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TEI Data for the Corpus Coranicum Research Project at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences

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Corpus Coranicum - TEI DATA

TEI Data for the Digital Project "Corpus Coranicum" (

This is a TEI (Text Encoding Initiative) Export of the Corpus Coranicum project, which ran from 2007 to 2024 at the Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW).

  • The dataset that forms the basis of this export comes from other XML project files and from the project's MySQL database.
  • A full list of contributors to the Corpus Coranicum Project can be seen here:
  • The TEI schema for this TEI dataset was developed by Yasmin Faghihi (Cambridge) and Huw Jones (Cambridge).
  • Claus Franke (BBAW - TELOTA) and Marcus Lampert (BBAW - TELOTA) did the technical implementation of feeding the project data into the TEI schema.

Technical Information

  • As indicated in beginning of each XML document, the TEI validates against a unified corpus_coranicum.rng schema. One can validate the TEI export with something like this: find . -name '*.xml' -print | parallel --tag jing ./schema/corpus_coranicum.rng > validation.txt

Summary of TEI Dataset

  • cairo_quran: The 1924 Cairo edition of the Quran, including English, German, and French translations.
  • quran_commentary: Chronological, literary-critical commentary on the Quran, organized by Sura and time period in which the Suras where likely written.
  • quran_concordance: A full grammatical parse of every word in the Quran, based on the concordance of Rafael Talmon (1948-2004).
  • quran_intertexts: A database of intertextual connections between the Quran and various texts from late antiquity and earlier.
  • quran_manuscripts: Information on over Quran 2500 manuscripts dating from around 650 to the present.
  • quran_variants: Variant readings of the Quran included in early sources of Muslim scholarly tradition.

Detailed Overview of the TEI Dataset

General considerations

This is to document the TEI dataset, which was produced as the result of a transform from the Corpus Coranicum dataset originally created in a SQL database. General principles across all file types included:

  • Use of xml:id attributes to uniquely identify core elements in the dataset

  • Use of key attributes to create mappings both between and across files

While in general we followed standard TEI practice for data compatibility, we did make certain adjustments to the schema to reflect project specific practice.

Creators of the file were recorded using respStmt elements and taxonomies were recorded in the classDecl element.

File Types

cairo_quran: This file contains the transcription of the 1924 Bulaq edition of the Qur'an. It was modelled using the standard TEI elements for transcription with each Surah, verse and word given a unique id. Linke to images were also encoded in the standard way, using facsimile, surface and graphic elements.

quran_commentary: This was modelled with one file for each commentary and filenamed according to each Surah by number. Each file contains the text of the surah, the translation and the commentary, encoded using standard TEI transcription elements. In the commentary text, references to surahs were linked using xml:id and target attributes. Bibliographic references were encoded with bibl elements and linked with ids. The different sections in the commentary were separated using div elements with type attributes.

quran_concordance: This was modelled with one file for each surah and filenamed according to the surah number. Each word was divide up into typed segments, using a standard vocabulary developed by the project.

quran_intertexts: This directory contains one file on texts predating the Qur'an, named categories.xml. All other files are named according to the intertext id. Information on each intertext is recorded using the msDesc module for manuscript description and is transcribed and translated in the text section.

quran_manuscripts: This was modelled with one file for each manuscript, filenamed according to the manuscript id. The msDesc module was used for manuscript description with ids used to reference the sections of the Qur'an. References to images were encoded in the standard way using the facsimile, surface and graphic elements.

quran_variants: This directory consists of three files:

  • allvariants: contains a list of variant readings including the reader, the source of the variant and the variant itself. All elements are keyed to the relevant authority files.
  • reader: an authority file of the readers referred to in the allvariants file.
  • sources: an authority file of the sources referred to in the allvariants file.


This directory contains the ODD and rng files for the customisations necessary for the project. These were:

  • added controlled values for the form attribute on objectDesc element

  • added type attribute to the bibl element

  • added controlled values for the type attribute on decoNote element

  • added extra value to list for type attribute on dimensions element

  • added documentation to the extent element

  • added controlled values and documentation for script attribute on handNote element

  • added controlled values and documentation for calendar attribute on origDate element

  • added controlled values and documentation for datingMethod attribute on origDate element

  • added documentation to n attribute on origPlace element

  • added controlled values and documentation for type attribute on provenance element

  • added documentation to repository element

  • added controlled values and documentation for material attribute on supportDesc element

  • added documentation to avaalbility element

  • added controlled values and documentation for type attribute on change element

  • added controlled values and documentation for type attribute on colophon element

  • added controlled values and documentation for type attribute on listBibl element

  • added controlled values and documentation for type attribute on msDesc element

  • added controlled values and documentation for type attribute on note element

  • added documentation for projectDesc element

  • added controlled values and documentation for type attribute on title element

  • added controlled values and documentation for script and style attributes on scriptNote element

  • changed the key attribute on the person element to accept a wider range of values

  • added controlled values and documentation for mainLang attribute on textLang element

  • changed the url attribute on the graphic element to accept a wider range of values


Corpus Coranicum Project, ed. Michael Marx. TEI Data. Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities.


© Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften 2024 Creative Commons CC BY-SA 4.0


  • Michael Marx (, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften
  • TELOTA (, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften


TEI Data for the Corpus Coranicum Research Project at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences






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