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feat: complete the proof of PFR with exponent 9 (#231)
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Also correct a few minor typos in the blueprint. And uniformize some notations throughout the Lean files (notably wrt `h_min` and `h_indep`).
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sgouezel authored Nov 18, 2024
1 parent a3de43b commit a932e7e
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Showing 26 changed files with 1,989 additions and 545 deletions.
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions PFR/ApproxHomPFR.lean
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Expand Up @@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ theorem approx_hom_pfr (f : G → G') (K : ℝ) (hK : K > 0)
let A := (Set.univ.graphOn f).toFinite.toFinset
have hA : #A = Nat.card G := by rw [Set.Finite.card_toFinset]; simp [← Nat.card_eq_fintype_card]
have hA_nonempty : A.Nonempty := by simp [-Set.Finite.toFinset_setOf, A]
have hA_pos : 0 < #A := by positivity
have := calc
(#A ^ 3 / K ^ 2 : ℝ)
= (Nat.card G ^ 2 / K) ^ 2 / #A := by field_simp [hA]; ring
Expand All @@ -45,7 +44,7 @@ theorem approx_hom_pfr (f : G → G') (K : ℝ) (hK : K > 0)
rw [← Nat.card_eq_finsetCard, ← Finset.coe_sort_coe, Finset.coe_filter,
simp only [Set.Finite.mem_toFinset, A, Set.graphOn_prod_graphOn]
rw [← Set.card_graphOn _ ( f f),
rw [← Set.natCard_graphOn _ ( f f),
← Nat.card_image_equiv (Equiv.prodProdProdComm G G' G G'), Set.image_equiv_eq_preimage_symm]
Expand All @@ -66,7 +65,7 @@ theorem approx_hom_pfr (f : G → G') (K : ℝ) (hK : K > 0)
rewrite [← this, hA''_coe]
simpa [← pow_mul] using hA'2
obtain ⟨H, c, hc_card, hH_le, hH_ge, hH_cover⟩ := PFR_conjecture_improv_aux hA''_nonempty this
clear hA'2 hA''_coe hH_le hH_ge hA_pos
clear hA'2 hA''_coe hH_le hH_ge
obtain ⟨H₀, H₁, φ, hH₀H₁, hH₀H₁_card⟩ := goursat H

have h_le_H₀ : Nat.card A'' ≤ Nat.card c * Nat.card H₀ := by
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions PFR/BoundingMutual.lean
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Expand Up @@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ $$ {\mathcal I} := \bbI[ \bigl(\sum_{i=1}^m X_{i,j}\bigr)_{j =1}^{m}
Then ${\mathcal I} \leq 4 m^2 \eta k.$
lemma mutual_information_le {G Ωₒ : Type u} [MeasureableFinGroup G] [MeasureSpace Ωₒ] (p : multiRefPackage G Ωₒ) (Ω : Type u) [hΩ: MeasureSpace Ω] (X : ∀ i, Ω → G) (hindep:
lemma mutual_information_le {G Ωₒ : Type u} [MeasureableFinGroup G] [MeasureSpace Ωₒ] (p : multiRefPackage G Ωₒ) (Ω : Type u) [hΩ: MeasureSpace Ω] (X : ∀ i, Ω → G) (h_indep:
iIndepFun (fun _ ↦ by infer_instance) X)
(hmin : multiTauMinimizes p (fun _ ↦ Ω) (fun _ ↦ hΩ) X) (Ω' : Type*) [MeasureSpace Ω'] (X': Fin p.m × Fin p.m → Ω' → G) (hindep': iIndepFun (fun _ ↦ by infer_instance) X') (hperm:
(h_min : multiTauMinimizes p (fun _ ↦ Ω) (fun _ ↦ hΩ) X) (Ω' : Type*) [MeasureSpace Ω'] (X': Fin p.m × Fin p.m → Ω' → G) (h_indep': iIndepFun (fun _ ↦ by infer_instance) X') (hperm:
∀ j, ∃ e : Fin p.m ≃ Fin p.m, IdentDistrib (fun ω ↦ (fun i ↦ X' (i, j) ω) ) (fun ω ↦ (fun i ↦ X (e i) ω))) :
I[ fun ω ↦ ( fun j ↦ ∑ i, X' (i, j) ω) : fun ω ↦ ( fun i ↦ ∑ j, X' (i, j) ω) | fun ω ↦ ∑ i, ∑ j, X' (i, j) ω ] ≤ 4 * p.m^2 * p.η * D[ X; (fun _ ↦ hΩ)] := sorry
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion PFR/Endgame.lean
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Expand Up @@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ lemma cond_construct_good [IsProbabilityMeasure (ℙ : Measure Ω)] :
end construct_good

