Supported Debian versions:
- 9 --- Stretch;
- 8 --- Jessie, with updates from jessie-backports.
Note, that Debian Jessie is supported only with backports updates installed due
to different packaging and dependencies schemes. To install updates add the
repo to /etc/apt/sources.list
deb jessie-backports main contrib non-free
And install all the available updates:
apt-get update
apt-get -t jessie-backports dist-upgrade
Sources ropository must be exist in /etc/apt/sources.list
# For Debian 9 Stretch
deb-src stretch main
# For Debian 8 Jessie
deb-src jessie-backports main
All the necessary packages can be installed with single command:
apt-get build-dep linux
Variables DEBEMAIL
must be exported before updating
change logs. E.g.:
export DEBEMAIL=""
export DEBFULLNAME="Tempesta Technologies, Inc."
Sadly, packaging Linux kernel is not so simple. It is packaged as foreign
package, so packaging directory contains a number of patches from Debian team.
Packaging system was forked from git://
Copy pkg/linux/debian
to separate empty directory. At least 25GB of free space
must be available.
Prepare orig tarball - tarball that contains sources of original package.
Unpack it to package directory and apply patches from
. This can be done in one of the following ways:
. This command prepares origin tarball automatically, if original git repo have tag with newer version than stated indebian/changelog
. Refer todebian/watch
for more info. -
debian/rules get-orig-source && debian/rules orig
to make the same for the current version.
Generate control file:
debian/rules debian/control
Finally create the set of the packages:
dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us -jN
Where N
- number of concurrent jobs.
That will take a while. For more info refer to Rebuilding official Debian kernel packages manual.
Once package is build, commit used to build package must be marked with tag formatted as:
After tag is pushed to Github, new release must be assigned to the tag. That allows to publish packages and changelog in one place. Normally changelog on Releases page should follow sources changelog.
Instead of publishing packages on Github Releases page, distribute software to end users using custom Debian/Centos/other repositories.
When packaging linux, use vanilla sources and apply Tempesta-Tech patches in the same way Debian/Centos maintainers applies their own patches. This differs from current aproach, when the prepatched kernel is downloaded from Tempesta-Tech kernel repo.