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fixing probspace
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teorth committed Nov 15, 2023
1 parent f0fdcd1 commit 8403244
Showing 1 changed file with 48 additions and 28 deletions.
76 changes: 48 additions & 28 deletions PFR/probability_space.lean
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Expand Up @@ -40,11 +40,16 @@ noncomputable def finiteMeasure : FiniteMeasure Ω := (rawMass Ω)⁻¹ • rawF

variable {Ω}

/-- The raw finite measure and the raw measure agree. -/
lemma rawFiniteMeasure_eq (E : Set Ω) : rawFiniteMeasure Ω E = rawMeasure Ω E := by
simp [rawMeasure, rawFiniteMeasure]; congr

/-- The raw mass is the mass of the raw measure. -/
lemma rawMass_eq : rawMass Ω = rawMeasure Ω univ := rawFiniteMeasure_eq _

/-- The raw mass is the mass of the raw finite measure. -/
lemma rawMass_eq' : rawMass Ω = rawFiniteMeasure Ω univ := rfl

/-- P[ E ] is the probability of E. -/
notation:100 "P[ " E " ]" => (finiteMeasure _) E

Expand All @@ -63,12 +68,14 @@ lemma prob_eq' (E : Set Ω) : P[ E ] = measure Ω E := by

lemma prob_eq'' (E : Set Ω) : P[ E ; ‹ ProbabilitySpace Ω› ] = P[ E ] := by rfl

/-- Probability can be computed using raw measure. -/
lemma prob_raw (E : Set Ω) : P[ E ] = (rawMass Ω)⁻¹ * rawMeasure Ω E := by
rw [prob_eq' E]
unfold measure
rw [Measure.smul_apply]

/-- Probability can be computed using raw finite measure. -/
lemma prob_raw' (E : Set Ω) : P[ E ] = (rawMass Ω)⁻¹ * rawFiniteMeasure Ω E := by
rw [<-ENNReal.coe_eq_coe, prob_raw E]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -124,46 +131,59 @@ lemma ofFiniteMeasure.prob_eq [MeasurableSpace Ω] (μ : FiniteMeasure Ω) (E :

/-- Every measurable subset of a probability space is also a probability space (even when the set has measure zero!). May want to register this as an instance somehow. -/
noncomputable def Subset.probabilitySpace {Ω : Type*} [ProbabilitySpace Ω] (E : Set Ω): ProbabilitySpace Ω where
noncomputable def Subset.probabilitySpace {Ω : Type*} [ProbabilitySpace Ω] (E : Set Ω) : ProbabilitySpace Ω where
volume := volume.restrict E
-- Force subsets of measurable spaces to themselves be measurable spaces
attribute [instance] MeasureTheory.Measure.Subtype.measureSpace

/-- Every measurable subset of a probability space is also a probability space (even when the set
has measure zero!). May want to register this as an instance somehow. -/
noncomputable def Subtype.probabilitySpace (hE : MeasurableSet E) : ProbabilitySpace E where
measure_univ_lt_top := by
unfold volume
rw [Measure.restrict_apply_univ]
show ProbabilitySpace.rawMeasure Ω E < ⊤
have : ProbabilitySpace.rawMeasure Ω E ≤ ProbabilitySpace.rawMeasure Ω Set.univ := by
show rawMeasure Ω E < ⊤
have : rawMeasure Ω E ≤ rawMeasure Ω Set.univ := by
apply MeasureTheory.measure_mono
rw [Measure.Subtype.volume_univ (MeasurableSet.nullMeasurableSet hE)]
set μ := @volume Ω toMeasureSpace
have : μ E ≤ μ Set.univ := by
apply measure_mono
have h : ProbabilitySpace.rawMeasure Ω Set.univ < ⊤ := by
unfold ProbabilitySpace.rawMeasure
have h : rawMeasure Ω Set.univ < ⊤ := by
unfold rawMeasure
apply IsFiniteMeasure.measure_univ_lt_top
exact lt_of_le_of_lt this h