include hX₁ hX₂ h_min h₁ h₂ h_indep hX₁ hX₂ hX₁' hX₂' in
/-- If `d[X₁ ; X₂] > 0` then there are `G`-valued random variables `X'₁, X'₂` such that
/-- If `d[X₁ ; X₂] > 0` then there are `G`-valued random variables `X₁', X₂'` such that
Phrased in the contrapositive form for convenience of proof. -/
theorem tau_strictly_decreases_aux
[IsProbabilityMeasure (ℙ : Measure Ω)] [Module (ZMod 2) G]
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8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions PFR/Fibring.lean
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Expand Up @@ -194,3 +194,11 @@ lemma sum_of_rdist_eq_char_2
+ d[Y 0 | (Y 0) + (Y 2); μ # Y 1 | (Y 1) + (Y 3); μ]
+ I[(Y 0) + (Y 1) : (Y 1) + (Y 3) | (Y 0) + (Y 1) + (Y 2) + (Y 3); μ] := by
simpa [ZModModule.sub_eq_add] using sum_of_rdist_eq Y h_indep h_meas

lemma sum_of_rdist_eq_char_2' [Module (ZMod 2) G] (X Y X' Y' : Ω → G)
(h_indep : iIndepFun (fun _ : Fin 4 ↦ hG) ![X, Y, X', Y'] μ)
(hX : Measurable X) (hY : Measurable Y) (hX' : Measurable X') (hY' : Measurable Y') :
d[X ; μ # Y ; μ] + d[X' ; μ # Y' ; μ]
= d[X + X' ; μ # Y + Y' ; μ] + d[X | X + X' ; μ # Y | Y + Y' ; μ]
+ I[X + Y : Y + Y' | X + Y + X' + Y' ; μ] := by
apply sum_of_rdist_eq_char_2 _ h_indep (fun i ↦ by fin_cases i <;> assumption)
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions PFR/ForMathlib/Entropy/Group.lean
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Expand Up @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ lemma max_entropy_le_entropy_div (hX : Measurable X) (hY : Measurable Y) (h : In
lemma max_entropy_le_entropy_prod {G : Type*} [Countable G] [hG : MeasurableSpace G]
[MeasurableSingletonClass G] [CommGroup G] [MeasurableMul₂ G]
{I : Type*} {s : Finset I} {i₀ : I} (hi₀ : i₀ ∈ s) {X : I → Ω → G} [∀ i, FiniteRange (X i)]
(hX : (i : I) → Measurable (X i)) (hindep : iIndepFun (fun (_ : I) => hG) X μ) :
(hX : (i : I) → Measurable (X i)) (h_indep : iIndepFun (fun (_ : I) => hG) X μ) :
H[X i₀ ; μ] ≤ H[∏ i in s, X i ; μ] := by
have hs : s.Nonempty := ⟨i₀, hi₀⟩
induction' hs using Finset.Nonempty.cons_induction with i j s Hnot _ Hind
Expand All @@ -254,13 +254,13 @@ lemma max_entropy_le_entropy_prod {G : Type*} [Countable G] [hG : MeasurableSpac
_ ≤ max H[X i₀ ; μ] H[∏ i ∈ s, X i ; μ] := le_max_left _ _
_ ≤ H[X i₀ * ∏ i ∈ s, X i ; μ] := by
refine max_entropy_le_entropy_mul (hX i₀) (by fun_prop) ?_
exact iIndepFun.indepFun_finset_prod_of_not_mem hindep hX Hnot |>.symm
exact iIndepFun.indepFun_finset_prod_of_not_mem h_indep hX Hnot |>.symm
· calc
_ ≤ H[∏ i ∈ s, X i ; μ] := Hind hi₀
_ ≤ max H[X j ; μ] H[∏ i ∈ s, X i ; μ] := le_max_right _ _
_ ≤ H[X j * ∏ x ∈ s, X x ; μ] := by
refine max_entropy_le_entropy_mul (hX j) (by fun_prop) ?_
exact iIndepFun.indepFun_finset_prod_of_not_mem hindep hX Hnot |>.symm
exact iIndepFun.indepFun_finset_prod_of_not_mem h_indep hX Hnot |>.symm

