This is a space for common utilities shared across Tenstorrent tools. This is a helper library and not a standalone tool.
Build and editing instruction are as follows -
Generate and source a python3 environment
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install .
For users who would like to edit the code without re-building, install it in editable mode.
pip install --editable .
Recommended: install the pre-commit hooks so there is auto formatting for all files on committing.
pre-commit install
This repo contains both frontend and backend functions that would be common to most Tenstorrent tooling.
It includes common themes, widgets and other styling elements to build Tenstorrent textual tools. Under the tests directory is an example textual widget that can be used as a starting place for developers to build a new tool.
It includes utility functions like fetching host info, math conversions, input sanitization, parsing functions etc that are used repeatedly.
Apache 2.0 -