Arch Linux
Install Arch Linux following guide 1.1 Install vim, networkmanager grub and efibootmgr before reboot Pacman -S vim grub efibootmgr networkmanager
Create a user and setup sudoer Pacman -S vi sudo sudoer edit /etc/sudoers
Install yay Pacman -S git base-devel git clone ... makepkg -si
Install a tiling window manager like i3 and a desktop manager like lightdm and a greeter Pacman -S i3 xorg lightdm and gtk-greeter autotiling
Install google-chrome-stable
Install font awesome-terminal-font for better icon
Install alsa-utils pulseaudio-alsa pavucontrol pasystray for sound
Install feh for background picture
Install nvida driver and picom for transparent
Run arandr for multiple display settings
install nm-applet xss-lock for i3 xsession errors
install fcitx5-im fcitx-addon for input method
install gluqlo & xscreensaver for screen saver
install sdl sdl_ttf sdx_xxx
install linux-lts linux-lts-headers and nvidia-lts
install pcmanfm for file manager
install startship for prompt and install rust tools
install lxappearance dconf-editor for theme
Install bumblebee-status for a better i3bar
Setup power a. /etc/systemd/logind.conf b. xset q; xset -dpms
Install cronie sudo systemctl start cronie sudo systemctl enable cronie cron -e cron -l