end IsProbabilityMeasure
end ProbabilityTheory
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion PFR/ForMathlib/Entropy/Kernel/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -246,7 +246,8 @@ lemma entropy_compProd_aux [MeasurableSingletonClass S] [MeasurableSingletonClas
simp at hu ⊢
exact hu hs
exact MeasurableSet.compl (Finset.measurableSet _)
rw [measureEntropy_def_finite' hκη, measureEntropy_def_finite' (hB t ht), integral_finset _ _ IntegrableOn.finset,
rw [measureEntropy_def_finite' hκη, measureEntropy_def_finite' (hB t ht),
integral_finset _ _ IntegrableOn.finset,
← Finset.sum_add_distrib, Finset.sum_product]
apply Finset.sum_congr rfl
intro s hs
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33 changes: 28 additions & 5 deletions PFR/ForMathlib/Entropy/Measure.lean
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Expand Up @@ -66,12 +66,35 @@ def (μ : Measure S) [hμ : FiniteSupport
hμ.finite.choose.filter (μ {·} ≠ 0)

lemma measure_compl_support (μ : Measure S) [hμ : FiniteSupport μ] : μ μ.supportᶜ = 0 := by
simp [, compl_setOf, not_and_or, -not_and, setOf_or]
refine ⟨hμ.finite.choose_spec, ?_⟩
let A := hμ.finite.choose
have : (μ.support : Set S)ᶜ ⊆ (A : Set S)ᶜ ∪ ⋃ x ∈ A.filter (μ {·} = 0), {x} := by
intro z hz
simp only [, ne_eq, Finset.coe_filter, mem_compl_iff, mem_setOf_eq, not_and,
Decidable.not_not] at hz
by_cases h'z : z ∈ A
· simp [hz h'z, h'z]
· simp [h'z]
apply le_antisymm ?_ bot_le
calc μ (μ.support : Set S)ᶜ ≤ μ ((A : Set S)ᶜ ∪ ⋃ x ∈ A.filter (μ {·} = 0), {x}) :=
measure_mono this
_ ≤ μ (Aᶜ) + ∑ x ∈ A.filter (μ {·} = 0), μ {x} := by
apply (measure_union_le _ _).trans
apply measure_biUnion_finset_le
_ ≤ 0 + ∑ x ∈ A.filter (μ {·} = 0), 0 := by
gcongr with x hx
· exact hμ.finite.choose_spec.le
· simp only [Finset.mem_filter] at hx
exact hx.2.le
_ = 0 := by simp

@[simp] lemma mem_support {μ : Measure S} [hμ : FiniteSupport μ] {x : S} :
x ∈ μ.support ↔ μ {x} ≠ 0 := sorry
x ∈ μ.support ↔ μ {x} ≠ 0 := by
refine ⟨fun h ↦ ?_, fun h ↦ ?_⟩
· simp only [, ne_eq, Finset.mem_filter] at h
exact h.2
· contrapose! h
exact measure_mono_null (by simpa using h) (measure_compl_support μ)

instance finiteSupport_zero : FiniteSupport (0 : Measure S) where
finite := ⟨(∅ : Finset S), by simp⟩
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -157,7 +180,7 @@ lemma integrable_of_finiteSupport (μ : Measure S) [FiniteSupport μ]
apply Integrable.comp_measurable .of_finite

