This is a repo for demonstraighting using Git for collaboration and learning how to utilize techniques learned in the 2016 June Software/Data Carpentry Workshop
- Groups member A, go to:
- Fork the repo
- Go to "Settings" -> "Collaborators" -> search for group member B's git username and click their name, then click "Add Collaborator"
- Group member B, accept the invite in the email that went to the email you signed up to Github with.
Clone the group/class repo
Navigate to your group folder
- Group Member A make a scripts directory (mkdir) and then make a script (touch command) in that directory use Git commands to add, commit, and push (may need to do Git push origin master) the file you just made
- Groups member B do Git pull and make sure you now have a new file made by group member A.
We need data
- host:
- port: 1247
- zone: iplant
- username: cyverse username
- password: cyverse password
Group members, enter: ils
Group member with atmosphere access, grab data from the Datastore
- Enter: iget /iplant/home/shared/workshop_material/SoftwareCarpentry/data/gapminder-FiveYearData.csv
- Make a directory for the data (mkdir)
- Move (mv) gapminder data to data folder
- Do git add, commit, and push the gapminder data
Explore the data!
Group member A, pull
Group member A, open Jupyter notebook
- Group member A, Open the scrip
- Group member A, Annotate the script
- Group member A, Initial script
Make a figure with subplots A and B
###Tips import pandas as pd from matplotlib import pyplot as plt %matplotlib inline
df = pd.read_csv('data_location') df = df[df['column_name'] == something]
new_df = df[[something, something, etc.]]
df.plot(x = 'something', y = 'something2', kind = 'type of plot') url: