resolution needed ASAP!
This issue will improve the stability or reliability of the system.
This is a question/discussion rather than an actionable issue, clarification is needed to proceed.