lemma integral_congr_finiteSupport {μ : Measure Ω} {G : Type*} [MeasurableSingletonClass Ω]
lemma integral_congr_finiteSupport {μ : Measure Ω} {G : Type*}
[NormedAddCommGroup G] [NormedSpace ℝ G] {f g : Ω → G} [FiniteSupport μ]
(hfg : ∀ x, μ {x} ≠ 0 → f x = g x) : ∫ x, f x ∂μ = ∫ x, g x ∂μ := by
refine integral_congr_ae <| measure_mono_null ?_ <| measure_compl_support μ
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37 changes: 32 additions & 5 deletions PFR/ForMathlib/Entropy/RuzsaDist.lean
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Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ Here we define Ruzsa distance and establish its basic properties.

open Filter Function MeasureTheory Measure ProbabilityTheory
open scoped Topology

variable {Ω Ω' Ω'' Ω''' G S T : Type*}
[mΩ : MeasurableSpace Ω] {μ : Measure Ω}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -130,6 +131,28 @@ lemma ProbabilityTheory.IdentDistrib.rdist_eq {X' : Ω'' → G} {Y' : Ω''' →
d[X ; μ # Y ; μ'] = d[X' ; μ'' # Y' ; μ'''] := by
simp [rdist, hX.map_eq, hY.map_eq, hX.entropy_eq, hY.entropy_eq]

lemma tendsto_rdist_probabilityMeasure {α : Type*} {l : Filter α}
[TopologicalSpace Ω] [BorelSpace Ω] [TopologicalSpace G] [BorelSpace G] [Fintype G]
[DiscreteTopology G]
{X Y : Ω → G} (hX : Continuous X) (hY : Continuous Y)
{μ : α → ProbabilityMeasure Ω} {ν : ProbabilityMeasure Ω} (hμ : Tendsto μ l (𝓝 ν)) :
Tendsto (fun n ↦ d[X ; (μ n : Measure Ω) # Y ; (μ n : Measure Ω)]) l
(𝓝 (d[X ; ν # Y ; ν])) := by
have J (η : ProbabilityMeasure Ω) :
d[X ; η # Y ; η] = d[(id : G → G) ; η.map hX.aemeasurable # id ; η.map hY.aemeasurable] := by
apply ProbabilityTheory.IdentDistrib.rdist_eq
· exact ⟨hX.aemeasurable, aemeasurable_id, by simp⟩
· exact ⟨hY.aemeasurable, aemeasurable_id, by simp⟩
simp_rw [J]
have Z := ((continuous_rdist_restrict_probabilityMeasure (G := G)).tendsto
((ν.map hX.aemeasurable), (ν.map hY.aemeasurable)))
have T : Tendsto (fun n ↦ (((μ n).map hX.aemeasurable), ((μ n).map hY.aemeasurable)))
l (𝓝 (((ν.map hX.aemeasurable), (ν.map hY.aemeasurable)))) := by
apply Tendsto.prod_mk_nhds
· exact ProbabilityMeasure.tendsto_map_of_tendsto_of_continuous μ ν hμ hX
· exact ProbabilityMeasure.tendsto_map_of_tendsto_of_continuous μ ν hμ hY
apply Z.comp T

