This repository functions as a tutorial collection for tequila.
Feel free to contribute your own! (see below)
Check out this small overview to get a glimpse on what tequila is,
or, get an overview through different slides and recordings of talks on different level of detail: See here.
Find the original tequila codebase here.
It's recommended to start with BasicUsage and take a look at FAQ.
The other tutorials are sorted into different directories depending on what they represent:
- Main Directory: Basic Usage and Data Structures
- BasicUsage: How to use tequila (QCircuits, Hamiltonian, Objective, grad)
- QTensor: Tutorial on the QTensor class (works like numpy.ndarray just with tequila Objectives)
- BraKet: Tutorial on the BraKet class (automatically decomposes <X|H|y> into a tq.Objective)
- CircuitCompiler: Brief Overview on how gate compilation works
- Optimizers: Tutorial on supported optimizers (in-build, scipy, gpyopy)
- OpenQASMConversion: Interface with OpenQASM 2
- NoisySimulation: Tutorial on how to add noise instruction to simulations
- FAQ: Some frequently asked questions (cross-compiling, ibmq, ...)
- Chemistry Directory: Tutorials on the supported chemistry modules (pyscf, psi4, madness) and applications
- Research Directory: Tutorial collection on published research projects with tequila
- Other Directory: Other features, applications, examples
Easiest is to pip install from github:
pip install git+
Do not install over PyPi (Minecraft lovers excluded)
pip install tequila
See the main repository for information.
See the main repo for an extensive list.
Let us know, if you want your research project and/or tutorial to be included in this list!
If you want to make your own tutorial or write a small notebook highlighting some of your research with tequila
, here is how it works:
- Make a fork of this repository
- Add your own tutorial/demonstration on your branch
- Add your research article with or without link to your a possible tutorial/demonstration
- Make a pull request to this repo's main branch
Similar procedure. Please check the main reposiory.