Robust Rtfl runtime and compiler
Since the creation of Rtfl, its speed has been a major drag on usefulness and usability. Due to this fact, I decided to write a new Rtfl runtime, fulfilling the following requirements:
- Speed
- Robustness
- Improved debugging
To understand how Rtflc is an improvement on the original Rtfl interpreter, we must first understand how the original Rtfl interpreter worked. The original interpreter did not split up its execution and parsing mechanisms, instead executing each line as it parsed it. The effect of this is that execution was throttled to the speed of parsing, which is not very good.
Rtflc, on the other hand, splits up parsing and execution into different components. The parsing component takes in source code and produces intermediate instructions which it then feeds to the executor. Since the parser can parse multiple lines into instructions and runs faster than the original interpreter, it allow the executor to work much faster. Loops are also faster, since instead of re-parsing the loop body, the entire body is translated into instructions that the executor can re-use.
Like many previously interpreted languages have done, Rtfl now utilizes bytecode, which is effectively a high level implementation of basic instructions. Interpreting source code is far more expensive than executing bytecode, and as such, Rtflc can compile Rtfl source code into bytecode binaries that can be executed by Rtflc.
You can either download Rtflc from the releases tab, or you can compile it.
To compile, you need to run either gradlew.bat shadowJar
(on Windows) or ./gradlew shadowJar
(on Mac, Linux, Unix) in the source code root, and a file named Rtflc-X.X-all.jar
will be created in the build/libs/
To embed Rtfl, you will need to include the jar, either via Maven/Gradle, or by manually adding it to your project. To use with Maven:
To use with Gradle:
dependencies {
implementation 'net.termer.rtflc:Rtflc:1.1'
Using Rtflc in your project is as simple as adding the following code to your project:
RtflRuntime runtime new RtflRuntime();
From there, you can import that standard library with
import Java interop functions with
To expose a Java method to Rtfl, it's as simple as the following:
// Some object
String str = "Hello world";
runtime.exposeMethod(/* The object that owns the method */ str, /* The method to expose */ "substring", /* The method's arguments */ new Class<?>[] {int.class});
After that, it would be possible to execute println(substring(2))
and it would output llo world
To see usage instructions, execute the Rtflc jar with the -h
or --help
TODO, there's been some large updates. The last version of Rtfl was 1.3, this runtime supports 1.3 and onward. To see which versions Rtflc supports, execute the jar with the -v
or --version