section rdist

variable [Countable G] [MeasurableSingletonClass G]
Expand All @@ -151,10 +174,10 @@ lemma rdist_le_avg_ent {X : Ω → G} {Y : Ω' → G} [FiniteRange X] [FiniteRan
[IsProbabilityMeasure μ] [IsProbabilityMeasure μ'] :
d[X ; μ # Y ; μ'] ≤ (H[X ; μ] + H[Y ; μ'])/2 := by
rcases ProbabilityTheory.independent_copies_finiteRange hX hY μ μ'
with ⟨ν, X', Y', hprob, hX', hY', hindep, hidentX, hidentY, hfinX, hfinY⟩
with ⟨ν, X', Y', hprob, hX', hY', h_indep, hidentX, hidentY, hfinX, hfinY⟩
rw [← ProbabilityTheory.IdentDistrib.rdist_eq hidentX hidentY,
← IdentDistrib.entropy_eq hidentX, ← IdentDistrib.entropy_eq hidentY,
ProbabilityTheory.IndepFun.rdist_eq hindep hX' hY']
ProbabilityTheory.IndepFun.rdist_eq h_indep hX' hY']
suffices H[X' - Y'; ν] ≤ H[X'; ν] + H[Y'; ν] by linarith
change H[(fun x ↦ x.1 - x.2) ∘ ⟨X',Y' ⟩; ν] ≤ H[X'; ν] + H[Y'; ν]
exact ((entropy_comp_le ν (by fun_prop) _).trans) (entropy_pair_le_add hX' hY' ν)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -336,9 +359,13 @@ lemma ent_of_proj_le {UH: Ω' → G} [FiniteRange UH]
linarith only [this, ( (diff_ent_le_rdist hX' hUH' (μ := ν) (μ' := ν))).2]

/-- Adding a constant to a random variable does not change the Rusza distance. -/
lemma rdist_add_const [IsProbabilityMeasure μ] [IsProbabilityMeasure μ']
lemma rdist_add_const [IsZeroOrProbabilityMeasure μ] [IsZeroOrProbabilityMeasure μ']
(hX : Measurable X) (hY : Measurable Y) {c} :
d[X ; μ # Y + fun _ ↦ c; μ'] = d[X ; μ # Y ; μ'] := by
rcases eq_zero_or_isProbabilityMeasure μ with rfl | hμ
· simp [rdist_def, entropy_add_const hY]
rcases eq_zero_or_isProbabilityMeasure μ' with rfl | hμ'
· simp [rdist_def]
obtain ⟨ν, X', Y', _, hX', hY', hind, hIdX, hIdY, _, _⟩ := independent_copies_finiteRange hX hY μ μ'
have A : IdentDistrib (Y' + fun _ ↦ c) (Y + fun _ ↦ c) ν μ' := by
change IdentDistrib (fun ω ↦ Y' ω + c) (fun ω ↦ Y ω + c) ν μ'
Expand All @@ -353,8 +380,8 @@ lemma rdist_add_const [IsProbabilityMeasure μ] [IsProbabilityMeasure μ']
exact hX'.sub hY'

/-- A variant of `rdist_add_const` where one adds constants to both variables. -/
lemma rdist_add_const' [IsProbabilityMeasure μ] [IsProbabilityMeasure μ'] (c : G) (c' : G)
(hX : Measurable X) (hY : Measurable Y) :
lemma rdist_add_const' [IsZeroOrProbabilityMeasure μ] [IsZeroOrProbabilityMeasure μ']
(c : G) (c' : G) (hX : Measurable X) (hY : Measurable Y) :
d[X + fun _ ↦ c; μ # Y + fun _ ↦ c'; μ'] = d[X ; μ # Y ; μ'] := by
rw [rdist_add_const _ hY, rdist_symm, rdist_add_const hY hX, rdist_symm]
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions PFR/ForMathlib/GroupQuot.lean
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Expand Up @@ -11,12 +11,15 @@ open Finsupp Function
variable {G : Type*} [AddCommGroup G] [Module.Free ℤ G] {n : ℕ}

variable (G n) in
/-- `modN G n` denotes the quotient of `G` by multiples of `n` -/
abbrev modN : Type _ := G ⧸ LinearMap.range (LinearMap.lsmul ℤ G n)

instance : Module (ZMod n) (modN G n) := QuotientAddGroup.zmodModule (by simp)

variable [NeZero n]