-- Force subsets of measurable spaces to themselves be measurable spaces
attribute [instance] MeasureTheory.Measure.Subtype.measureSpace

lemma ProbabilitySpace.condRaw_eq [ProbabilitySpace Ω] {E F : Set Ω} (hE: MeasurableSet E) (hF : MeasurableSet F) : @rawFiniteMeasure Ω (Subset.probabilitySpace E) F = rawFiniteMeasure Ω (F ∩ E) := by
rw [<-ENNReal.coe_eq_coe, rawMeasure_eq Ω _, @rawMeasure_eq Ω (Subset.probabilitySpace E) F]
lemma condRaw_eq (hE : MeasurableSet E) {F : Set E} (hF : MeasurableSet F) :
@rawFiniteMeasure E (Subtype.probabilitySpace hE) F = rawFiniteMeasure Ω (F : Set Ω) := by
let h := Subtype.probabilitySpace hE
rw [←ENNReal.coe_eq_coe, rawFiniteMeasure_eq, rawFiniteMeasure_eq]
lemma condRaw_eq [hΩ: ProbabilitySpace Ω] {E F : Set Ω} (hF : MeasurableSet F) : @rawFiniteMeasure Ω (Subset.probabilitySpace E) F = rawFiniteMeasure Ω (F ∩ E) := by
rw [<-ENNReal.coe_eq_coe, @rawFiniteMeasure_eq Ω hΩ (F ∩ E), @rawFiniteMeasure_eq Ω (Subset.probabilitySpace E) F]
unfold rawMeasure
rw [Measure.Subtype.volume_def]
show (volume.restrict E) F = volume (F ∩ E)
exact Measure.restrict_apply hF

lemma condRawMass_eq [hΩ: ProbabilitySpace Ω] {E : Set Ω} : @rawMass Ω (Subset.probabilitySpace E) = rawFiniteMeasure Ω E := by
rw [@rawMass_eq' Ω (Subset.probabilitySpace E), condRaw_eq]
exact MeasurableSet.univ

notation:100 "P[ " F " | " E " ]" => P[ F ; Subset.probabilitySpace E ]

lemma condProb_eq [hΩ : ProbabilitySpace Ω] {E F : Set Ω} (hF : MeasurableSet F) :
P[ F | E ] = (P[ E ])⁻¹ * P[ F ∩ E ] := by
rw [@prob_raw' Ω (Subset.probabilitySpace E) F, @prob_raw' Ω hΩ (F ∩ E), @prob_raw' Ω hΩ E, condRaw_eq hF, condRawMass_eq]
generalize a_def : rawMass Ω = a
generalize b_def : rawFiniteMeasure Ω E = b
rcases eq_or_ne a 0 with ha | ha
. simp [ha]; left
suffices : b ≤ a
. rw [ha] at this; exact this
rw [<- a_def, <- b_def, rawMass_eq']
apply FiniteMeasure.apply_mono
rcases eq_or_ne b 0 with hb | hb
. simp [hb]
. field_simp; ring

/-- Larger events have larger conditional probability. A simple example of how an unconditional lemma can instantly imply a conditional counterpart. -/
lemma prob_mono_cond {A B E : Set Ω} (h : A ⊆ B) : P[A | E] ≤ P[B | E] :=
@prob_mono Ω (Subset.probabilitySpace E) _ _ h

lemma condProb_eq (hE : MeasurableSet E) {F : Set E} (hF : MeasurableSet F) :
P[ F ; Subtype.probabilitySpace hE ] = (P[ E ])⁻¹ * P[ (F : Set Ω) ] := by
rw [prob_raw' E, prob_raw' (F : Set Ω), @prob_raw' E (Subtype.probabilitySpace hE)]
rw [condRaw_eq hE hF]
lemma posprob_isnondeg [hΩ : ProbabilitySpace Ω] {E : Set Ω} (hE : 0 < P[E]) : @isNondeg Ω (Subset.probabilitySpace E) := by
unfold isNondeg
rw [prob_raw'] at hE

open BigOperators
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