- ChemistryModule: create molecules, create UCC circuits, optimized gradients. arxiv:2011.03057
- MadnessInterface: how to use the madness interface for basis-set-free orbtitals. arxiv:2008.02819](https://arxiv.org/abs/2008.02819)
- ReducedDensityMatrices: how to compute 1- and 2-RDM with tequila. arxiv:2011.03057
- BasisSetFreeVQEExample: explicit example on H2/MRA-PNO with pre-computed orbitals (no need to install madness). arxiv:2008.02819
- F12Correction: tutorial on supported functionality in explicit correlation (needs special dependencies). arxiv:2110.06812
- SeparablePairAnsatz: tutorial on the separable pair ansatz (SPA) in combination with basis-set-free orbitals (includes a small dataset of precomputed molecles). arxiv:2105.03836
- ExcitedStateVQE: example on an excited state calculation. arxiv:2011.03057 and arxiv:2011.05938
- GraphBasedCircuitDesign: Design quantum circuits from chemical graphs. arxiv:2207.12421
- Generalized-ADAPT: Enable excited state calculations and gate insertions on arbitrary positions. arxiv:2011.05938
- Meta-VQE