/-- Given a free module `G` over `ℤ`, construct the corresponding basis
of `G / ⟨n⟩` over `ℤ / nℤ`. -/
noncomputable def modNBasis : Basis (Module.Free.ChooseBasisIndex ℤ G) (ZMod n) (modN G n) := by
set ψ : G →+ G := zsmulAddGroupHom n
set nG := LinearMap.range (LinearMap.lsmul ℤ G n)
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion PFR/ForMathlib/MeasureReal.lean
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Expand Up @@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ theorem measureReal_prod_prod {μ : Measure α} {ν : Measure β} [SigmaFinite
(μ.prod ν).real (s ×ˢ t) = μ.real s * ν.real t := by
simp only [measureReal_def, prod_prod, ENNReal.toReal_mul]

theorem ext_iff_measureReal_singleton [Fintype S] [MeasurableSpace S] [MeasurableSingletonClass S]
theorem ext_iff_measureReal_singleton [Fintype S] [MeasurableSpace S]
1 μ2 : Measure S} [IsFiniteMeasure μ1] [IsFiniteMeasure μ2] :
μ1 = μ2 ↔ ∀ x, μ1.real {x} = μ2.real {x} := by
rw [Measure.ext_iff_singleton]
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16 changes: 14 additions & 2 deletions PFR/ForMathlib/ProbabilityMeasureProdCont.lean
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@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import PFR.ForMathlib.CompactProb
import PFR.ForMathlib.FiniteMeasureProd
import Mathlib.Tactic.Peel

# Continuity of products of probability measures on finite types
Expand All @@ -11,7 +12,7 @@ open scoped Topology ENNReal NNReal BoundedContinuousFunction
namespace MeasureTheory

/-- Probability measures on a finite space tend to a limit if and only if the probability masses
of all points tend to the corresponding limits. -/
of all points tend to the corresponding limits. Version in ℝ≥0. -/
lemma ProbabilityMeasure.tendsto_iff_forall_apply_tendsto {ι α : Type*} {L : Filter ι} [Finite α]
[TopologicalSpace α] [DiscreteTopology α] [MeasurableSpace α] [BorelSpace α]
(μs : ι → ProbabilityMeasure α) (μ : ProbabilityMeasure α) :
Expand All @@ -27,6 +28,17 @@ lemma ProbabilityMeasure.tendsto_iff_forall_apply_tendsto {ι α : Type*} {L : F
simp only [Function.comp_apply, ne_eq, ennreal_coeFn_eq_coeFn_toMeasure, coe_toNNReal]
simp only [ne_eq, ennreal_coeFn_eq_coeFn_toMeasure]

/-- Probability measures on a finite space tend to a limit if and only if the probability masses
of all points tend to the corresponding limits. Version in ℝ≥0∞. -/
lemma ProbabilityMeasure.tendsto_iff_forall_apply_tendsto_ennreal
{ι α : Type*} {L : Filter ι} [Finite α]
[TopologicalSpace α] [DiscreteTopology α] [MeasurableSpace α] [BorelSpace α]
(μs : ι → ProbabilityMeasure α) (μ : ProbabilityMeasure α) :
Tendsto μs L (𝓝 μ) ↔ ∀ a, Tendsto (fun n ↦ (μs n : Measure α) {a}) L
(𝓝 ((μ : Measure α) {a})) := by
rw [ProbabilityMeasure.tendsto_iff_forall_apply_tendsto]
simp [← ennreal_coeFn_eq_coeFn_toMeasure, ENNReal.tendsto_coe]

/-- If probability measures on two finite spaces tend to limits, then the products of them
on the product space tend to the product of the limits.
TODO: In Mathlib, this should be done on all separable metrizable spaces. -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -57,7 +69,7 @@ TODO: In Mathlib, this should be done on all separable metrizable spaces. -/
lemma ProbabilityMeasure.continuous_prod_of_finite {α β : Type*}
[Finite α] [TopologicalSpace α] [DiscreteTopology α] [MeasurableSpace α] [BorelSpace α]
[Finite β] [TopologicalSpace β] [DiscreteTopology β] [MeasurableSpace β] [BorelSpace β] :
Continuous (fun (⟨μ, ν⟩ : ProbabilityMeasure α × ProbabilityMeasure β) ↦ (μ.prod ν)) := by
Continuous (fun (m : ProbabilityMeasure α × ProbabilityMeasure β) ↦ ( m.2)) := by
rw [continuous_iff_continuousAt]
intro μν
apply continuousAt_of_tendsto_nhds (y := μν μν.2)
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions PFR/HundredPercent.lean
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Expand Up @@ -65,14 +65,14 @@ lemma sub_mem_symmGroup (hX : Measurable X) (hdist : d[X # X] = 0)
In particular, `X' - x` and `X' - y` have the same distribution, which is equivalent to the
claim of the lemma. -/
rcases ProbabilityTheory.independent_copies_two hX hX with
⟨Ω', mΩ', X', Y', hP, hX', hY', hindep, hidX, hidY⟩
⟨Ω', mΩ', X', Y', hP, hX', hY', h_indep, hidX, hidY⟩
rw [hidX.symm.symmGroup_eq hX hX']
have A : H[X' - Y' | Y'] = H[X' - Y'] := calc
H[X' - Y' | Y'] = H[X' | Y'] := condEntropy_sub_right hX' hY'
_ = H[X'] := hindep.condEntropy_eq_entropy hX' hY'
_ = H[X'] := h_indep.condEntropy_eq_entropy hX' hY'
_ = H[X' - Y'] := by
have : d[X' # Y'] = 0 := by rwa [hidX.rdist_eq hidY]
rw [hindep.rdist_eq hX' hY', ← (hidX.trans hidY.symm).entropy_eq] at this
rw [h_indep.rdist_eq hX' hY', ← (hidX.trans hidY.symm).entropy_eq] at this
have I : IndepFun (X' - Y') Y' := by
refine (mutualInfo_eq_zero (by fun_prop) hY').1 ?_
Expand All @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ lemma sub_mem_symmGroup (hX : Measurable X) (hdist : d[X # X] = 0)
ℙ (F ⁻¹' s) * ℙ (Y' ⁻¹' {c}) = ℙ (F ⁻¹' s ∩ Y' ⁻¹' {c}) := by
have hFY' : IndepFun F Y' := by
have : Measurable (fun z ↦ z - c) := measurable_sub_const' c
apply hindep.comp this measurable_id
apply h_indep.comp this measurable_id
rw [indepFun_iff_measure_inter_preimage_eq_mul.1 hFY' _ _ hs .of_discrete]
_ = ℙ ((X' - Y') ⁻¹' s ∩ Y' ⁻¹' {c}) := by
congr 1; ext z; simp (config := {contextual := true})
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion PFR/ImprovedPFR.lean
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Expand Up @@ -198,6 +198,7 @@ lemma gen_ineq_aux2 :
include hY hZ₁ hZ₂ hZ₃ hZ₄ h_indep in
/-- Let `Z₁, Z₂, Z₃, Z₄` be independent `G`-valued random variables, and let `Y` be another
`G`-valued random variable. Set `S := Z₁ + Z₂ + Z₃ + Z₄`. Then
`d[Y # Z₁ + Z₂ | ⟨Z₁ + Z₃, Sum⟩] - d[Y # Z₁] ≤`
`(d[Z₁ # Z₂] + 2 * d[Z₁ # Z₃] + d[Z₂ # Z₄]) / 4`
`+ (d[Z₁ | Z₁ + Z₃ # Z₂ | Z₂ + Z₄] - d[Z₁ | Z₁ + Z₂ # Z₃ | Z₃ + Z₄]) / 4`
`+ (H[Z₁ + Z₂] - H[Z₃ + Z₄] + H[Z₂] - H[Z₃] + H[Z₂ | Z₂ + Z₄] - H[Z₁ | Z₁ + Z₃]) / 8`.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1035,7 +1036,6 @@ theorem PFR_conjecture_improv (h₀A : A.Nonempty) (hA : Nat.card (A + A) ≤ K
* (Nat.card H / (Nat.card A / 2)) := by
_ = 2 * K ^ 6 * Nat.card A ^ (-1/2) * Nat.card H ^ (1/2) := by
have : (0 : ℝ) < Nat.card H := H_pos
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